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Fandom OOC for Earth 17371

Apparently calling the discussion "a pissing contest" and saying you're done with it when I didn't do anything isn't rude.
Like I said, I've already been in this situation before. California law fails to protect a chunk of self defense claims because that chunk usually isn't self defense. A lot of people beat the shit out of the attacker in rage, or continued when the attacker tried to get away. When interrogated, they gave justification for their anger and gave the prosecution the means to prove criminal state of mind. In my case where I've had to defend myself, it was legitimate and my trials never even went to court.
That just say agree to disagree any leave it at that.
Im a white knight?
Yeah, no. I'm not one of the people to be like that, but you are being rude.
YOU have been the one throwing insults around.
Apparently calling the discussion "a pissing contest" and saying you're done with it when I didn't do anything isn't rude.
Wow let's continue because we funmentally disagree with what we would do. You prefer to use your technique and I would use mine. You view laws differently then me. The end
Im a white knight?
Yeah, no. I'm not one of the people to be like that, but you are being rude.
YOU have been the one throwing insults around.
I said it was a joke 5 times so get over it or block me. Stop making it worst by butting in and calling people rude
Wow let's continue because we funmentally disagree with what we would do. You prefer to use your technique and I would use mine. You view laws differently then me. The end
Do you not see the paradox here? You tell me to stop, but in doing so you continued it. Annnndddd you continued it again with A Common Man. Annnnddddd ignored how my views on California penal code is firsthand experience and not a matter of perspective... mmk.
Do you not see the paradox here? You tell me to stop, but in doing so you continued it. Annnndddd you continued it again with A Common Man. Annnnddddd ignored how my views on California penal code is firsthand experience and not a matter of perspective... mmk.
I do have first hand experience . What getting this out of hand was a common man butting in and starting shit. I wasnt trying to attack you. To me it seems your tactics are extreme. Good for you that you dont. I had a friend that did the same thing. Thought he be protected from charges he wasnt. This is also told to me again by a police officer. After I stop my mom ex from trying to kill my mother in front of me.
I do have first hand experience . What getting this out of hand was a common man butting in and starting shit. I wasnt trying to attack you. To me it seems your tactics are extreme. Good for you that you dont. I had a friend that did the same thing. Thought he be protected from charges he wasnt. This is also told to me again by a police officer. After I stop my mom ex from trying to kill my mother in front of me.
A. That sucks but that doesn't mean it's common.
B. It's a group chat and as far as I'm aware... there's no restriction on people joining conversations as long as they're not doing it against the wishes of every party involved.
C. I thought we were dropping it (thus why I didn't talk to Common Man after you blocked him). If you meant that, then don't respond to this maing.
A. That sucks but that doesn't mean it's common.
B. It's a group chat and as far as I'm aware... there's no restriction on people joining conversations as long as they're not doing it against the wishes of every party involved.
C. I thought we were dropping it (thus why I didn't talk to Common Man after you blocked him). If you meant that, then don't respond to this maing.
Being told you are being and shut up isn't exactly helping.
It happens to be a lot more common than you think. Next time I just leave out a joke. I never thought you go out killing people for the sack of killing. It the fact been through difference with police and what they view is over board.
"Being told you are being and shut up isn't exactly helping." I have no idea what you just said. I never told you to shut up, I said that if you really wanted to drop it then you shouldn't respond anymore.
The most recent study on wrongful convictions puts the number at only 1%.
Calling it a pissing contest when I didn't do anything is pretty indicative of aggression.
The opinion of the police isn't a factor when their sole job is to interrogate, collect evidence, and file an objective police report.
Wow let's continue because we funmentally disagree with what we would do. You prefer to use your technique and I would use mine. You view laws differently then me. The end
> I thought we were dropping it (thus why I didn't talk to Common Man after you blocked him). If you meant that, then don't respond to this maing.

Apparently I told him to shut up or something.
Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts . I only came in later. But Lol startes beimg rude and insulting, and I stepped in. The discussion continued.
We wanted to drop it but Lol is continuing it.
I never even said shut up. If you want more info talk to either of them I guess. But I know I shouldnt have gotten involved.

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