OOC Discussion

Swimswamswom said:
oops, wasn't supposed to add agi points to throws
Considered shrinking your signature a little?

No need to resize the photo, just use [heightrestrict=pixels] [/heightrestrict] around the image, replacing 'pixels' with the height.

As you wished.

Here's the basic rolldown from the top

Everyone's back from the winter break, and right on schedule for the mid-term exams, which, to the surprise of no one, were also entrance exams for some of the newer students, thanks to the government's processing programs. Director Swan, as well as Instructor Hunter Ward thought it would be in their best interests to ignore all procedures, erecting an obstacle course in the process. Many of the staff were displeased, though the old guard, comprising of Leo de Lucas and Greg Masters, couldn't really give two shits about it.

On the side of the students, everyone was mostly enthused to be back, for the most part, starting with Dante Niccals and Eden Trammel's caricature of penises at Dry Dock 2 that have earned them some quality time with the faculty. Word has gotten around about a new student has recently arrived at the facility, bound by handcuffs. Nothing else of importance occured, with the exceptions of students milling about and meeting old and new friends, until the announcement was made for the students to make their way to the proving grounds.(edited)


Everyone's been summoned to their respective teams, with

Eden Trammel, Mitch Castle, Cecilia Pellegrini, Rei Rinaldi, Ioana Calatoru, Jasper von Trier, Avira Spyridon, Ren Lee and Clare Liew on the Blue Team at the South, while Roza Varabyova, Gillian Brahn Jr., Ha-Eun Joh, Dante Niccals, Laurel Hale, Seiko Suzuka, Marianne Ross, and Benjamin Aiken are situated at the North in the Red Team.

What you are meant to post is your current position on the battlefield, as found in this image:


along with whatever you want to post.

The basics of the battle can be found on this post here. Read up on it. It is currently blue team's turn.

That is all. If you have any questions, please, do ask. I should think all of us understand that you have a real life to lead and are probably busy with whatever you need to do. Nonetheless, this is what I think should set you back on the path. I apologise that I cannot be any clearer.

EDIT: I realise that there may be some errors in the teamings, so please, forgive me for any erroneous inclusions.
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Character profile removed.
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Everyone needs to remember that while you are posting an attack, you are not defending yet, so your action ends after the throw when you are exposed. (^.^)
simj22 said:
I laughed WAY harder than I should xD

kHz[/URL], which is 1.6 octaves above the range of a human, and even 1 octave above the range of a dog. Izzy has an acute sense of smell. About fourteen times as effective as an average human. This is because she has about twice as many olfactory epithelium within her nose.


Isabella has a tapetum lucidum, which is a reflective layer behind the retina that sends light that passes through the retina back into the eye. This improves her ability to see in darkness, though also reduces net visual acuity then detracting when light is abundant. Basically she has cat eyes and can see in the dark.


Izzy's body temperature runs between 101-102 degrees and her heart beats between 140-180 at a resting rate. As such, Izzy Chase must in take a remarkable amount of food to stay fit and healthy. Where a normal human could go days without food, she could not. Her metabolism is very sensitive.

With the power of her eyes, Izzy can see in the dark. However, this leaves her eyes very sensitive to bright lights. Also the heightened sight straight on cuts down greatly on any peripheral sight. The same goes for her ears and hearing as well. With such sensitive and acute senses, they can be easily over whelmed.




Izzy Chase



It needs one more weakness... maybe tail-pull? Since it's hard to keep attention at both her back and front, someone stealth enough or fast enough could pull it without her noticing, right?

Just an idea!
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@Manic Muse, for the sake of anyone with augmented strength, or abilities of a similar nature, would there be any adjustment to the throwing distance allowed? For example, a character at d2 with super strength throwing a snowball at a character at e12. This would be good to have a ruling for the future as well.
The short answer is no. It was discussed during the creation of the event and we decided to only use agility on this one.
@too much idea - Greg is going to do a play by play at the end of Red's turn tomorrow at noon EST. Since you rolled a 1 (a critical miss) I wanted to get your take on what might have happened. Something hilarious? Let me know what you are thinking and I'll briefly mention it, and then when its Blue's turn again, you can go into it much more (^.^)
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-1_7-42-43.png.34519afc73c8185b5407219fce188eeb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109339" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-1_7-42-43.png.34519afc73c8185b5407219fce188eeb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

This is how the course appears currently at the end of Blue Teams turn.

@readingraebow @Chibii @Cheshire Smile @Father Gigantor @Lilah Tunth @Sagitarius



  • upload_2016-3-1_7-42-43.png
    312 KB · Views: 64
Dano said:
@too much idea - Greg is going to do a play by play at the end of Red's turn tomorrow at noon EST. Since you rolled a 1 (a critical miss) I wanted to get your take on what might have happened. Something hilarious? Let me know what you are thinking and I'll briefly mention it, and then when its Blue's turn again, you can go into it much more (^.^)
Got it xD

Maybe the snowball hit an obstacle behind him, causing a pile of snow to drop on him?
[QUOTE="too much idea]Got it xD
Maybe the snowball hit an obstacle behind him, causing a pile of snow to drop on him?

I just went back and read your post, there are no obstacles around to cause a pile of snow to fall on you. Maybe as you threw the snowball you slipped on some ice, fell on your face and in turn your throw was off its mark and blasted a corner of the bunker Maurice was hiding behind (Just throwing ideas out) ?
Hey guys, I'm going to be AFK for most of the morning/afternoon while I do some mod stuff and some homework - I forgot my spring break is next week, no wonder everything is due all of the sudden...
Dano said:
I just went back and read your post, there are no obstacles around to cause a pile of snow to fall on you. Maybe as you threw the snowball you slipped on some ice, fell on your face and in turn your throw was off its mark and blasted a corner of the bunker Maurice was hiding behind (Just throwing ideas out) ?
Ohhh, nice idea! I'll do that :)
Maybe I should wait till this event is over to post. I don't want to get involved and then prevent people from doing things if I can't get posts out fast enough. Dx

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