OOC Chat

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I think the arena fights are mostly finished so they could just jump in as replacements for our teams? Their names start with the same letters we lost so respectively assign I think?
Oh yeah, a quick re-cap would be nice. I'm reading a little bit to catch up with you all, but a quick summary would speed things up. ^^

Oh and the recap,

Invitation day:

we all go through the steps of the emerald forest invitation instead we are searching for pocket watches. We partner up and we find the pocket watches and our teams are assigned based on this.

After everyone has settled into their rooms and chatted with everyone, we all go clubbing. The White Fang attacks, but Professor Varien is there and with he and the students working together, they push back the White Fang.

Day 2 (current day):

everyone is formally introduced into the classes. We meet Alani, Varien's adopted daughter and Alison, Joshua's older sister before the fights start. The Fights are as follows, Olivia vs Skye, Olivia wins. Sienna vs Lillia, Lilia wins. Eco vs Joshua, no result due to something fishy going on; either the aura detector isn't working or theres something up with Joshua. Sienna and Nyx withdraw their enrollment due to family obligations and that is where we currently are.


That is a dumbed down version of what happened.
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