OOC Chat

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if you post i most likely will :) maybe Skye will finally notice the human girl team member XD who knows xP she knows joshua somewhat at least
if you post i most likely will :) maybe Skye will finally notice the human girl team member XD who knows xP she knows joshua somewhat at least

[SIZE= 13px]lol rip natsuki[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]quoting myself because it's relevant c^:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]but for all you know, i could just be trolling as usual lololol[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]oooh, that'd be interesting. i'm curious about how what will happen ^^

...i think i should get a post up, now that i realize it
good going, danchou[/SIZE]

Hey maybe both of you can see that Joshua's starting an investigation?
if you post i most likely will :) maybe Skye will finally notice the human girl team member XD who knows xP she knows joshua somewhat at least

[SIZE= 13px]ahahahaha, then i should get more posts up, got it
it's gonna be awkward at first
(because natsuki is natsuki)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]just saying[/SIZE]

Hey maybe both of you can see that Joshua's starting an investigation?

[SIZE= 13px]i was gonna type up a post of natsuki looking at the keg thing as well but i got sidetracked as usual (thank you, attention span)
so i'll have her look around : )[/SIZE]
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god Skyes got so many negative qualities, and flaws

she may be one of my most flawed characters ever, actually :P

and i always rp charries with flaws lol
[SIZE= 13px]i like flaws too[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]i always try to make my characters more human than super cool or whatever
i wanna have them be characters that you can relate with[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 13px]shoot i phrased that badly
i didn't mean to make it sound like skye wasn't relatable or anything
i was saying that i was more focused on the human aspect of characters and less of a thing where i was trying to make a character that only existed to do the cool things we all want to do

but yeah i can relate 
like when she gets super self-conscious and all[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 13px]shoot i phrased that badly
i didn't mean to make it sound like skye wasn't relatable or anything
i was saying that i was more focused on the human aspect of characters and less of a thing where i was trying to make a character that only existed to do the cool things we all want to do

but yeah i can relate 
like when she gets super self-conscious and all[/SIZE]

Fair enough points :3 <3
[SIZE= 13px]i still feel like i phrased that badly lol
i hope what i said made sense
i feel like i sounded like i was insulting you ;v;[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]i wasn't really making comparisons to anything if that makes sense[/SIZE]
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[SIZE= 13px]i still feel like i phrased that badly lol
i hope what i said made sense
i feel like i sounded like i was insulting you ;v;[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]i wasn't really making comparisons to anything if that makes sense[/SIZE]

Wha? No you didnt insult me XD <3  or at least i didnt see you do it o-o
[SIZE= 13px]okay cool i'm just overthinking as usual lol
so now you can see how i can relate to the "self-conscious" thing ahahahaha[/SIZE]
I cannot really relate to my guys at the moment. I again am not a fan of Eco till I can figure him all out. He really has no backstory yet which concerns me.
I mean hes a Faunus, theres obvious normal backstory there.

Hes from Vale right?

(half or more of us are from Atlas for some reason...

i did that before it was cool btw <.<

[SIZE= 13px]atlas is kool, ok
i like the robot soldiers man
plus atlas seems like a place with a lot of snobs so i thought that fit for natsuki ohohoho
I mean hes a Faunus, theres obvious normal backstory there.

Hes from Vale right?

(half or more of us are from Atlas for some reason...

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i did that before it was cool btw <.<


[SIZE= 13px]atlas is kool, ok
i like the robot soldiers man
plus atlas seems like a place with a lot of snobs so i thought that fit for natsuki ohohoho

Ppshh, we all know Amber is the real hipster here! Before you know it, everyone will be dying their hair blue, carrying around spray paint and getting around via ice axe x3
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[SIZE= 13px]wait how much of our characters have parent problems[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]i wanna know[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]because i feel like we also have that coincidence going on, lol[/SIZE]
Skye's more or less estranged from her parents, who remain with the Atlas branch of the White Fang. That much Ive revealed about her past.
[SIZE= 12px]Eco is from Vacuo, really shows in the way he dresses. Was originally going to have him related to Flitz my hunter but decided against it. Both my hunters have extensive backstories. Most of the NPCs actually do. And many of the people you will meet later will as well its just in this storyline they are just there to fill some slots.[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]Eco is from Vacuo, really shows in the way he dresses. Was originally going to have him related to Flitz my hunter but decided against it. Both my hunters have extensive backstories. Most of the NPCs actually do. And many of the people you will meet later will as well its just in this storyline they are just there to fill some slots.[/SIZE]

Right right Vacuo x3

Hm :x  i got nuffin xD hes still a faunus though, maybe hes had runins with the vacuo white fang? no idea how that would be xP
Right right Vacuo x3

Hm :x  i got nuffin xD hes still a faunus though, maybe hes had runins with the vacuo white fang? no idea how that would be xP

[SIZE= 13px]vacuo's pretty chill w/ faunus tho[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]the whole vacuo thing is "if you can survive here, then you are welcome here."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]so as long as you're able to do that, people there don't really care about what you are[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]that might be an interesting backstory[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]having to survive in a harsh place like vacuo[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]something with its obstacles leading up to how eco is today or something[/SIZE]
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