OOC Chat

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Sorrrrryyyy... I was dragged into board-game night...

Who am I kidding...

I started board-game night.

Sorry, I'll reply soon!! xS

Yo that sounds legit! Board game it up!

[SIZE= 12px]Not sure if I mentioned this but what you do during the missions and such changes how my story will playout, you can find secret clues in certain missions to uncover more or you can just end them. All up to you guys. First mission will be more chill compared to others but still, thought I would tell you all.[/SIZE]

That sounds bloody awesome!

lilla and skye will deal the damage as a sick asf team, y'all find the clues

Oooooh, can Olivia join! She likes to deal damage to!
Chapter 1- Secrets shrouded in Mist is now up. The long paragraph is just a hunter giving you all a rundown on that specific mission because Flint did not.
[SIZE= 13px]rip gotta go to school tomorrow so cannot type up a post this late[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px](unless i stay up as usual and type up responses instead of sleeping ehehe)[/SIZE]
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