OOC [Living In Aincrad: A SAO RP]

Just a really crappy day.

I've somehow managed to hurt my ankle and fell over in the bathroom because my brother had a shower and somehow got water spread everywhere and smashed my knee on the ground.

And then there's uni work.

*sigh* and that's about it.
Ooooh...I hope your knee and ankle is better, atleast :o . Oh and and your day could brighten up, maybe by this rp :3?
That's okay!

I spent most of the day watchin Naruto so...awesome day overall and just what I needed anyways!
Its okay, I understand. I'm currently catching up on a few roleplays myself.

But where is everyone else?
That's okay, I understand business. I just like knowing if people are away or not. Maybe I should email those that have put up a CS
She will sometimes use a shield. 
Hm. I like that post. But I'll post in the morning, I hurt too much to focus on a post now!

I can't wait for the Nepent attack.

That's a really nice thing to hear right now, thank you ;u;

And G'night then Caits xD

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