[OOC] Out of Context Problem Thread [Inside the Great Maker]

Not fully operation yet. Only got out of hospital yesterday, still on pain meds. :cry:
Finished putting together my backstory, and have edited it into my character's thread.

And I've said this elsewhere already, but WB Haku, hope your recovery is nice and quick.
Backstory added. It's short, but then, it's a bit like writing backstory for Promethean (another game I adore) in that there isn't a whole lot of current life lived before the present day. :P

And Haku, good to hear you're back on your feet.
"just a little smaller" aerial skiff with a crew of 3, and up to 5 passenger space?

Dude, Aerial Skiffs have a crew of 1, and can carry up to 20 passengers.

What you're likely thinking of are the Shaft Speeders, but those can only carry 2 passengers with a crew of 1.
Also, just to note but there are no 'meat processors.' The only sources of meat in Autochthon are humans and rats (neither of which are used as a direct food source). There are 'food processors' but those deal with nutrient slurry.
Minus five hundred xp for pointing out when the storyteller is wrong. :wink:
Ahoy you scurvy dogs! Its Talk Like A Pirate Day!




What happened to people being gung-ho about chasing after those tunnel folk or whatever?
yes, but said ticks mean that the gremlin is then that much closer to making its own actions.

Either way, working on my pose/attack, should have it done either a bit later or by tomorrow.
So... whose turn is it? Also, speed of attacks?

Order of Battle

0 - ARC (moving)

1 - ARC (moving)

2 - ARC (moving & shooting), Gremlin, Guardian

3 - ARC (moving)

4 - Resolute (dash)

5 - Resolute (dash & attack?), Conduit, ARC

6 -
So the battlewheel should have this

Order of Battle

00 - ARC (moving)

01 - ARC (moving)

02 - ARC (moving & shooting), Gremlin, Guardian

03 - ARC (moving)

04 - Resolute (dash)

05 - Resolute (dash & attack?), Conduit, ARC <- nao here?

06 -

07 -

08 -

09 -

10 - Resolute
So, are we waiting for anything in particular now? I think it's the various ST-characters turns.
Sorry for the delay. Schoolwork has been a bitch with my Cisco networking courses.

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