OOC Chat

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i've been busy all day with work and due to some jerks at work im more mentally exhausted then i should be. So if i post, it'll probably not be a good one(or a long one).
i hope my latest post is okay :P  i know one of the white fang made a call, i didnt -and sorta did- want to interrupt it. I made it a bit vague on the white fang Skye attacked. Did she attack the one making the call? Or did she not? Up to you @BlackJack xP unless my post in its entirely is a bit too overstepping?
Sorry for the short post, have to head to work for like 6 to 7 hours and wanted to get things rolling. You guys can start classes once you are out of the club and back. Just start out in Variens class and have Cruor take it from there.
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