OOC [Living In Aincrad: A SAO RP]

So, I might not be able to reply straight today since Im in class right now, but I'm reading thru the stuff ovo)-b
Yeh Dreams! You can be somewhere doing something. Maybe bump into a certain AI trying to get to the Inn aye? Joke.

Still in class, gonna outline a base for a post soon ^_^ and Bandit LOL
Okay. I'm working on a post

Today I'm home all day and don't have much left to do on my assignment so I can be on more today!
Cool guys, I forgot to write a post of getting into the Inn cus busy yesterday xD sorry
Im sorta not feeling up to it right now, but I got a basic outline for me post so I'll type it up whenever. And yeh, they do have to do alot of reading here haha xD
Oh my lord...When a family member asks for help...Remind me to throw dirty laundry at them until they leave? Longest. "Just one night" babysitting, that lasted three days...EVER. HMPH!

Nooooooooo, I don't want to be Kirito yet....Not until I gain a solid relationship with every female, through small and stupid shit.
I'll be posting in the morning, I gotta get some sleep tonight. Work kicked my ass six ways to Sunday tonight.
Def fine with me! Just waiting for the actual use of my real char lol. And same with Bandit, got a test tomorrow and revision is first priority. :)
Awesome. I will work on a post then!

As for myself, after monday I can bee on more. Mainly because I won't have three assignmetns due at the same time again lol

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