OOC Chat

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I am thinking of making a new character to replace.

You will come in as transfer students, not sure how to introduce you both though.
Ah, I can probably write something like "she was supposed to go to another academy, though Beacon recently notified her that there were some slots open and she came here instead", I guess?
Natsuki's family's kind of rich so I wouldn't be surprised if money was involved in some way, hahah...
Ohh, that could work. Since they helped out so much, Beacon contacted her after having to take the students away to tell her about the slots at the school, as a way of sort of thanking the family, so that she can go to Beacon and not another huntsman academy?
IDK, ahahaha...
We are all in the arena. The only head honcho in the building would be Carmine and he is wandering around. You could ask him where to go.
[SIZE= 12px]Indeed. I may or  may not replace my character. I have not fleshed out his story which makes me want to play him less.[/SIZE]
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