OOC Chat

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right, which is why im not gunna respond (even though i said i was gunna XD) cuz im wayyy too tired rn

Also Nat is this rps Weiss lol
[SIZE= 13px]she's the weiss of the rp?
that's pretty[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]cool[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]wait how tho
not that i disagree, just wanna hear your reasons lol[/SIZE]
just rich, having to follow a family name, pushed onward by her father :P x3 thats pretty much where the similarities stop though
[SIZE= 13px]oh rip i accidentally did pull a weiss
that's okay tho since they're different enough and i'm not deliberately copying ahahaha[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 13px]originally natsuki's semblance was gonna be ice and wintery but like[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]a name with "natsu" (summer) wouldn't really go with that, heh[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]i think we'd call Blake a kuudere[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px](the reason why I know these terms is because I watch too much anime)[/SIZE]
[COLOR= rgb(102, 0, 255)]Here's a quick guide on the four main "deres":[/COLOR]



[SIZE= 13px]... Natsuki's like a dandere/kuudere, lol.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]I still dunno if I should change it but I guess it works for now, lololol.[/SIZE]
i actually tend to steer my charries towards forms of tsundere XD with my fave charrie of all time to rp, being a full-fledged tsundere
[COLOR= rgb(102, 0, 255)]lol nice[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(102, 0, 255)]i usually do kuuderes or dandere because that's similar to my personality and easier to roleplay because of that lololol[/COLOR]
[SIZE= 13px]well I'm tired[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]good night (I'll still be on RPN but I won't probably respond because I'm only doing light reading to help me sleep)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]tomorrow, I'm gonna ask the OoC for help on shipping two characters of mine bc I ship em and for some reason it's hard for it to work ;v;[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 13px]I'm gonna end my semester...[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]off with a Yang![/SIZE]


[SIZE= 13px]by this I mean I'm gonna lose my arm from writing and drawing so much[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 13px]got it :))

and since i'm back from school

can you guys help me with a shipping issue
i have two characters i wanna pair together but for some reason it...isn't working????[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]idk[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 13px]well[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]i ship 'em cause they're kind of opposites (while still having stuff in common)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]though[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]i dunno if they'd actually work well as a couple
because they're really good together as friends[/SIZE][SIZE= 13px] but it's kind of hard to see 'em more than that
yet i still wanna ship them why do i do this to myself[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]also i found more of a "combat" theme for natsuki
thought it was cool because it was like a mix of traditional and modern music:[/SIZE]
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