OOC [Gardens of Oneiromancy]

Oh, Alex, I'm probably going to post a separate thread for you altogether soon; is there anything specific your character needs before I do? Environmentally speaking, if you get my meaning?

Edit: The Brim doesn't truly circle the Freehold, just so you know; it's impractical, considering the Lake (to the West) pretty much gets in the way. The Brim's territory occupies much of South Ivyvale; notable landmarks are Sentinel Chapel and Worthington Manor, which I will get around to detailing in the Setting Info (I swear!). As I envision it, the Brim extends up to the East, so while it doesn't encompass the university and campus, it does deem the road out of town towards Knoxhart View to belong to it (for a couple of miles at least, but they only consider the border to be theirs in any case).
Hyrune said:
Oh, Alex, I'm probably going to post a separate thread for you altogether soon; is there anything specific your character needs before I do? Environmentally speaking, if you get my meaning?
Edit: The Brim doesn't truly circle the Freehold, just so you know; it's impractical, considering the Lake (to the West) pretty much gets in the way. The Brim's territory occupies much of South Ivyvale; notable landmarks are Sentinel Chapel and Worthington Manor, which I will get around to detailing in the Setting Info (I swear!). As I envision it, the Brim extends up to the East, so while it doesn't encompass the university and campus, it does deem the road out of town towards Knoxhart View to belong to it (for a couple of miles at least, but they only consider the border to be theirs in any case).
That's fine, Dave. Bronn makes do!

And hello everyone! I'm one of Dave's players from Spurious and have just migrated him over to here. Hope to have a fun time with the lot of ye!

And I'm getting Bronn completed soon, promise. I'm just running a few games, ending one, starting probably two more and what not. And I'm actually going to be playing again. Ye Gods!
I'm updating the setting info on Ivyvale, if any of ye are interested, just editing a few old posts about geography of Ivyvale in particular.
Hyrune said:
Wards stands for the security of your Hollow. The Hedge is, after all, a very dangerous place, and your typical changeling is more paranoid than a schizophrenic conspiracy theorist on meth. Players are encouraged to roleplay their Wards, be it as "simple" as hiding the entrance in a maze of dead ends and twisting passages hacked out of the Brambles, or perhaps a motley has convinced a pack of briarwolves to guard the Hollow from would-be intruders by feeding them scraps. In a game I ran, I had the Hollow belonging to a group of NPCs guarded by a living river/amoeba dragon, and you had to cross a field of coma-inducing Arcadian Bluebells to get there. Provided you got past all that, you still stood a chance of being deafened by some of the creatures living in the cabin's doorframe. In another game I'm playing in with Yu Jie, we've got ourselves a moat ^^
A still somewhat empty moat, I might add. :P
I'm waiting for Yu Jie to post! :P

Still returning to ye're Hollow, ye need to hammer out at least the basics now, guys.
I'm going to post...honest! I just need to take care of my real life fence before I can plant things in our fantasy moat surrounding our beautiful Hollow. xD

Oh...and yay for Bronn!
Lol, also, Yu Jie: I don't know anything about violin music, or music period, actually. Do you have a favourite piece? He could have that, conveniently.

Or, this being the World of Darkness, he could have the very last known copy of your favourite piece, but he needs your soul for it.
I'm in favour of a dormitory arrangement kept by the Family for the purposes of dreamwalking. No-one lives there for terribly long periods of time, but it's a safe place in the Hedge to sleep, and it's got a few of the basic magical amenities. Thoughts?
Collectively (with the exception of Bronn, who can't really share a Hollow with ye anyway, no offense), ye have 4 dots in Hollow, not counting Ly's unspent xp.

Now Chaka raises a valid point that there could be a Hollow available to you all simply by being members of the Family, i.e. one which has dots added by Aloysius and Aisling. I'm humming and hawwing about this, but I'll probably permit it. If I do permit it, how many extra dots do you think would be fair?
My apologies for the lapse in posting guys, been a bit busy lately but I really should have told ye earlier. I'm hoping to fix that from today.

Now, Ly, is West off to fulfil the pledge for the first time, or do you want to do something else? If it's the former then this thread is done for you and I will shortly begin posting in a new thread specifically for you.

morethanadream, how would you describe Lisa? Do I have free reign with her character development or do you want specific traits and/or foundations for me to build on?

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