OOC Chat

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Atlas has robots and rich people.

That's a good reason to have a charrie from there, right? :PP

And indentured servitude. Corruption. A hyper militant society.

While in MIstral you have the arts, culture, theater, rampant corruption and the worst criminal element in Remnant! =D
If you need help, lemme know, ahaha.

I came to the RP after it started too, so I know what it's like. 

Woo! A partner of situation! 

I'll make sure to abuse ask for your help in times of difficulty! 

I'll probably make a few listings on Semblance usage / Personality types / Weapons / Colors / Races / and of course Genders~ 
Woo! A partner of situation! 

I'll make sure to abuse ask for your help in times of difficulty! 

I'll probably make a few listings on Semblance usage / Personality types / Weapons / Colors / Races / and of course Genders~ 

Also, another thing to note, if you do make another vale character, I'd be open to having them know my character.
Ehh, you win some, you lose some... :^P

boy howdy do I like Atlas

Quite true, quite true

Mistral be bitchin tho

To be honest, another vale character wouldn't be a bad idea since mine's the only one from vale.

Ya know what we don't have, someone from Vacuo. Not sure if anyone wants one from there though as it hasn't had much development 

Woo! A partner of situation! 

I'll make sure to abuse ask for your help in times of difficulty! 

I'll probably make a few listings on Semblance usage / Personality types / Weapons / Colors / Races / and of course Genders~ 

Same goes from if they're from Mistral, either way Olivia's going to be your friend. Forcibly if need be...
You're going to regret that! 

unsure if thats good or bad XD

Quite true, quite true

Mistral be bitchin tho

Ya know what we don't have, someone from Vacuo. Not sure if anyone wants one from there though as it hasn't had much development 

Same goes from if they're from Mistral, either way Olivia's going to be your friend. Forcibly if need be...

Oh i can imagine the encounter that the wolf would have.
Same goes from if they're from Mistral, either way Olivia's going to be your friend. Forcibly if need be...

Dun dun duuuun. 

unsure if thats good or bad XD


Ahahah, nice.

Depending on your character's social class, Natsuki may or may not know you, lol.

I just realized I named my character after a Summer Wars character...

I'll definitely have to do a little bit of studying before starting on my character. If I can justify a Faunus, I might grab for it. Surprisingly, I haven't run one in a RWBY RP yet.

And hey, Summer Wars was enjoyable. 
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I'll definitely have to do a little bit of studying before starting on my character. If I can justify a Faunus, I might grab for it. Surprisingly, I haven't run one in a RWBY RP yet.

And hey, Summer Wars was enjoyable. 

I would play faunus more if I could find better faceclaims for them...a lot of them look like the really generic weeaboo anime characters, lol.

It's my favorite movie, ahaha. Glad you know about it. A lot of people haven't seen it.
I actually made the team from mistral that will be in the vytal festival. They are really different because of how Mistral is.
Double post! 

But no, really, I am curious. Is there anything specific I should do with my character name? (Seeing as I need to fill a spot!) 
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