OOC chat

You see that sets me off. Why did you have to say that? "I already did it a while ago", it's so frustrating. Erghh..!
LMAO. I was about to freak out.

Argument Closed

If you ever write or talk about this incident.. You die.
No no no. I just did it and smashed my computer desk down. FUUCCKK My mom's gonna kill me.

Anyways, seeing that the return ceremony is taking place, I'll post later. Don't really see my character being there.
I'm not blaming Merlin for failing against the [Horsemen]  :)

Thomas is, without a doubt, the strongest among the [Horsemen]. Although I have to admit that the idea about a headless horseman was... well, not much of an interesting theme for such a character (I'm so sorry, Crysalisis-senpai .-.) 

Yone, besides his swordsmanship and proficiency in the art of using Flow, also has a divine spear that breaches through/overcomes all form of obstacles at the ninth charge, a basically-nuclear-warhead in the form of a lightning bolt empowered by pure magical energy from another dimension and tons of weapons limited by his imagination, his hell fire and knowledge about those weapons only. And even then, he is still deemed the weakest [Horseman] for most of the time based on what weapon he is using and his unwillingness to fight makes him extremely vulnerable (could easily fight on par with Yagami even when he is holding back as I described in one of my posts, also his [Path] would not be that effective against Yone who was supposedly to crack every single of his tactic and strategy in their past encounters. 11/10 would definitely murder his brother in the next encounter.) 

Maniae is basically [Death] itself. Self-explanatory. Could have killed Yone for a number of times.

Perrin is... capable of making poison and talking to rats? I'm sure he could do something better than that.
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