OOC Chat

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oh sweet :D

the only problem is i'm not sure what to change it to XD
i want to do something similar to the old character i based her off but i don't think i can do an ice motif, due to natsuki's name having to do with summer and all that jazz
unless you guys want me to be super ironic or whatever :PP

(context for what the semblace i'm talking about is)

Semblance:Leaping Over Dragon's GateAt first glance, it looks like Ryuuko’s semblance does very little. When she uses it, it starts off with ice in the shape of koi, which jumps and shatters into where she targets. This repeats for a while, until the ice shards gather together and form into the shape of an Eastern dragon. This can be used to shield herself and its ice breath can slow down an opponent. It can also attack with its claws, teeth, and tail, however the dragon will fall into pieces after enough hits or too much time passes.
[SIZE= 12px]My decision making is very poor so I cannot help all that much. Hence why I have been pondering my character for about 2 days now.[/SIZE]
ahaha that's fine
i was briefly wondering if i could just change my old character's ice koi dragon thing to being a bunch of maple leaves but then i realized that didn't make sense 
oooo watch out, it's a bunch of leaves, you're gonna dieeeeeeeeeeeeee

maybe i could do fire
i think someone else had a semblance with a fire dragon thing going on so i don't want to seem like i'm copying ahaha
ahaha that's fine
i was briefly wondering if i could just change my old character's ice koi dragon thing to being a bunch of maple leaves but then i realized that didn't make sense 
oooo watch out, it's a bunch of leaves, you're gonna dieeeeeeeeeeeeee

maybe i could do fire
i think someone else had a semblance with a fire dragon thing going on so i don't want to seem like i'm copying ahaha

maybe you could take inspiration from a will-o-wisp?
ooooh that'd be cool
i know some asian folklore of things like will-o-wisps with some knowledge of some of the european will-o-wisps, so i'll take inspiration from a mix of those XD
Speaking of characters, if anyone else leaves you can take their spot Cruor. I completely forgot you were only a teacher. Well it all depends on if you want to. I am actually thinking of just removing my guy completely and just rping NPCs and others.


on successful murders!


(note: killing people is illegal and bad 
do not do)

Lmafo, I hope everyone here is okay with death because henchman to bosses Alike, if they are defeated and Lilla is using her semblance, they are getting a sword through the neck or a shotgun into the head.
the murder that Skye did really shook her up, its definitely not something shes proud of

Neither is Lilla, in her eyes it honestly screwed her life over.

But enemy, ally, friend, foe, family, villain, none of those matter when Lilla is in her semblance.
i bet
poor things ;-;

my character's past isn't that sad, especially when compared with the others
natsuki: "i was pretty terrible at stuff and my only friends were the theater crew :'(("
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