• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Multiple Settings OOC Murder in the City of Devils: CS applications


New Member
Open and accepting applications!

The following is a rubric for Murder in the City of Devils character sheets.

Picture(s) of Character HERE-

Face Claim:
Moral Alignment:

-Picture of Character HERE-
can be realistic for human form or use art if you prefer not picky about that. If your character has multiple forms you can also use art for the species' second beast form. (Some species may have three forms if it makes sense for their character).


Face Claim:


Eighteen or older preferred.

Celebrities- Actors/actresses, musical artists, internet personalities, models, artists of any kind, comedians, performers of any kind, philanthropists, and star athletes.
AIU Detectives
Talent Managers
(Be creative as you like with these, if you have a different professional role you’d like to go with let me know and we can work it out.)
Hunters- villains can eventually change loyalties over time. Hunters are secretive factions and don’t readily share their identities. Perfect role for someone wanting to play both sides of the conflict.

Species: Choose one, all hybrids must be half human.
Fae- Dryads, Sylphs, Nymphs.
Banshees- Able to predict death, gets premonitions of future tragedies.
Ghouls- Raised from the dead by magic users, must feed off the dead to live.
Wizards: Mortals that learn arcane knowledge through their studies.
Hybrids/Sorcerers- Part human, born with magical abilities that awaken at some point in life because of arcane heritage.
Humans(?)- Looking for one to two mortals willing to realize their true arcane heritage through the workings of plot.
(Willing to discuss other species.)

Abilities: Choose one to two- or more if discussed first.

  • Will allow siring other weres and vamps. But beware this creates a profound connection with the sire and can also backfire. Sometimes the siring doesn’t take and it causes nasty mutations.
  • TBD. Further weaknesses to be added. Can be of own creation as well.

Skills: pretty straightforward if a character is a singer have their skills be geared to that. If a detective do the same- you get the gist.

Biography: Traditional states and country names apply, cities however do not. If you have any questions regarding this let me know. For instance NYC is known as New Veil City and LA is Los Noctis in this universe.

Personality: a couple or a ton of character traits, be as detailed or vague as you wish.

Moral Alignment: Can be exceptions to the rule as long as it makes sense to backstory- like someone who disregards being lawful when children are involved because of childhood trauma of their own.

Motivations/Aspirations: what does your character want out of life? What gets them out of bed in the morning?

Relationships: Family, friends, romantic interests, work colleagues. (Discuss in thread with others totally willing for two to play a set of twins or a married couple.)

Format your CS however you like if you are a code user, but keep in mind I have terrible eyesight lol. I will be posting first character sheet in a couple of days. If you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to PM me or post in this thread :)
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Dr. Voltaire Chariot

Face Claim:
Voltaire has the ability to physically interact, communicate, and manipulate technology with his mind

Migraines from prolonged technopathy use
Engineering Major
Krav Maga Specialist
Supernatural Biologist

Voltaire was the seventh son of a seventh son. The Chariots were an old family of dedicated hunters who used their influence in business and education to prepare their sons the endless struggle against evil they faced. Voltaire was subjected to the misfortune of his birth, cursed due to the superstition that dictated his birth. A seventh son was the antithesis to everything they strived for; it was only by the grace of his grandmother, that he continued to breathe. A black sheep of his family; He didn't hold the same religious fanaticism his family did, but held an even greater hunger for knowledge.

His tutors unable to keep up with scores and before too long, he had become bored with them. It was on the night of his seventh birthday, a migraine so severe struck him that he recoiled out of bed as though he had been physically struck. The tech throughout the estate suddenly came alive of it's own volition. Every TV, Phone, Computer, and light rupturing or otherwise frying themselves. It was when he learned, he was cursed. A human with supernatural abilities belonged in neither world. It was the last known he ever felt the warmth of his family estate.

Voltaire is a complicated man who hunts down supernatural entities without mercy, though he only hunts their criminal ilk. The blurred line of humanity he existed between allowed him to act as he pleased. He'd save the innocents regardless of their origins, making enemies of humans and supernaturals alike. Where society saw brutality, he saw efficiency.
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Motivations/Aspirations: Start his own Hunting Agency
Relationships: Assistant Minister Horvath
Ingvar Tolls



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Push Up...

"DJ" - Desiree-Jeanetta Chea-Soeur - 'The Celebrity Aerial'


'Ms. Chaser', Facer, 'Ditsy'

She/Her ○ 21yo ○ 5'7" ○ 130lbs ○ Black Hair ○ Green Eyes ○ Brown Skin ○ Athletic build
Tofino, Canada ○ Witch/Sorceress ○ Model/Dancer/Acrobat ○ Chaotic Good ○ #TheOnlyChaser

This is Ms. Chaser...



DJ is an athletic girl that loves to show off her tight bod. She is toned, strong and regards peak physical fitness and fine musculature high on her priorities. She is slinky and posey with her movements showing off her best feminine features. Big green eyes always accented by dark makeup and falsies when out on a premiere. There always seems to be a glint or shine in her eye whenever she enjoys herself or is being playful. She has that award winning smile and expensive shiny, white teeth so she constantly flashes her signature grin, followed by a wink and nod. Black ears and tail are expressive as can be too!

She is quite flashy with her fit; super showy and definitely a style all her own. It ranges from bright colours with wild flashing accessories or leathery, sexy with much skin revealed. She does love her black and green colours scheme fo'sho! The flashier and glowier the better!
Ears, tongue, navel and hood pierced. Ink done on back, arms, legs, ankles and feet. Scars all across her body, but massive one on right forearm she covers with tattoos.

○ | E-Motorcycle - Ths is her prized possession. She call him 'Purrge'
○ | Giant Phone - Cuz yeah, how else you keep up with your socials?
○ | XL deck e-skateboard and Glowing Accessories - The girl is up to the latest trends and right now its the 'Femme Skater' look.


+ | Chatty, Playful and Witty
+ | Considerate, Team-Player, Family-Oriented
+ | Driven, Quick Learner, and Hard-working
+ | Daring, Acrobatic, Playful

- | Soft hearted, easily taken in by fans and charity cases
- | No concept of monetary value, Vain,Over-protective
- | Perfectionist, Impulsive, Can't slow down
- | Daring, Daydreamy, In the Closet

○ | DJ is used to the life of luxury, glitz and glamour. She spends her money just like drinking water which is concerning. Oh but she remember when she was poor and her family shared a room with another family when she was still a kid so she gunna live it up. She spends it all on anything she wants, esp. for her family cuz she know it won't last forever.
○ | DJ and her brother are cursed. He is trapped in a spirit form and they both been looking for way to get him a proper body again. At the same time she is trying to get rid of her feline curse actually kinda enjoys the cat ears and tail.

○ | Mother - Stephania, 48. - Great relationship with mother and brother. Mother broke her back as a single mother and only source of income and so she bought her mom a reeeeeallly nice house and makes sure she never has to work again. DJ is sooooo thankful and appreciative for her mom cuz despite all the hardships still she managed to always be there as a key player to help DJ with her ascension to stardom.
○ | Bodyguard - CC, 28. - Bff and has been even before CC was hired on as her bodyguard. By contract CC has to wear a mask when on duty and so DJs fans ship her and her bff as 'Sailor Chaser and Sexydo Mask.'

○ | Lover - Corinna Kiana, 22 - Pro skater/surfer and P/T lover. Over 2 yrs now, she and Corki are a thing but desperately keep it in the closet due to DJs mgmt team not wanting to out her and turn away 1/2 her fanbase of horny, thirsty hetero males.
○ | Employer/Mentor - Armada Inc./Umbra Clan - the entertainment mega-corp has been watching her for a while thru Umbra and have her entrenched in their tight grasp. Despite overbearing rules on her, DJ has never been mistreated by the corporate entity. Yet.

Skills and Abilities:


○ | Aura! - This is DJ's Technomance'd lil' Robo Kitty Assistant - if she need a reminder, take pics/vid, an alarm, a portable light show, a speaker, or just someone to talk to? Well, despite the bad ideas and suggestions it gives she is still thankful for and loves the robo kitty. But Aura is actually the spirit/soul of her brother Malachite. Yes, she has bonded to him as a familiar so she may see through his eyes and telepathically speak with him but it was the only way to keep his soul tethered to this reality without crossing over. So far, this is the only way they found to keep him in a body. Far from ideal but he is still there with her.

He may escape the robo kitty body and take form of a translucent, shadowy black cat and float around but it is dangerous since another witch could use him and claim him as a resident spirit to do their bidding and steal him away from DJ.

○ | Performer - dancer, actor, acrobatics/gymnast, climber, aerial, skateboarding, model. Knows the jargon, business and experienced in the sleaziness of the entertainment industry.
○ | Influencer- celebrity and an online presence. Knows how to use her socials to get full exposure and platform herself and her brands. Rn its e-motorcycles and e-skateboards.
○ | Elementalist - rituals, spells, wards, books, scripture, potions. Not as strong in these as she is in actually manipulating her element but still is competentj enough.

Abilities: Elemental Witch (Wind Sorceress):

+ | Spiritualist - she may not commune directly with the dead without spells but she is sensitive to spirits and has a bond with her cursed bro. But she uses the spirits to speak with animals.
- | Bargains - the way it works is that for every secret/favour she gains from the spirits she must make a bargain or sacrifice something to the spirits. Its just usually some silly quest since she never asks for too much tbh.

+ | Aerokinesis - yes, she is a trained Witch of the elements but first and foremost she is a born Wind Sorceress. She doesn't like to use her wind powers a lot since she feels she gets a reeeeealllly swelled sense of self-importance and arrogance whenever she uses it but when she does use Wind, she really does show she has full command of her Element.
- | Feline Curse - DJ bit off more than she could chew when she tried to help the technomancer to build her bro a body and ended up cursed. If she uses her Wind powers prolonged she turns into a cat and has to cool off for an equal amount of time. So short bursts are best. She has permanent cat ears and tail when she used her powers to defeat another witch trying to steal her brother's soul.



○ | DJ and her brother Malachite are adopted children of a Witch bloodline of mixed SE Asian, Caucasian and Latina. Only family she has her hard working single mom and younger bro. Mom worked all the time and still managed to raise two amazing kids. Mom only calls her by full name when she in trouble. Lil' bro calls her 'Ditzy' and she calls him 'Malware'
○ | Groomed and trained to be a gymnast at a young age with hopes of making the active roster competining in the Olympic Games one day. But that changed as soon as she received starring a part in a FlixNets streaming series. Not great acting but acrobatics and dancing turned heads.
○ | Rise to stardom came in the form of being touted as a child action star and signed on to several productions. The action blockbuster Devil Ride, was her breakout hit. By now the Chea-Soeurs had a new house and at age 11, DJ had bought her mom a new car too.
○ | Then DJ's sorceress powers kicked in. And despite not being a witch herself, Stephania knew of the 'touch'. And she knew the bloodline of her adopted children and that they needed to be protected. So their mom got in touch with a member from the Umbra Clan.

○ | They taught and trained she and her brother the Ways of the elements and the witches. But her brother was too impatient and tried to double his power via shortcut. Instead he separated his body from his spirit and soul.
○ | Greatly affected by the loss of her brother, DJs star fell off and so too did her endorsements, commercials and promos.
○ | Still her mother encouraged her to continue to join dance troupes and maintain her presence on all socials as 'Ms. Chaser' (#theOnlyChaser). And so to try to reinvigorate herself, she returned to gymnastics and climbing as a passion.
○ | ToBeYou vids and shorts showing her progress and training went viral. DJ performed elabourate climbs, skateboard tricks/vert, lit dances and aerial stunts recorded from first person POV. Those viral vids exploded and she got noticed again (helped that she was charismatic too.)

○ | But what truly invigorated her was a member of Umbra had finally merged her brother's soul into a golem; a robo kitty. It cost her a pretty penny but was worth every single last one.
○ | Talent scouts noticed and her agent got her signed on by the entertainment giant Armada Inc. (A silent backer of Umbra). And she made it into the popular North American, Circle of the Sun aerial performing troupe, The Angellics. Inspired by DJs vlogs and vids, their multiple POV live performances cams became the next big thing.
○ | DJ's popularity skyrocketed and her star rose once more as she became the 'Face' of the Angellics so friends in the troupe nick'd her 'Facer' when she started modeling too. She glow up'd her cosmetic looks and fit thus starting a trend with youngsters copying her style; the Femme'Boarder.

○ | Sponsorships soared again and she had her own line of signature e-motorbikes and e-skateboards too. So she continues to thrive in popularity with her robo kitty, 'Aura' by her side and continues to practice her witch craft in the glamorous city of Los Noctis.
○ | But behind the scenes her mom has just received a distressing message from the Umbra Clan. Something about a murder.


Edward and Gérard Lawrence

Gérard Lawrence
Vampire, Daywalker
He/Him I True Neutral
Hair: Brown, greying I Eyes: Amber I Skin: Pale I Body type: Tall, well-defined

Lost track a long time ago. Appears to be in his late 40’s early 50’s.

Talent Manager to Saint Laurence​
"Must we? You aren't here to interview me."​

Moved to the US with Edward in the late 1800’s. Didn’t make many friends over the decades but avoided making enemies. Worked odds and ends until Edward found his passion for music. To protect themselves from negative attention, he stepped in as the face of his projects; sold Edward’s work to the industry at large, eventually appeared on album covers. People assumed he was human, which he never felt the need to correct. Never performed in public for obvious reasons.

Stepped back once the media got wind of Saint Laurence’s true identity. Currently working as his manager, works closely with Lakeland Records.

Only here to make sure that Edward’s career doesn’t spiral out of control. Looking to live long and comfortably at his partner’s side. Planning a proposal once things cool down.


Edward Lawrence – partner
Talia Amadi – associate, fashion designer
Thomas Reed – associate, publicist at Lakeland Records
Lost Echo's character – associate, photographer
"Bugman" - associate, small-time NVC music producer
NVC clan mostly made up of mutated vampires.

Heals quickly, even from severe injuries. Resistant to mind control. Has a steady heartbeat and can walk in the sun. As such, passes as human.

As susceptible to pain as mortals are.

Highly knowledgeable about the ins and outs of the music industry. Very familiar with vampire bloodlines. Excellent cook. Capable of defending himself if needed, a passable hand-to-hand combatant.

No-nonsense and to the point; can come across as curt in some situations. Lives selfishly and follows the beat of his own drum. Old-fashioned in style and manners; a bit stuck in the past. Has a sophisticated air about him. Reliable and steady, deeply loyal to those he cares for. Polite but distant with all others. Enjoys his privacy.

Edward Lawrence
Stage name
Saint Laurence
Vampire, Mutated
He/Him I Neutral Good
Hair: Blond I Eyes: Warm yellow I Skin: Pale, unhealthy pallor I Body type: Tall and thin, approaching on emaciated

214 years – his birthday is September 22nd.

"Don't mind Gérard, he likes to keep things private. Loose lips sink ships and all!"​
Edward wasn't always a considerate person. Decades of being practically invisible to most and a fleeting horror to others have humbled him. It's given him time to reflect on himself and the world around him. Being an outsider kept him creative and gave him experiences few others had. Sometimes he stands apart from the crowds and thinks he's better than them. Then someone catches a glimpse of his face and gets spooked and oh, back on solid ground again! How'd he manage to float off in the first place?

Ed's a romantic at heart, a poet, a daydreamer. A bit pretentious, maybe, he hears complaints about his lyrics often enough. He's got hundreds of years of material to publish. He'll just keep putting his story out there, flaws and all; nobody's perfect. He's just glad people are listening, actually listening. People are seeking him out to hear what his songs are really about! He's still a little nervous about the sudden fame, but he missed being the center of attention. It's been years since anyone but Gérard listened to him so closely.
"Ah, and forget that thing I said about ships, would you? Can you scrub that off the record, it feels a little – a-anyway, what did you want to talk about?"​

Behind the Mask: The Hidden Names of Saint Laurence

Your eyes drew me in too deep
Making promises you never meant to keep –
But still, I hold you close
Giving into your needs
As I unravel at the seams

Saint. “Unravel.” The Running Man, 1974​

Edward Lawrence's career in music started the way most songwriters started back in the day; trying to shovel crooners to other musicians. For the beginning of his career remained a small-time player in the busy NVC music scene. As with many arcane voices in the early 1900s music industry, his career is marked by a series of pseudonyms, a necessity to an industry that wasn’t always welcoming to supernatural talents.

“Things have changed a lot in the last decades," Edward remarks when questioned about it. "Back in the day, you could get yourself blacklisted for having an arcane musician performing on your album. Any connections to the community had to remain secret.”

It wasn’t until the 1970s that Edward found the courage to use his voice in the studio. His first two albums – the new wave-inspired The Running Man (1974) and Blind Side (1982) – were released under the pseudonym of Saint and were sold in limited runs in local NVC music shops that catered to niche audiences. Their reach remained small. Another Taste (1986) was the first time the artist’s life partner Gérard appeared on the cover of an album. He’d been the primary contact between him and the local music scene long before that.

“My music needed a face, and the industry already assumed we were the same person. It was easier to keep up the facade. “

The 1990s brought forth Sharp (1993), released under the moniker E. Lawrence. Its stripped-down lyrics and piano-forward sound would become the most recognizable hallmarks of his music going forth for the next twenty years.

The change of the millennia brought along more changes; the internet made self-promotion more accessible. As a result, the 2002 album Slow Down, Darling achieved mild success with indie pop audiences. With its success, he finally managed to get signed onto a label.

“Record labels tend to want to meet their artists,” the singer-songwriter speaks on the matter. “Lakeland Records was willing to do almost everything over the phone and respected my privacy. It allowed me to continue working as I always had. Moving to Los Noctis was mostly Gérard’s decision.”

With the next two albums, Wanting Nothing (2003) and Four Hours (2009) Lawrence grew more introspective in his lyricism and more orchestral with his instrumentation. By the 2010s, the stage name Saint Laurence was known for his poetic, narrative-driven concept albums.

“I returned to my roots,” Edward reflects on 2013’s 1835. It tells the story of a Regency romance that spirals into obsession. Now he admits that the album is based on his own experiences. “I always wanted to tell my story, I just had to do it carefully.”

After all, Saint Laurence had always presented himself as a human performer. The truth likely would have never come out were it not for a few unfortunate coincidences. In late January of 2023, The Lakeland Records forum’s passionate user base discovered something completely unexpected.

“Someone found an old poetry collection with some of my lyrics in it. I didn't think any copies of it existed, besides my own!”

The poems were explicitly about the experiences of a vampire immigrant. Accusations of plagiarism and appropriation followed. Lawrence was quick to prove himself as the original author – but now the whole world knew what he was. To stay ahead of the media storm and to save his partner from the worst of the backlash, he agreed to perform in front of a live audience. With his partner’s silent presence beside him, the masked Saint Laurence took the stage and transformed initial scrutiny into enthusiastic applause.

This sudden surge in fame might have taken Saint Laurence by surprise, but he welcomes it with open arms. With the release of his latest album, Red String, Saint Laurence is finally able to share his most authentic self with his fans! Stay tuned for the exclusive behind-the-scenes footage of the music video for the hit single “Wait Here,” exclusively on the Lakeland Records’ website and YouTube channel!

"Honestly, I was made to be a radio star – it’s a shame people are so bent on making video the king of content."​
Out of sight, out of mind – People know Saint Laurence. The tragedy mask is iconic already, a crucial part of his brand. Edward Lawrence, though? Attention glides off him like water off a duck’s back. You could look straight at him, even speak to him, only to forget who you spoke to the moment you avert your gaze. You don’t remember why you looked away. You only know not to look in that direction again. Some part of you fears what was there.

People don’t have trouble remembering his voice, though. Strange, isn’t it? If there’s something people remember about him it’s what he said, what he wore. Cameras and photos seem to weaken the effect; the mask seems to get rid of it altogether.

Vampiric heritage – will burn in the sun, so afraid of fire he’ll shut down instead of running away, can’t touch silver. The basics, you know, stuff most vampires have to deal with.

Well-practiced multi-instrumentalist and songwriter. Has a unique voice that stands out from others: deep, warm, and timeless.

Just excited to be here, really! While the sudden fame has taken him by surprise, Edward's managed to handle it well. Part of that might be because he hasn't fully internalized it yet. He never thought he’d be famous. Maybe he always longed for it – he missed being recognized, didn’t he? He thrives under all this attention. He hopes people never look past him again.

Gérard Lawrence – his partner, lover, the light of his life, the rhythm of his heart.
Talia Amadi – fashion designer, in charge of Ed's visual style. A friend, though only to Saint Laurence.
Lost Echo's character – primary photographer.
Bugman – NVC music producer, owns a studio. Family friend, fellow mutated vampire.


The Running Man, 1974 – key tracks: “The Running Man,” "Unravel"

Blind Side, 1982 – key track: “Nip It”

Another Taste, 1986 – key tracks: “Another Taste,” “Warm December”

Sharp, 1993 – key tracks: “Burn,” “I Want You To Love Me”

Slow Down, Darling, 2002 – key track: “You’ve Got Them All Convinced”

Wanting Nothing, 2004 – key tracks: “I’ve Been Here Too Long,” “Hit The Ground”

Four Hours, 2009 – key tracks: “Poppy Fields,” “At The Wrong Time”

1835, 2013 – key tracks: “Morning Dew,” “Forgive My Pride,” “I Know Happiness”

Prosopagnosia, 2015 – “I Wish I Loved You Less,” “Screaming At A Wall”

Unforgettable, 2018 – “The Brooklyn Bridge, 12 AM,” “Livingroom Essentials”

Red String, 2024 – “Wait Here,” “Loathsome Fool,” “Listless Days Ahead”

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  • 01
    • Appearance
      Hair: Silky, dark brown, a little overlong
      Eyes: Slightly narrow & deep, chocolate brown
      Skin: Nicely textured but a little rough
      Tattoos/Piercings: Closed up left helix piercing
      Spiky, black thorns tattoo on back of neck
      Marks/Scars: Long scar on left forearm
      Distinguishing Feature(s): The unkempt beard

      Height: 5'8
      Weight: 170lbs
      Build: Compact
      Attire: Classical

      With his overlong hair, eternal beard, and seemingly unchanging attire of loose dress shirts, ties, and long coats, Julian is essentially the consummate detective. His eyes are kinder than most, inviting confidence and trust the way officers of the law seldom do- especially in Los Noctis which, despite its current status as an oasis of tolerance, has a long history of oppression and violence towards many of its communities; including the various arcane ones.

      He has a wry smile that is often present but, sometimes (usually when he thinks no one is looking), his features will relax into a far-off, melancholy expression. He is slow and difficult to anger, but terrible to behold when he is- eyes darkening, every muscle in his body tensing, seemingly ready to tear someone limb-from-limb, his physique making it quite obvious that he would be fully capable of doing so.

    Code by Nano
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Andrei Silverspun

  • Name:
    Andrei Silverspun

    31 years old

    Sergeant Detective in the Arcane Investigations Unit of the Los Noctis City Police Department.

    Short, black curly hair that he keeps buzzed on the sides. Deep, bronzed skin with dark freckles, and bright red eyes symbolizing his arcane heritage.

    6'4; 225lbs

    Hybrid Werewolf/Sorcerer

    Three forms; human, lycan/werewolf, and full wolf shift.
    Can smell magic and follow its scent detect the origin.
    Enhanced strength and speed
    Enhanced senses- sight, smell, taste, hearing, touch.
    Natural Instincts
    Bark skin- Can calcify his skin to the texture and strength of tree bark, providing him with enhanced protection against physical and magical attacks. This bark-like armor can also sprout thorns to injure anyone who strikes them.
    Sylvan Roar- The werewolf’s howl can awaken the spirits of the forest, causing trees to bend, the wind to howl, and the earth to quake. This roar can inspire fear in enemies or summon the forest’s spirits to fight alongside them.

    Street smarts, deductive reasoning, and interrogation (Detective stuff)
    Defensive and offensive driving
    Weapons Mastery
    Hand to hand combat
    Good judge of character
    Sharp memory
    Eye for detail


Jessica Tidal

  • Name:
    Jessica "Jessie" Tidal


    Rising popstar, actress, and model.

    Long turquoise hair and sea green skin, with eyes a similar shade. She has long finned ears like most Merfolk with striking, shining scales on the tops of her shoulders, and the high points of her face that glimmer several shades of blue and green.

    5'9, 125lbs

    Merfolk- Siren

    Can breathe salt water, hydrokinesis of water, and persuasion through singing voice.

    Swimming, singing, contemporary dance, ballet, thrives under pressure.

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Jazmine Tidal

  • Name:
    Jazmine "Jaz" Tidal


    Rising popstar, singer/song writer, music producer, and model.

    Short blue hair cropped short on the sides and longer up top, falling into her eyes. She has several piercings up and down both ears with turquoise skin leaning more towards blue than her twin sister's.

    5'9, 120lbs

    Merfolk- Siren

    Can breathe salt water, hydrokinesis of water, and persuasion through singing voice.

    Singing, song writing/composing, dance, and art. Great listener and highly passionate when it comes to any of her artistic works.

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    • Cadmus.png
      Full Name: Cadmus Blanch of the Isle
      "You may call me Cadmus. Might I have your name?"

      Face Claim: Voiced by Neil Newbon
      "I don't know who that is, but he sounds absolutely darling!"

      Pronouns: He/Fae
      "Honestly, I just don't understand what all the fuss is. Mortals would sleep with a roaring fire if they could."

      Age: 207
      "Old enough to be called old. Young enough to still be offended by it."

      Profession: Proprietor and pastor of the Lucida Cross Chapel
      "One might call me a man of the cloth. One who binds those for life in sacred matrimony or prepares them for their final rites. I, on the other hand, see myself as more of a collector and philanthropist. I collect wayward souls and give them safety and ease of mind. Make of that what you will"

      Species: Pixie
      "Call me a fairy one more time, Sharpjaws, and I will introduce you to one; the Tooth Fairy!"

      Personality: Possessive and jealous, Cadmus holds on to anything he claims as his own dearly. Harm what is his, and he will capriciously do anything in his power to make that person suffer. On the flip side, he will move mountains for those he has claimed as his own. Despite this clingy nature, there is a decided distance between himself and those around him. A level of understanding that cannot seem to be breached. His thoughts are often alien and difficult to decipher for those around him. Often, he will fixate on something incredibly mundane, only to move on, leaving months of research moments before he truly finds the answer to his queries. He does not have the capacity for guilt, but he does understand displeasure with the consequences of his own actions.
      "Who, me? Oh, I don't like applying labels to myself. I would rather break the labels others place upon me."

      Moral Alignment: Chaotic Lawful
      "Rules and Laws are meant to be broken. Contracts, however....Those, you keep or pay the price."

      Motivations/Aspirations: Entertainment. Cadmus abhors being bored. He isn't really one to think ahead unless a particular deal or fleeting whim demands that he plan things out. True to the nature of the Fae, he is whimsical and fickle.
      "Given the choice between sitting patiently in a waiting room or burning my own clothes, I would gladly choose the later....unless my outfit were particularly cute that day...Then it is a toss-up."


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