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Multiple Settings OOC Murder in the City of Devils: CS applications


New Member
Open and accepting applications!

The following is a rubric for Murder in the City of Devils character sheets.

Picture(s) of Character HERE-

Face Claim:
Moral Alignment:

-Picture of Character HERE-
can be realistic for human form or use art if you prefer not picky about that. If your character has multiple forms you can also use art for the species' second beast form. (Some species may have three forms if it makes sense for their character).


Face Claim:


Eighteen or older preferred.

Celebrities- Actors/actresses, musical artists, internet personalities, models, artists of any kind, comedians, performers of any kind, philanthropists, and star athletes.
AIU Detectives
Talent Managers
(Be creative as you like with these, if you have a different professional role you’d like to go with let me know and we can work it out.)
Hunters- villains can eventually change loyalties over time. Hunters are secretive factions and don’t readily share their identities. Perfect role for someone wanting to play both sides of the conflict.

Species: Choose one, all hybrids must be half human.
Fae- Dryads, Sylphs, Nymphs.
Banshees- Able to predict death, gets premonitions of future tragedies.
Ghouls- Raised from the dead by magic users, must feed off the dead to live.
Wizards: Mortals that learn arcane knowledge through their studies.
Hybrids/Sorcerers- Part human, born with magical abilities that awaken at some point in life because of arcane heritage.
Humans(?)- Looking for one to two mortals willing to realize their true arcane heritage through the workings of plot.
(Willing to discuss other species.)

Abilities: Choose one to two- or more if discussed first.

  • Will allow siring other weres and vamps. But beware this creates a profound connection with the sire and can also backfire. Sometimes the siring doesn’t take and it causes nasty mutations.
  • TBD. Further weaknesses to be added. Can be of own creation as well.

Skills: pretty straightforward if a character is a singer have their skills be geared to that. If a detective do the same- you get the gist.

Biography: Traditional states and country names apply, cities however do not. If you have any questions regarding this let me know. For instance NYC is known as New Veil City and LA is Los Noctis in this universe.

Personality: a couple or a ton of character traits, be as detailed or vague as you wish.

Moral Alignment: Can be exceptions to the rule as long as it makes sense to backstory- like someone who disregards being lawful when children are involved because of childhood trauma of their own.

Motivations/Aspirations: what does your character want out of life? What gets them out of bed in the morning?

Relationships: Family, friends, romantic interests, work colleagues. (Discuss in thread with others totally willing for two to play a set of twins or a married couple.)

Format your CS however you like if you are a code user, but keep in mind I have terrible eyesight lol. I will be posting first character sheet in a couple of days. If you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to PM me or post in this thread :)
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Dr. Voltaire Chariot

Face Claim:
Voltaire has the ability to physically interact, communicate, and manipulate technology with his mind

Migraines from prolonged technopathy use
Engineering Major
Krav Maga Specialist
Supernatural Biologist

Voltaire was the seventh son of a seventh son. The Chariots were an old family of dedicated hunters who used their influence in business and education to prepare their sons the endless struggle against evil they faced. Voltaire was subjected to the misfortune of his birth, cursed due to the superstition that dictated his birth. A seventh son was the antithesis to everything they strived for; it was only by the grace of his grandmother, that he continued to breathe. A black sheep of his family; He didn't hold the same religious fanaticism his family did, but held an even greater hunger for knowledge.

His tutors unable to keep up with scores and before too long, he had become bored with them. It was on the night of his seventh birthday, a migraine so severe struck him that he recoiled out of bed as though he had been physically struck. The tech throughout the estate suddenly came alive of it's own volition. Every TV, Phone, Computer, and light rupturing or otherwise frying themselves. It was when he learned, he was cursed. A human with supernatural abilities belonged in neither world. It was the last known he ever felt the warmth of his family estate.

Voltaire is a complicated man who hunts down supernatural entities without mercy, though he only hunts their criminal ilk. The blurred line of humanity he existed between allowed him to act as he pleased. He'd save the innocents regardless of their origins, making enemies of humans and supernaturals alike. Where society saw brutality, he saw efficiency.
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Motivations/Aspirations: Start his own Hunting Agency
Relationships: Assistant Minister Horvath

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