OOC [Living In Aincrad: A SAO RP]

Which moment? Is something gonna happen? Character development? Oh yay!

(On a side note, I might be hyper)

Character Development, ooooh yes sweet Character Development. Can't do it now though, gotta sleep ;~; Don't advance too far while I'm goneeeee >_>
Hm. Maybe I'll wait another day before time skipping to the morning or something

It is a tough time of year for everyone I believe. Assignments, exams, increase in work etc
Yeah, I got SATS to deal with, Highschool is a pain the ass, but I'm always still open to post ^^
That's okay. Mostly, I will post once a day, until the 18th. I have an assignment due myself tomorrow, four more discussion forums to participate in, an assignment due monday, and two due the 17th. And it looks like I'll have to go to the dentist between now and Christmas, and I have weekly PT sessions at the gym, go to the gym 4-5 days out of the week, somehow have enough time to talk with friends, and do whatever my family requires of me. So I understand busy, haha!

Mostly, I was just checking to make sure people hadn't left!

That being said, i might advertise this again.
Wow, that's.. A lot of stuff o_o Uh... Good luck with all that. Especially the Dentist. Fuck going to the Dentists. That being said, I should be able to post tomorrow, well, I could post now, but it'd be pretty shit I imagine. Best to leave it until I don't 24 credits (Does Australia use the credit system for school?) All due at once :P
Um. We use Units I believe. I'm not even sure how much my assignments would be considered in units. We mostly go for percentages. Like my assignment that is due tomorrow is worth 40 percent of my grade for that topic. Units are for the topics, and how much work is required for them. Like 4.5 units is equivalent to either two assignments and an exam, two assignments and weekly discussion forums, or three assignments, as well as tutorials and about 20 hours work a week. A typical semester is 18 units, but this semester I had one topic left,and didn't want to do iit next year, so I've overloaded and am doing 22.5 units, or five topics. Which is probably equivalent to a full time job. And then some. Its not so bad though, since this semester everything was external, meaning there was no lectures or tutorials to attend. Thank god!

its okay, wait until your assignments are submitted to post! I'm just finishing one assignment and then I'm taking a break and playing video games for the rest of the night myself.
No problem. I kinda spent the last two days either reading, catching up on anime or playing games so no harm done!
Finally not busy anymore. YAYYYY!

It's been a while since I've been here,I think I should just let @Caits know that I'm dropping out. It was a great RP for me, and my first ever forum RP, thank you for the experience.


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