OOC Discussion

Well, since we're using Baltimore time since the roleplay is set in Baltimore...

ya'll got twelve hours.
welian said:
Well, since we're using Baltimore time since the roleplay is set in Baltimore...
ya'll got twelve hours.
See, now, that works fine.
[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]
For me the sabbath is nearly over.
Just an hour left

Stop being so foreign!
Lilah Tunth] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11748-giyari/ said:
I do not know whether or not I should take that seriously or not

So I won't take it seriously

Because 'When in doubt choose plan B' is my mantra
Hahaha! No don't take it seriously at all xD

It's nice to see someone else who suffers from horrible timezone problems too :P (GMT for me)

RpN should be its own nation

That way no one would suffer from timezone problems

Oh, and apparently my clock is six hours ahead of yours...
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Five and a half hours until our posting hold ends. How was everyone's day? Are you guys looking forward to the event? Have any questions?
welian said:
Five and a half hours until our posting hold ends. How was everyone's day? Are you guys looking forward to the event? Have any questions?
I'm looking forward to laughing evilly as I don't have to take part in the exam.
Mid-Term Exam Event

The Snowball Obstacle Course

Overview: The normal boring, mind numbing, standardized testing for mid terms will not be taking place. As per the notices placed around the facility, the students will be meeting out at in front of the GYM at 2 PM. At this time instructions will be explained to the students. The event will be an obstacle course with snowballs for the students to participate in team events.

  • Course:



    6,E Curled into a ball behind a barrel on South side.

     [spoiler=Position] X,Y [/spoiler]


    • Each square on the grid is 10ft
    • Players will need to use direction (North, South, East, West) to describe where they’re located, heading to, dodging towards, etc. using this grid system (which object, if applicable)
    • The course takes up the entire drydock so you cannot go off the map!

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theunderwolf said:
Avira Spyridon
Shrugging Avira just grinned at the question. "Do I look like I own gloves Jasper?" She asked, "Besides I sincerely doubt any dainty little gloves I own could fit your massive man hands." She said ducking to his side to compare their relative hand sizes. She was tallish and long limbed but Jasper had a good four inches on her and the hands to show for it. "Though I think Lilah has something up her sleeeve...' She said spinning around the boy to lean under the short girl's face and seeing the awkward smile, "Spiiiiiilll" She said cheerfully in her most ghoulish voice. However before the girl could get the chance to talk, the directors voice came in over the loud-speaker:

"Students, this is Director Swan. The midterm exam will soon be taking place, those taking part must report to the drydocks as soon as conveniently possible. Please see the updated instructions posted regularly around the building for details if you have not already been informed of changes that have taken place."

"Well I'm sure you'll tell me later, and we can probalby filch some gloves off some other students wen we get there soo..." She looked at the two with a devilish glint, "Race ya?"

@M0N0 @Lilah Tunth

You got some stuff messed up... No offense, but I don't know how to reply to that post. Because it makes no sense.

Please let me know if you players need an extra 12 hours to post.
just a heads up: in that post i put as much alliteration as i could think of into the first paragraph after the line so i recommend looking out for it because otherwise it sounds terrible lol
Seems like a number of you need extra time. I'm going to extend the time limit for this round by twelve hours from the timestamp on this post. I will make an official announcement with further details in the morning.
@readingraebow You uh, keep messing up between Rei and Ren. Small difference, but it's sorta there. Ren's the skittish one. Rei's the uh, other one.
Schedule Slip

Whoops, one day into the event and I’m already falling behind schedule! Oh well, it happens. I’m giving everyone extra time to post – until midnight in GMT -5, which is approximately thirteen hours from this post.

Due to me being an ass and forgetting that some of you aren’t able to log in every day, much less post, I’m going to make a slight alteration to the game mechanics – roleplayers who are unable to post will not be penalized. In exchange, I ask that the roleplayers who are able to post refrain from targeting those who can’t. Basically, when you go to throw a snowball, throw it at someone who has posted somewhat recently.

@Aldur Forgehammer @Chibii @readingraebow @Swimswamswom

@TheDaftStudent @TheDox @theunderwolf @too much idea @ViAdvena @welian @Zahzi
So here's the Event breakdown so far:

Blue Team has 6 people posted and setup

Red Team has 5 people posted and setup

It has been over 42 hours since the rules and details were posted so we will allow a few more hours for any stragglers to get their setup post.

As of 12pm EST (GMT -5) today, the BLUE team will be on the clock and have 36 hours (until 11:59pm EST (GMT -5) on Monday) for each member to post.

@Aldur Forgehammer @Swimswamswom @Chibii @readingraebow

Dano said:
Let's get the snow flying and remember, have fun with this - think of how much fun it would actually be if you got a grade for throwing snowballs at each other? I know it would have been the best exam ever....
Or the worst D:
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[QUOTE="too much idea]Or the worst D:

Haha... come on now, it wouldn't be that bad... xD
Dano said:
@Lilah Tunth did you put up a post saying where you were as we get ready to start the excitement (^U^)
Sadly enough, no.

I am still waiting for someone else to reply


Nevermind, I'll just reply now
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