OOC General Discussion


Fae's good to go, so once we nail down how to introduce her and how to force the others to return to Metahnn we can get you involved straight away. Also, for shameless advertising, if you want to see Valkyrie's transformation to Super Saiyan post, you can find it near the bottom of this page: https://www.rpnation.com/topic/260926-ic-posting-section/?page=12.


Alrighty boss, cool beans!

As for ways to get her involved, I would love to hear ideas if anyone has any. I'll be reading the IC from here to start getting my own ideas.

But you don't have to rush. As I can be as flexible with her as need be. Bringing her in is the easy part. Keeping her around at first would be the challenge.
@ChoShadow Also, you don't need to return to Metahn for her sake. She could have reason to be out somewhere in the galaxy and they meet up on the way.
@ChoShadow Also, you don't need to return to Metahn for her sake. She could have reason to be out somewhere in the galaxy and they meet up on the way.

I know we don't, but I would like a return to Metahnn Ark to be involve at some point. But if it's really not necessary for Fae's sake, then I can save it for later and just upgrade the Darkhood Saiyan to challenge us when we finally do get back.

As for how to get her involved, I think I have an idea.

There are no "Raid Groups" in this RP as the Saiyans are much more laid back and peaceful than their original counterparts. So in place of Raid Groups we have instead small militaristic cliques, if you will, which consist primarily of between 8-20 members who all act under one Commander. They have many allies, including the human race on Earth, and they do what they can to protect them in exchange for intergalactic credits which they receive upon their return from any such protective duties.

I was thinking that Fae's group would be on a certain world protecting an allied colony and send out an S.O.S. Era and Val could recognize either Fae's voice or that of her Commander and insist on helping them. It runs the risk of getting close to a known Darkhood settlement, but they'll consider it worth it.
I know we don't, but I would like a return to Metahnn Ark to be involve at some point. But if it's really not necessary for Fae's sake, then I can save it for later and just upgrade the Darkhood Saiyan to challenge us when we finally do get back.

As for how to get her involved, I think I have an idea.

There are no "Raid Groups" in this RP as the Saiyans are much more laid back and peaceful than their original counterparts. So in place of Raid Groups we have instead small militaristic cliques, if you will, which consist primarily of between 8-20 members who all act under one Commander. They have many allies, including the human race on Earth, and they do what they can to protect them in exchange for intergalactic credits which they receive upon their return from any such protective duties.

I was thinking that Fae's group would be on a certain world protecting an allied colony and send out an S.O.S. Era and Val could recognize either Fae's voice or that of her Commander and insist on helping them. It runs the risk of getting close to a known Darkhood settlement, but they'll consider it worth it.

Alright. No raid groups. I shall adjust the history accordingly.

That's a good idea. I can also use that to explain her higher power level. A particularly  long and grueling defense of a colony. One that was putting her through her paces to have gotten her as high as she is. However things escalate and the SOS is sent. With Fae and the Commander and a few remaining being all of what is left holding out until help comes.

If you wish. I can set up a post for sending the signal.
Alright. No raid groups. I shall adjust the history accordingly.

That's a good idea. I can also use that to explain her higher power level. A particularly  long and grueling defense of a colony. One that was putting her through her paces to have gotten her as high as she is. However things escalate and the SOS is sent. With Fae and the Commander and a few remaining being all of what is left holding out until help comes.

If you wish. I can set up a post for sending the signal.

By all means!
Also @KingHink, I think it would be a good idea for this to go down now for another reason which just came to me: Era is recovering from her death experience. I can imagine if Fae knows her and has any level of friendship/admiration like she did in the previous RP that seeing Era like this would be more than a bit of a shock.
Also @KingHink, I think it would be a good idea for this to go down now for another reason which just came to me: Era is recovering from her death experience. I can imagine if Fae knows her and has any level of friendship/admiration like she did in the previous RP that seeing Era like this would be more than a bit of a shock.

It certainly would be. Era is someone she would compare herself to. And one of the few she would consider a friend, even if she did envy her and didn't always agree. Fae would be more than concerned. And certainly shocked given how much she held Era in high regards as being strong.  When Fae does learn Era is than state, Fae will be quite worried about Era.

As well, I won't lie. Fae will have conflicting feelings about Era's power level. Proud and hurt at the same time.

However, I'm not sure how Fae and Val might get along if they knew each other. I need to look over Val's char sheet again.
It certainly would be. Era is someone she would compare herself to. And one of the few she would consider a friend, even if she did envy her and didn't always agree. Fae would be more than concerned. And certainly shocked given how much she held Era in high regards as being strong.  When Fae does learn Era is than state, Fae will be quite worried about Era.

As well, I won't lie. Fae will have conflicting feelings about Era's power level. Proud and hurt at the same time.

However, I'm not sure how Fae and Val might get along if they knew each other. I need to look over Val's char sheet again.

Based on what I know about Fae and Val, Fae would feel very threatened by Valkyrie given that she has just attained the legendary power of the Super Saiyan. Val's base form is not as powerful as Era's, but her transformation makes her the most powerful character in the group. That, and Fae would also know that if Valkyrie returned to Metahnn and continued her family's lineage, the Super Saiyan power running through her veins and through the blood of her descendants would threaten the fabric of power Fae's own family has fought to create around itself. All the power of the Faerari would be meaningless and fall into the shadow of the Urzen family thanks to Valkyrie's status as a Super Saiyan.

When it comes to their verbal and physical interactions, I can see the two having somewhat tense conversations when Era isn't around to mediate the situation. Valkyrie isn't nearly as likely to blow up on Fae as much as Fae is likely to blow up on her, but Valkyrie's no-nonsense attitude could quickly see her grow to view Fae as an irritant and someone to avoid. At the moment Fae is likely only a casual acquaintance of Val's, but even so Valkyrie is the loyal type. Given that Fae is a Saiyan, Valkyrie will show her respect unless/until Fae abuses it.
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An underwhelming first post, I admit. But hopefully it will be enough to get things moving. My next post will be more extensive as it will focus on Faeora and what is happening there.

Depends on the distance tbh. Elprede can move at many, many times the speed of light when he wants to, however, he was only going a few times it here due to the injury to his tail. He could be there in a few seconds, a few minutes, half an hour, an hour, whatever.

Nephelem are nicknamed 'speed demons' for a reason.
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Depends on the distance tbh. Elprede can move at many, many times the speed of light when he wants to, however, he was only going a few times it here due to the injury to his tail. He could be there in a few seconds, a few minutes, half an hour, an hour, whatever.

Alrighty. I think an hour would be a fair amount of time for something to happen in the meantime.

Now then, that said. I could go about the scene in several ways. Now I have a feeling that Elprede might likely be able to mop up the entire planet in a relatively small amount of time. While that isnt much of a problem, however something should likely need to be thought of so that A)he doesn't help then leave 'easy side quest' style. B)Fae is integrated into the party. And C)Stuff happens.
For now, I got to go for a bit. I will post this afternoon to explain the scene that Elprede happens upon. And whoever else who may or may not have followed.

Though as an idea for taking her along, could be her Commander needing serious medical care that the planets colonies can't really provide in its current state. 

A heads up. Today (friday) through sunday. My posts might be slow in coming out. My wife is giving birth Saturday, so I will be a bit preoccupied, to say the least.

I will at least try to be on the OOC and will post in IC if I am able. Depending on how much waiting there will be this time.

If need be, and my response is required. It could be said that Faeora passes out from her injuries and exertion and put in treatment with Faero. It should buy some time for you all to post around me and continue on your merry way with Fae and Faero in tow. If the mighty Pyro allows ot, of course. With the added bonus of potentionally waking up near to Era and seeing her in that state.

A heads up. Today (friday) through sunday. My posts might be slow in coming out. My wife is giving birth Saturday, so I will be a bit preoccupied, to say the least.

I will at least try to be on the OOC and will post in IC if I am able. Depending on how much waiting there will be this time.

If need be, and my response is required. It could be said that Faeora passes out from her injuries and exertion and put in treatment with Faero. It should buy some time for you all to post around me and continue on your merry way with Fae and Faero in tow. If the mighty Pyro allows ot, of course. With the added bonus of potentionally waking up near to Era and seeing her in that state.

Congrats on the (soon to be) newborn!!

If need be I will drag Fae along, and we can see what comes of it.
Alrighty. Things have calmed down somewhat, and we are back home. I will do what I can to post today.
Alrighty. Things have calmed down somewhat, and we are back home. I will do what I can to post today.

I know I said it before, but I'll say it again! Congrats on the newborn!! Boy or girl?

And no worries. Just post when you can. We can inch things along until you find the time.
I know I said it before, but I'll say it again! Congrats on the newborn!! Boy or girl?

And no worries. Just post when you can. We can inch things along until you find the time.

Thank you! It's a baby girl. She is as healthy as can be.

Also, thanks for your understanding.
@ChazGhost Faero is looking to find Pyro. Would he be able to find the Captain if he is accepting visitors?

@ChoShadow Alrighty boss. I should be back in action. I bring questions as well!

1. Should I use this recent battle to increase Fae's power level, or should this battle be what has brought her to 35k? 

2. Is there an SS4 in this AU?
@ChazGhost Faero is looking to find Pyro. Would he be able to find the Captain if he is accepting visitors?

@ChoShadow Alrighty boss. I should be back in action. I bring questions as well!

1. Should I use this recent battle to increase Fae's power level, or should this battle be what has brought her to 35k? 

2. Is there an SS4 in this AU?

You can increase her power, but not by much. She's still under the influence of the Genetic Limiter, which won't be removed until/unless she receives a small blood transfusion from either Era or Valkyrie to introduce the gene to her DNA which can then adopt it as its own and free her from said limit.

No, there is no SS4 in this one.
You can increase her power, but not by much. She's still under the influence of the Genetic Limiter, which won't be removed until/unless she receives a small blood transfusion from either Era or Valkyrie to introduce the gene to her DNA which can then adopt it as its own and free her from said limit.

No, there is no SS4 in this one.

Deus ex gentikos, eh? Lol fair enough. I will have the battle be what takes her to 35k. That way it would spare us an equation we might only use once. I'll be sure that next fight something happens so that Fae loses plenty of blood to warrant her getting one. Shouldn't be too hard given her power level. Somebody just has to look at her funny.

Aw... I liked ss4, oh well. God's are fun too!

Alrighty, we'll I shall post soon then. Do we have any agenda at the moment?
Deus ex gentikos, eh? Lol fair enough. I will have the battle be what takes her to 35k. That way it would spare us an equation we might only use once. I'll be sure that next fight something happens so that Fae loses plenty of blood to warrant her getting one. Shouldn't be too hard given her power level. Somebody just has to look at her funny.

Aw... I liked ss4, oh well. God's are fun too!

Alrighty, we'll I shall post soon then. Do we have any agenda at the moment?

At the moment, no. They're going back to pick up Pyro's crew that were left behind when Val hijacked the ship to help Fae. Other than that, it's free roam at the moment.

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