OOC [Living In Aincrad: A SAO RP]

I am having too much fun having Hayami hate everyone >_> 

Stew said:
Bandit, I replied, also I'm not feeling all that great right now so if my character is acting like too much of an ass, just let me know.
Am in the middle of writin at a reply, and havin your character act like an ass is fine, kinda refreshin too. Also whats wrong? Something goin on or are you just in a mood?
Hmm...Where are you though Bandit? Might as well get Adonis stuck with arseholes.
I'm just worried about school, I'm not very good at PE and I'm worried about how much sleep I'm getting but I'm also concerned for everyone and I'm tired.
Hmmm, well, Sleep > Roleplay, so if you think you need more sleep then go to bed earlier :P Even if it slows down your replies a bit it'll get you writing better ones in the long run.
Stew said:
I'm just worried about school, I'm not very good at PE and I'm worried about how much sleep I'm getting but I'm also concerned for everyone and I'm tired.
What time is it for you right now, and you may say that you ain't good at PE but it doesnt matter if you try your very best at it :) (trust me, I suck at P.E and I'm more academic but I try and atleast have fun) and why are you worried for everyone :o ?
Stew said:
I'm just worried about school, I'm not very good at PE and I'm worried about how much sleep I'm getting but I'm also concerned for everyone and I'm tired.
Do I have to act like a mother and tell you to go to bed?

Do not worry about pe. Seriously, I'm not all that athletic but by the end of this year, I'll have two university degrees. Spelling and math will get you a lot further in life lol (am I the oldest here? 23!)

Don't worry about sleep. If you worry about sleep you won't sleep. Do something relaxing before bed (I read). It's eSy to worry about everyone else...but sometimes you just have to let or go.

Speaking of sleep, I needs it. Probably the earliest Ibe gone to sleep in ages.
AM? Ah. Good luck with school, Stew :)

(My infrl frand adores Gorillaz, so when I saw you I was like, oh, OH)
Ain't we just one big bundle of physical incompetents? I fookin sucked at P.E too, with my glorious lack of depth perception. But don't let being bad at P.E get to you, if anything it's a bunch of free exercise :P .
YES, thats what I think too, ayee. And I- uh sorta snuck Adonis in, sorry xD . If another notification of player death comes in our inboxes, I think I'm gonna do another Nexi spoiler 
Ah crap, so I thought my baby bro was dying since I placed him lying down on the side of his face since he was sleeping and he looked awfully pale. So I nearly started to shout to wake him up but then just put a finger near hus mouth and found out he was still breathing, wow.
Hehe, nice job. Reminds me of the time when I was complaining about my favorite character dying (I can't remember in what) and my friend just told me in response that his sisters cat died, except i misread the first time and didn't see that cat part. Yeah... that was an awkward conversation until I realized his sister was in fact, alive.
While this chat has been raging on, I've been asleep, the joys of being in the US, you're left out of everything >_>
Don't worry. In going to sleep now. And I only ever have like thirty minutes in a morning to catch up before heading out for the day and stuck trying to post on my phone lol

Good night!
I 'm not goin' to sleep yet since it's 7:54 PM! And night Caits, Mornin Riv
Goodnight Caits, Good Morning Mags xD  
Well, since noone posts, I'm forced to sit here quietly drowning myself in music
Riven said:
Goodnight Caits, Good Morning Mags xD  
Well, since noone posts, I'm forced to sit here quietly drowning myself in music
[posts as Nexi coming out of nowhere and dealing damage that halves Xavier's health then poofing]
[frowns at disbelief of what just happened]

I have to ask, why are you such an ass Bandit >_>

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