OOC Chat

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... I feel like Amber would willingly wear the dress xD

Willing or not, that'll be happening

And all ya'll will be wearing the battleskirt, one way or another!

but omg I can't wait for the dance, that'll be so adorably epic

@Thalia_Neko @Mossino

and why is Natuski emo? :O  is she supposed to be like that?

cuz if thats so... only Joshua is a normal person in INJL lol

[SIZE= 13px]Wellllllllllll...[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px](I can't tell if this mean's I have been super subtle about this or really bad at implying this, so...here's a little bit of an explanation...?
As you all know, I'm not a professional at writing.)

Edit: Also it's kind of early, so we can't really get a perfect feel for her personality and stuff yet, lol[/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(102, 0, 255)]In a way, yes, she is, but also not really. She's just kind of a pessimist because when she grew up, people made fun of her for being weak and her parents not-so-subtly expressed disappointment in how she was developing as a huntress and despite the fact she's doing her best, for her, it feels like the goalposts are always moving. And she doesn't trust people when they praise her as she's also used to people sucking up to her and her parents for being rich and famous, not because they are actually proud of her or anything. Natsuki was friends with a theater crew when she was younger, but ended up pushing them away in the end due to convincing herself that they're "distractions" and focusing on being a "True Murakami", nonstop. This certainly made her very good at fighting and studies...at the cost of trusting and relating to people properly.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(102, 0, 255)]Basically, Natsuki was used to pretentious people treating her as a trophy and not as a person, so she's really unable to connect to people well. A part of her wants to tell others about her troubles and open up, though she's so used to keeping up an image of perfection that she really can't. So she just spouts out a bunch of kind phrases when she talks, as that's what she's used to. It's too much of a risk for her to try and talk about her actual feelings. What if her dad hears about this? The public? What would they say? What if when she opened up, the person she trusted left her? What if this changed how they thought of her? Would they still be friends?

Combine this with the fact that she doesn't think too highly of herself, she's...not a very joyful person. 

Of course, she's not constantly depressed or anything, but sometimes the bottled up feelings can pile up. [/COLOR]
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Teach her!

Break her out of her shell by teaching her to dance!

Omg, Olivia and Skye teach Olivia to dance

Olivia: Ya just gotta jump around and shake and stuff! Come on! SHAKE WITH ME!

[SIZE= 13px]Wellllllllllll...[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px](I can't tell if this mean's I have been super subtle about this or really bad at implying this, so...here's a little bit of an explanation...?
As you all know, I'm not a professional at writing.)[/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(102, 0, 255)]In a way, yes, she is, but also not really. She's just kind of a pessimist because when she grew up, people made fun of her for being weak and her parents not-so-subtly expressed disappointment in how she was developing as a huntress and despite the fact she's doing her best, for her, it feels like the goalposts are always moving. And she doesn't trust people when they praise her as she's also used to people sucking up to her and her parents for being rich and famous, not because they are actually proud of her or anything. Natsuki was friends with a theater crew when she was younger, but ended up pushing them away in the end due to convincing herself that they're "distractions" and focusing on being a "True Murakami", nonstop. This certainly made her very good at fighting and studies at the cost of trusting and relating to people properly.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(102, 0, 255)]Basically, Natsuki was used to pretentious people treating her as a trophy and not as a person, so she's really unable to connect to people well. A part of her wants to tell others about her troubles and open up, though she's so used to keeping up an image of perfection that she really can't. So she just spouts out a bunch of kind phrases when she talks, as that's what she's used to. It's too much of a risk for her to try and talk about her actual feelings. What if her dad hears about this? The public? What would they say? What if when she opened up, the person she trusted left her? What if this changed how they thought of her? Would they still be friends?

Combine this with the fact that she doesn't think too highly of herself, she's...not a very joyful person. 

Of course, she's not constantly depressed or anything, but sometimes the bottled up feelings can pile up. [/COLOR]


We need to take Nat dancing to...
Teach her!

Break her out of her shell by teaching her to dance!

lol we'll see x3 Skye and Olivia should dance again, then she be like "hurrm, invite me" lol

[SIZE= 13px]Wellllllllllll...[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px](I can't tell if this mean's I have been super subtle about this or really bad at implying this, so...here's a little bit of an explanation...?
As you all know, I'm not a professional at writing.)[/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(102, 0, 255)]In a way, yes, she is, but also not really. She's just kind of a pessimist because when she grew up, people made fun of her for being weak and her parents not-so-subtly expressed disappointment in how she was developing as a huntress and despite the fact she's doing her best, for her, it feels like the goalposts are always moving. And she doesn't trust people when they praise her as she's also used to people sucking up to her and her parents for being rich and famous, not because they are actually proud of her or anything. Natsuki was friends with a theater crew when she was younger, but ended up pushing them away in the end due to convincing herself that they're "distractions" and focusing on being a "True Murakami", nonstop. This certainly made her very good at fighting and studies...at the cost of trusting and relating to people properly.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(102, 0, 255)]Basically, Natsuki was used to pretentious people treating her as a trophy and not as a person, so she's really unable to connect to people well. A part of her wants to tell others about her troubles and open up, though she's so used to keeping up an image of perfection that she really can't. So she just spouts out a bunch of kind phrases when she talks, as that's what she's used to. It's too much of a risk for her to try and talk about her actual feelings. What if her dad hears about this? The public? What would they say? What if when she opened up, the person she trusted left her? What if this changed how they thought of her? Would they still be friends?

Combine this with the fact that she doesn't think too highly of herself, she's...not a very joyful person. 

Of course, she's not constantly depressed or anything, but sometimes the bottled up feelings can pile up. [/COLOR]

[SIZE= 13px];v; whoops did i accidentally make things sad 

pretty sads, but i getcha :3  i likes

i havent really revealed much about Skye's past actually XD
[SIZE= 13px]you guys are gonna be ticked at what i'm planning for natsuki's character development c^:[/SIZE]

ohmygosh i wanna know now xD

But after reading that, i realize now why Skye doesnt really notice Nat, cuz all that stuff about her (her walls and her fake smiles) only turns Skye off, and she disregards Nat as another lame human girl XD
ohmygosh i wanna know now xD

But after reading that, i realize now why Skye doesnt really notice Nat, cuz all that stuff about her (her walls and her fake smiles) only turns Skye off, and she disregards Nat as another lame human girl XD

[SIZE= 13px]ahahaha i gotta keep quiet now or you guys will know so much about natsuki you'll know her like the back of your hand
and hey that could be a fun thing to explore w/ our characters
'cause like there could be an instance where that fake smile has something else showing and skye might notice it or whatever
haha idk :^)[/SIZE]

Things make take dark turns at times, don't worry.

[SIZE= 13px]( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]unrelated to the character development thing i said
but since we said things were sad
here's a little meme[/SIZE]

natsuki i am sorry.png
cute meme

but Skye doesnt really care about that sorta thing, so even if she noticed, i dont think shed do anything about it x3 (which she probably wouldnt notice)

if you couldnt tell, despite "wanting" to become "friends" with humans, Skye regularly forgets that, and is totally wishywashy on the whole thing XD
cute meme

but Skye doesnt really care about that sorta thing, so even if she noticed, i dont think shed do anything about it x3 (which she probably wouldnt notice)

if you couldnt tell, despite "wanting" to become "friends" with humans, Skye regularly forgets that, and is totally wishywashy on the whole thing XD

[SIZE= 13px]lol rip natsuki[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]you guys are gonna be ticked at what i'm planning for natsuki's character development c^:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]quoting myself because it's relevant c^:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]but for all you know, i could just be trolling as usual lololol[/SIZE]

Speaking of turns, the issue in the arena will more likely than not be revisited in this chapter depending on how things play out.

[SIZE= 13px]oooh, that'd be interesting. i'm curious about how what will happen ^^

...i think i should get a post up, now that i realize it
good going, danchou[/SIZE]
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