OOC General Discussion

Thank you sir. I do what I can... And that post has existed (though with minor differences in context) for almost a year and a half. I've been waiting to finally use it, so I'm quite satisfied.

Well I'm glad you finally got to use it! Sounds like it took a while to type.
Well I'm glad you finally got to use it! Sounds like it took a while to type.

About an forty minutes when I originally wrote it. But I did have to make little edits here and there for this particular RP which took about five more minutes. So not terribly long.
Yeah, that's how it is for me as well. It will feel like I was writing for more than an hour but it was actually only like half of one.
I'd like to keep her around personally, just because I have a feeling Elprede will be needing the support from her when shit goes down for the Nephelem.
I like Era to stay as well. Now I don't think she should be awake or come back until some time has gone by in rp time but I would like it if she comes back eventually.

@Deathrattle BB @ChazGhost

Well, you have spoken so we shall make it so.

Era is dead right now, and there's nothing that can change that. However what we can do is, instead of putting her in a rejuvenation chamber or something of that nature, we attach her to a machine which keeps her brain alive.

The longer the brain goes without oxygen and stimuli, whether alive or clinically dead, the worse the damage is when and if the brain and body are brought back at the same time. This is why paramedics have to race to revive people with the defibrillator. The longer they remain clinically "dead," meaning no heartbeat or responsiveness to stimulus like poking their toes/fingers with a needle, the more dangerous it is to revive them and the greater the chances of their brain being damaged beyond repair. If it is, they will suffer brain damage of varying degrees depending on how long they were gone and could even lose their ability to speak and move which severely lowers their quality of life if they are revitalized.

So what I think we should do to save Era is have her moved to the medical bay where her head will be hooked up to a device which consistently and periodically stimulates her brain to keep it alive and functional for a few seconds at a time at specific intervals (probably once every 10-15 seconds so as not to overload it). This will prevent brain death and will help preserve her brain functionality when the rest of her body is brought back with it. Later, when Elprede is awake and Valkyrie is present to assist, they can flood her body with Ki, specifically Valkyrie's Ki as a Super Saiyan, to stimulate her Ki pathways which will in turn stimulate her nervous system as they are flooded with new energy and bio-electric signals.

Once they have done that, her body will be revitalized but she will remain unconscious for several days as her body fights to regain its proper functionality and operation levels. Because her brain was alive when her body was dead, there is a bit of residual disconnect which needs to be overcome. Basically her brain and body have to learn how to work together again. Once they do, she will wake up and be on the road to recovery.

Hey, uh, I might not be able to reply for a while. Bad family stuff is going on over here right now and I don't think it's gonna blow over. Feel free to move on without me, take control of Elprede for a bit if you need to as well. Really sorry.

I will be back, though. Just got to sort this crap out first.

Hey, uh, I might not be able to reply for a while. Bad family stuff is going on over here right now and I don't think it's gonna blow over. Feel free to move on without me, take control of Elprede for a bit if you need to as well. Really sorry.

I will be back, though. Just got to sort this crap out first.

Sorry to hear that DBB.

Okay, I'll drag Elprede along with me for a while as they deal with Era's situation.

Good luck on your end.

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