OOC Chat

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After a 1 day timeskip Lilla will wake up, so until then I shall refrain from posting.

bring her chocolate
@Keidivh i understand that completely lol XD <3  i needed some time to rest my brain too XP

i dont think Skye is going to that call XD
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Gonna get a post up soon...

I slept til' 6PM (where I live, lol) and I'm just out of it.

I think it's the weather or something.

Anyways, I'll get a cup of joe.
well if a skip happens, ill know even less what to do with Skye lol considering i sorta intended for her to be found in the shower (obviously by olivia)
The healing should take weeks. The questioning could be happening right now if the none injured member reported to Flint like they've been asked, but everyone seems to have opted to ignore it and mope/sleep. Personally I think a good point to skip to would be the next morning (but I'm not quite ready for that.)
The healing should take weeks. The questioning could be happening right now if the none injured member reported to Flint like they've been asked, but everyone seems to have opted to ignore it and mope/sleep. Personally I think a good point to skip to would be the next morning (but I'm not quite ready for that.)

Hm, I could probably send Natsuki in to report, since she definitely would like apologize for her actions of rushing in and such, or whatever.

I'll shove in a post RN, decided on having hot chocolate so I'm not that awake, though I think I want to get a post in in before we decide on skipping.
The healing should take weeks. The questioning could be happening right now if the none injured member reported to Flint like they've been asked, but everyone seems to have opted to ignore it and mope/sleep. Personally I think a good point to skip to would be the next morning (but I'm not quite ready for that.)

This is something along the lines I was thinking, and skipping 'weeks' misses out on quite a bit of character progression. Imo. So it seems weird.


sorry that's just the first thing I thought when reading your post, lol
Oh Boy did I have a fun adventure today. My computer had a ram integrity issue today so I had to go to the apple store. Luckily they were able to fix it; also post coming up soon.
Oh Boy did I have a fun adventure today. My computer had a ram integrity issue today so I had to go to the apple store. Luckily they were able to fix it; also post coming up soon.

Lul, I have a computer story to tell you...

But first, why is Joshua's semblance an issue?
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