OOC General Discussion

You guys can keep moving rp on, I'm just waiting for a good oppurinty in rp for Pyro to do somthing.
Hello everybody. I am King, it is nice to meet you all. I will try to be making a character for this rp, and I am looking forward to playing with all of you

Hello, King. I am BB or whatever you want to call me.

So far, the characters have gone through a tournament and several battles with a group called the 'Darkhoods'. We have just unlocked the Super Saiyan form.

If you want to make a Nephelem, come talk to me about it, please. If any other race, just PM ChoShadow.

Hello, King. I am BB or whatever you want to call me.

So far, the characters have gone through a tournament and several battles with a group called the 'Darkhoods'. We have just unlocked the Super Saiyan form.

If you want to make a Nephelem, come talk to me about it, please. If any other race, just PM ChoShadow.

A pleasure to meet you too, BB. Oho, you all are pretty far along then.

As for my character, I will likely be bringing in a saiyan.

Alright. Make sure to read the rules and stipulations for the RP before going to do so, as well as the requirements of the character sheet. Beside that, try not to come in too strong, each character so far has their own strengths and weaknesses respectively and I'm interested in seeing what unique traits you'll bring to the RP now. :P
Nice to meet you, Chaz.

So, I am admittedly alive pretty late in the game. Is there a summary about what has happened throughout the IC?

Era and Valkyrie are two very special Saiyans because of their genetics. In this RP the Genetic Limit (remember from the previous RP?) is not something that can be trained away. It's permanent. Era and Valkyrie are two very rare individuals who were born without the gene which creates the genetic limiter, and thus when they reproduce their children will not have limits either. If left unchecked, their survival and reproduction could mean that the entire Saiyan Race (within the span of several generations) will see the genetic limit removed.

That is something the Darkhoods, the organization @Deathrattle BB told you about, cannot and will not tolerate. More on them in a bit.

Elprede is a Nephelem, a new original race created by Deathrattle BB. The Nephelem are inherently fast. Unbelievably so. In a vacuum, they can exceed the speed of light in terms of movement speed, but they are not incredibly strong which means that their speed is good largely for escape and evasion only. If they hit something at such speeds, they'd destroy themselves. Elprede is a bit of an exception, as a fragment of the First God. He's much stronger and more capable than the rest of his race, and though he will never match the Saiyans for raw power, he will always be faster and is also a master of Ki.

Elprede is a living fragment of the First God of this universe. As such, he has the potential to become an incredible threat to the Darkhood's supremacy. In order to annihilate the First God, the Darkhoods are soon to try and destroy the Nephelem Home World. The reason for this is because the First God can transfer his essence from one host to another so long as there are Nephelem alive to do so. If they destroy the Nephelem Home World and eliminate Elprede, then the First God will effectively be erased from existence and crease to be a threat.

Pyro is a Frost Demon, one of Frieze's Race, played by @ChazGhost. Right now Pyro is just kind of in the way of the Darkhoods, but he will soon enough become a very credible threat in his own right as he continues to gain power and equate himself to Valkyrie as a Super Saiyan.

That's about all you need to know of our characters for now. On to the plot!

Valkyrie was the first to be introduced in the RP as an ally to a race being bothered by space pirates. She was beaten half to death and only survived her return to an outpost world thanks to Elprede finding her in space in her pod. Era then encountered both of them on said outpost, and they got to know each other a bit before being thrust into a tournament run by Pyro. At first it was a way for Pyro to likely do away with them, but the tournament was interrupted by the appearance of the Darkhoods who are literally a Godly powerful organization. Our characters just barely escaped the destruction of the world upon which the tournament was held on, and learned of the Darkhood's hunting of the First God as well as the fact that Era and Valkyrie possess that special lack of a Genetic Limit.

Afterwards, EVE (Era, Valkyrie, and Elprede) traveled together and once again encountered Pyro. Thanks to further Darkhood interference, they were forced to ally themselves with Pyro and have been traveling with him ever since. Each battle has helped them all grow stronger, so much so that when Era was killed by Death (a Darkhood Captain) Valkyrie's grief and anger transformed her into a Super Saiyan and she was able to kill Death. Era's life was restored due to Elprede's mastery of Ki, and a clever manipulation of her brain and nervous system by the doctors aboard Pyro's ship. By stimulating her brain and using an artificial heart to pump blood through her body, they kept her from entering post-mortem decay and allowed the others time to give her a Ki-based jump start and brought her back.

And thus we have our current situation. Era's power is a whopping 6.6 (ish) million, and Valkyrie's around 4.8 million in her base form. Pyro's base form has a power around (slightly over?) 100,000, and his other transformations (due to multipliers), see his final form at 100% power at around 19-20 million ish, last I checked. Elprede is physically the weakest of the group, but is still very powerful thanks to his speed and his mastery of Ki and ability to use very precise nerve attacks on enemies too strong to fight head on.

In order to introduce Fae, @KingHink's character and one brought back from a previous RP we were in, we'll have to return to the Saiyan Home World of Metahnn which has been subjugated by the Saiyan Darkhood. I have yet to name him or give him a real identity, but I will do so before we return. In order to force a return, we'll have to have our group receive a distress call from Metahnn so our characters have reason to risk going back. The Saiyan in question will be a Super Saiyan, just like Valkyrie, to give us an ample threat to deal with and most of his closest men will have powers at least in the 5-10 million range. The rest of his army will be anywhere between 50K-1 million.

When it comes to Fae's power level, the strongest Saiyans (besides Era and Valkyrie now) have powers roughly in the 50-70K range. Fae's family is a high born Elite family, and thus their powers will likely be in that range as well. Fae, so as not to be completely useless, should probably have a power around 35K or higher. By training with Valkyrie and Era after joining them, she will gain power rapidly over time and catch up before long. But sadly this is the best I can offer in terms of her power. Hopefully you're cool with this King. It'll take a good long time for her to catch up, but then again that's part of the beauty of Fae and her complex with power.
That is quite the adventure. One I am definitely looking forward to joining. And a return to Metahn? I have missed that place.

And not to mention lovely and unique cast of characters! I will definitely to work in something special for Fae at some point so she doesn't end up the Yamcha of the group. Or useless/boring in relative terms.

As for power levels, I have no issue with her being as low 35k. Maybe even it to 40k so she won't be entirely worthless when she has to mop up goons the millionaires haven't the time to play with. Not to mention it fits in well with bio, as she would be in a similar position she was last time. So yes, I am entirely cool with it. Not only is she durable and tenacious to will her way through training and the inevitable wrecking of her, but everybody loves an underdog.

I will happy to work with the catching up. The serious power gap will be easy for me to play on and to keep urging her forward. As long as her weakness does not equal her worthlessness to the story, it should be an absolute blast.

I shall have a semblance of a CS sometime soon. It is in the old format, back from the old rp, so I will have to make adjustments to it. I should have it finished soon enough, though. And of course ask my traditional barrage of innane questions. I know you miss them.

@KingHink @ChazGhost

Just to add on the bit of the Nephelem, i'll explain them a bit more myself. By the way, @ChoShadow, you should make a race section and Form section for them at some point possibly. I could write it myself if you want. Only problem is getting pictures...

Nephelem are creatures that thrive on a super-planet that is called Zaero. It is so exceptionally large, in fact, that it is nearly the size of our Sun. The reason for this size is because of how incredibly fast Nephelem can move. The majority of them range from 1,000 to a little bit under 5,000 in power level. However, that doesn't mean that they cannot hit you hard; they have a set multiplier on their attacks except for Ki blasts of ten times their power level. So, a Nephelem at a power level of 5,000 hits for about 50,000. Currently, Elprede hits for something like 1.1 million in his base form. Their speed can reach many many times faster than Mach 25, and in a vacuum most of them can either come close to the speed of light, move at the speed of light, or move faster than the speed of light.

Elprede has his own personal form that gains power from his training within and out of it, known as the 'Primal Form.' This sort of acts like his own version of the Super Saiyan. Technically all Nephelem may access it if they learn to tap into the First God's energy that is within all Nephelem, however, Elprede is currently the only one that has learned how. It increases his power from a range of x2 to x20. At x20, he reverts from Primal Form and whatever his power level was at becomes his new base form and the multiplier is reverted back to x2. Bear in mind that also means that when he next transforms into Primal Form, he is quite literally twice as strong as what he was when it was at x20 last time he was in it.

Pretty much, the formula goes: ((power level) * (10)) * (Primal Form multiplier)

Later on, the Primal Form will receive advancements in the technique and its powers. Just as well, Elprede has access to something called the 'Mazunokari,' an ability that acts like the Kaioken. Currently, it is pretty much like a straight rip-off, with Elprede himself being the only one that has adapted to it the most, but it will receive upgrades as well. Elprede currently already has one in the works, a Mazunokari that will be slightly stronger and less strain on the body, but this particular upgrade focuses solely on Nephelem use of it, meaning that you Saiyans have to figure something out yourself for it.

There are two primary types of Nephelem; the Alpha Nephelem (Elprede, or any silver colored Nephelem with color changing eyes and the true leaders of the Nephelem), the Beta Nephelem (the Nephelem with phoenix colors, a little faster and stronger than the normal Nephelem, usually the pseudo-rulers of the Nephelem), and the Zeta Nephelem (the normal class). However, I plan on including a group of creatures known as Anti-Nephelem, synthetically created by the Darkhoods with the traits of the Nephelem and limiting their weaknesses. This results in horrible mutations to their appearance sometimes, outright creating disgusting and revolting abominations even. The stronger they are, usually the uglier. There are plenty Nephelem test subjects to go around...

This also means that there will be an Anti-Alpha Nephelem. Elprede himself commands the normal Nephelem, having no special connection to these Anti-Nephelem. However, the Anti-Elprede that will be made will have total and absolute dominion over these new Anti-Nephelem, with the Darkhoods having total control over the Anti-Elprede.

Nephelem have four major races. Cats, who are extremely agile and fast, especially good at adapting. Wolves, much stronger than all other Nephelem, however, not quite as fast as the rest of them. They usually hit the hardest, a blow from them is definitely going to hurt. Foxes, who are a mix between wolves and cats, having the speed and agility of cats while having about 75-80% the strength of a wolf. They are much rarer, and obviously, genetically superior to the other counterparts. Then there are the lizard/reptile Nephelem, who have half the strength of wolves and about 80% the speed of a fox or cat, however, probably have the most life-saving trait of all; they are extremely durable. In fact, their durability is many times more than the rest of their race.

Nephelem are very fast but very brittle, excluding the reptile Nephelem. However, their speed and reaction times means that you have an extremely small chance of even touching these speed demons, and their speed lends to them being a very slippery bunch. They can hardly take a hit for the most part from anybody as strong as them, and being a few times more powerful than them means that a blow most likely will be fatal. Again, the chances of landing hits on them is low, assuming they haven't just gotten bored and run away already.

Nephelem can come in many shapes in sizes but they are all below about 4-5 feet. They're tiny and built for speed, not power. They come in a range of colors, primarily black, white, and mixes between oranges, browns, and grays.

Moving on, I'll explain the First God quickly here. The First God is an immortal eldritch being that appeared in the first dawn of the universe. He is named 'The First God' because he is literally the first God to exist. He is probably arguably one of the strongest beings to currently exist in the RP right now, with most likely only the absolute strongest Darkhoods trailing behind or equaling him. However, he had a run-in with the original Super Saiyan and horribly miscalculated how strong he was (i.e. lowering his power too much and getting beaten up by the Super Saiyan), ending up in being fragmented and blown across the universe as energy.

This led to the creation of the Nephelem, a small gathering of the First God's energy that molded and shaped them. Only the silver Nephelem has any true traits of the the First God; resourcefulness, brains, color changing eyes, mastery of Ki on a much deeper level than most organisms currently alive, and silver coloring of the body. He manifests as a white tiger with a fiery silver aura. Though obliterated, he did not die and instead lives on through the silver Nephelem, of which only 1 naturally exists. They can be recreated artificially through the manipulation and activation of a special gene within a Nephelem at their birth.

Just as well, Nephelem that are not also Alpha Nephelem cannot resist the will of an Alpha Nephelem, nor will they ever attack one. It is against their nature and instincts to disobey the First God, which Alpha Nephelem pretty much stand in as.

I think that's all I've got (and all I can think of at the moment). Hopefully this is helpful to everybody in understanding the Nephelem? I'll explain culture and what-not in the RP, not here.
@ChoShadow @ChazGhost @KingHink

By the way, I try to keep my Character Sheet updated on the current levels of his power level and his Mazunokari and Primal Form multipliers, and even techniques he uses. Refer to it or just ask me yourself if you need assistance regarding him!
@Deathrattle BB

A very well thought out race, I must say. With some fun variety thrown in too. IC I will be looking forward to interacting with them. 

That keeping a reference in the CS thing is a pretty good idea. I did the same with some of Fae's techniques. 

In the last rp, an idea was thrown around of Fae learning something similar to the Mazunokari. Of which will likely be scrapped, as Cho likely has something for that planned out already. (Might be for the best because I think I forgot what the idea actually was)

Fae will be pretty straightforward of a character. Especially in comparison to what is in play so far. Anything fancy for her will come from something IC. More or less, Faeora is an elite who is struggling to keep up with power of her peers, and her family considers her a stain to their honor because of it. A fairly "what you see is what you get" approach. Hopefully I will get the chance to play her long enough to be impressive in her own right.
Just point out Pyro's max is curently at hundred precent is 40 million. I haven't done the math for how strong he would be in first form yet through.
Just point out Pyro's max is curently at hundred precent is 40 million. I haven't done the math for how strong he would be in first form yet through.

That's insanely powerful. Not gonna lie. Yup. Fae wouldn't even be a blip on the radar. Which would be a challenge of me trying to find a reason for her to be kept around.

Also. I forgot. There was math. Darn.

Also also, I like what you did with the name! 
@Deathrattle BB

A very well thought out race, I must say. With some fun variety thrown in too. IC I will be looking forward to interacting with them. 

That keeping a reference in the CS thing is a pretty good idea. I did the same with some of Fae's techniques. 

In the last rp, an idea was thrown around of Fae learning something similar to the Mazunokari. Of which will likely be scrapped, as Cho likely has something for that planned out already. (Might be for the best because I think I forgot what the idea actually was)

Fae will be pretty straightforward of a character. Especially in comparison to what is in play so far. Anything fancy for her will come from something IC. More or less, Faeora is an elite who is struggling to keep up with power of her peers, and her family considers her a stain to their honor because of it. A fairly "what you see is what you get" approach. Hopefully I will get the chance to play her long enough to be impressive in her own right.

Thank you, I had a bunch of talks with ChoShadow about them, especially concerning Elprede's power. His original formula for power was actually in the long run going to make him far too strong in the RP without much increase in his actual numbers. Imagine a guy going from 5995 to over 50 million just like that. Not to mention broken, that kind of increase would be devastating to his body. XD

Original formula: ((power level) * (10 * (Primal Form multiplier)) * (Primal Form multiplier).

Plugging in his current stuff...

((119,900) * (10 * (3)) * 3 = 10,891,000.

Current formula: ((power level) * (10)) * (Primal Form multiplier).

((119,900) * (10)) * 3 = 3,597,000.

I'd say that is a pretty fucking huge difference, eh? It only gets worse as his Primal Form gets stronger, lol, not to mention his Mazunokari adding an extra multiplication value on top of all that.
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Thank you, I had a bunch of talks with ChoShadow about them, especially concerning Elprede's power. His original formula for power was actually in the long run going to make him far too strong in the RP without much increase in his actual numbers. Imagine a guy going from 5995 to over 50 million just like that. Not to mention broken, that kind of increase would be devastating to his body. XD

Oh yeah, I see what you mean. Lol quick OP for any char is always something to keep an eye out for. I'm sure other balance issues will come up as the RP progresses. Especially given the lean on mechanics and numerical growth. 

But, that said. Speed is most certainly fun, regardless of power level. 
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Oh yeah, I see what you mean. Lol quick OP for any char is always something to keep an eye out for. I'm sure other balance issues will come up as the RP progresses. Especially given the lean on mechanics and numerical growth. 

But, that said. Speed is most certainly fun, regardless of power level. 

Most definitely! He's the ultimate glass cannon. "I might not be able to hurt you, but, you can't hit me!"
That's insanely powerful. Not gonna lie. Yup. Fae wouldn't even be a blip on the radar. Which would be a challenge of me trying to find a reason for her to be kept around.

Also. I forgot. There was math. Darn.

Also also, I like what you did with the name! 

Luckily there's not nearly as much math this time around as last time. This time it's basically "pick a reasonable increase from training and/or recovery from your wounds and that will be good enough." For Era and Valkyrie, since their base powers have broken into the millions, power increases from here on out will be minute at best. Val before the SS transformation had a base power of 4.5 mil, and the transformation basically gave her a free recovery card and it only increased her power to 4.8 mil.

This is part of my balancing scheme. As our power levels increase, it will become harder for our bodies to accumulate greater levels of power. At least in our base forms. Our transformations will take care of helping us to keep up with our enemy's growing strength as the RP goes on.
Luckily there's not nearly as much math this time around as last time. 

WOOO! Growth formulas made my brain hurt...

Luckily there's not nearly as much math this time around as last time. This time it's basically "pick a reasonable increase from training and/or recovery from your wounds and that will be good enough." For Era and Valkyrie, since their base powers have broken into the millions, power increases from here on out will be minute at best. Val before the SS transformation had a base power of 4.5 mil, and the transformation basically gave her a free recovery card and it only increased her power to 4.8 mil.

This is part of my balancing scheme. As our power levels increase, it will become harder for our bodies to accumulate greater levels of power. At least in our base forms. Our transformations will take care of helping us to keep up with our enemy's growing strength as the RP goes on.

That gives me a good way to catch up. Or... at least until she reaches that point and has to catch up slowly from then on. Fae would likely have to go through a lot of pain to have any hope of catching up. She is like 1/120th of where they are at now.

Any, choking back on how fast they grow as they grow stronger is a good way to keep things from getting out of hand too quickly. And keeps the story manageable. Especially if transformations are story centric as opposed to just reaching certain numbers.

Keeping growth at reasonable increases won't be much of a problem for me. As I will likely tinker around with her being the slow grower she was last time. Though you may need to smack me into gear if I am going too slow.

Most definitely! He's the ultimate glass cannon. "I might not be able to hurt you, but, you can't hit me!"

Much better than the "Break your fist with my face!" Approach. 

But yeah, I think that is a good balance to such extreme speeds that you will have at your disposal. And would certainly set up some cool scenarios.

Alrighty, boss! I do believe that Fae's CS should be in order. A lot less that needed changing than I thought there would be.

It is ready for you to judge it's approval. As always, if there is anything I need to fix, just let me know and I shall do my best to make things work!
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@ChoShadow Should Fae and Era know each other?

If you would like Fae and Era to know each other, then she'd likely be familiar with Valkyrie as well since Era and Valkyrie are seldom apart for very long. Maybe she's at least acquainted with Val or knows her by reputation as her family is also well known among the Elites, though not to the extent Fae's family is. Still, a respected Elite level family is a respected Elite level family, so I expect all three women would know each other to some extent.

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