OOC Chat

And i'm going to go with a bit of a scientific argument, if a human grows an appendage or a tail or an extra set of ears, that's because of a genetically dominant trait because the trait overrode the human gene that says "I'm not a fish anymore" (trying to put it in laymans terms)
Sadly yes. I'm not going to get into politics (I am a nonconformist utilitarian, which means I oppose social constructs such as government unless they benefit all citizens equally and hate political parties) but people complaining loudly every four years when their candidate looses is unnaceptable in any form of democracy.
Sadly yes. I'm not going to get into politics (I am a nonconformist utilitarian, which means I oppose social constructs such as government unless they benefit all citizens equally and hate political parties) but people complaining loudly every four years when their candidate looses is unnaceptable in any form of democracy.

I didnt want either of them to win i wanted them to have Obama 3rd term lol

It would be am i believe 
I didnt want either of them to win i wanted them to have Obama 3rd term lol

Yep. Two parties is not enough for a country this big, and it is impossible for anyone else to get elected if not associated with either party.

If everyone was entirely logical and people of all kinds were reasonable we could have a completely functional global insurrectional anarchy, but that is not the case because many individuals are incompitent.

Anyways, I think I should be learning more about dante since it's likely we'll be roomates. What should we start with? And do you want to know how Marakov would behave in certain situations?
Although he wont out right say that he is better than you he will think it and might act as if he is your superior 
Allrighty, he and Marakov will get along well xD

Marakov doesn't care much about what others think, he'll see dante as someone who can help him improve maybe, probably a friend because they'll be in the same room
Hmm now that i think about it more i believe we should dm eachother 

Hmm now that i think about it more i believe we should dm eachother 
Marakov will probably start out in the sparring room, some cocky kid will try to show him up and he'll be like "Nuh uh"

The exact words i'm probably going to use are *with his thick russian accent* "Dere vill alvays be someone better dan you. In your case, you've just found him" so that fits in with something that would follow dante's ideals

Das a gud idea

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