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Fandom OOC for Earth 17371

The beginning of this argument is at the top of page 18 @mods who want to look (I also have screenshots).
I am done. Because it obvious I had joked with a comment that one to more serious than another and so it can never rest
I had said this isn't a live feed. So I ha e to refresh the page to see additional comments
Oookay people, deep breaths all around, no one actually wins in an argument. Let's just all take ten minutes away from our keyboards, smoke 'em if you got' em, and then we can all come back and apologize to one another for things we don't necessarily feel we were in the wrong about.
Oookay people, deep breaths all around, no one actually wins in an argument. Let's just all take ten minutes away from our keyboards, smoke 'em if you got' em, and then we can all come back and apologize to one another for things we don't necessarily feel we were in the wrong about.
Yeah, we have a dork in need of saving
Example, Lil, Cold, Common ... I'm sorry, I know I have no place in this argument, I'm not a mod or anything, but I value all of you as role players, and would hate to miss an opportunity for us all to write together.

EDIT: Ooh, I can see my house from atop this tall horse!
Example, Lil, Cold, Common ... I'm sorry, I know I have no place in this argument, I'm not a mod or anything, but I value all of you as role players, and would hate to miss an opportunity for us all to write together.
I brought it to a pm and calmly explaining it it cold. I even apologized. The delay between posting doesn't help in a occ.
I brought it to a pm and calmly explaining it it cold. I even apologized. The delay between posting doesn't help in a occ.

Still, since the disharmony was public, it would be super noyce to have you guys all make noyce in public, for the band? For The Band? FOR THE BAND?!
Still, since the disharmony was public, it would be super noyce to have you guys all make noyce in public, for the band? For The Band? FOR THE BAND?!
I be willing to delete post. But as far as apologizing here. It not between all of us even though it was public. I apologies to her and we are moving on.
I was looking over the biometrics and saw that 100+ range is incalculable, just thought I'd say...

This crane is 100 tons xd
Booperboy Booperboy I did a thing or two with my character template (it's in my rp post and at the bottom of page 3 in the character sheets chat). I'm not looking to replace our current templates or anything, I just thought it was aesthetic. There were a couple changes I made to the power scale though, so could you look it over and lemme know if it'll fly or not?
... kind of tempted to make a character whose only powers are immortality, and 4th wall awareness ... called Fangirl.

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