OOC chat

Like I feel like I did it just so Merlin had to work for it, I don;t even feel like Grey had a chance in hell to be perfectly honest. Like damn, Grey died for Vivian, Merlin got stabbed in the back just because he was careless.

*Hugs senpai* Awe poor senpai
He had ten squads? What;re you talkin bout

They are just regular soldiers, course they'd be easy to take out.

And yes they are overpowered, the Four Horseman of the Apocolypse tend to have that power to easily take out mortals. The only reason Al'ar isn't so easily beaten is because, you guessed it, he's a god deity. But don't expect him to help much, he hated the idea of fighting in the first place, he'll only fight back when his life or the one he's protecting is in peril. Like I said, you can take the time to develop Merlin's power further with the time skip. Just no OP spells like fucking Avada Kadavra from Harry Potter

Also, I don't really care @Kairikudo Grey has gotten more serious and badass with the passing of three months so I doubt Vivian will recognize him now. I just don't really see the point if whenever Merlin made a move she'd be like, "Omg Merlin your so sexy." and kiss back but when Grey did she's like, "Ew, wtf."
I don't have a problem with Vivian and Grey going out if that's what you're talking about. And the soldiers are wizards/ wizards have spells. Not too easy to take down hundreds of em if you ask me.
I don't have a problem with Vivian and Grey going out if that's what you're talking about. And the soldiers are wizards/ wizards have spells. Not too easy to take down hundreds of em if you ask me.

Thomas easily took down 10 of them in a single swipe of his sword, Maniae killed Grey simply by kissing him. Yone has his virtue crap. Idek what Perrin has for him. But out of all them Thomas seems more like the one to take down all 100 so easily, your right.

And Idc whats happens with Vivian and Grey, I'll let what happens now happen.
LMAO> Merlin is more sexy than Grey will ever be!!!! He's subtle, not much in a rush unless the moment is there. The moment has been there for quite a few. lol
LMAO> Merlin is more sexy than Grey will ever be!!!! He's subtle, not much in a rush unless the moment is there. The moment has been there for quite a few. lol

Your kidding? Merlin looks like he just got out of rehab and went straight back to the needle.
PLUS, I could easily have Darrian say, "Merlin I'm giving an extra special mission that may take you a few extra months." And have Merlin go bye bye for a few months. ;P

Not really. It's totally in the jurisdiction of Darrian to do just that. I can have Merlin go on a scouting mission with a few extra troops.
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Trust me, I have 5+ years of RP experience under my belt, I can make Merlin disappear and it be totally ICly.
Then why did you say the thing about easily sliding Merlin away? That's a threat, bro.  Bringing OOC arguments IC>
Then why did you say the thing about easily sliding Merlin away? That's a threat, bro.  Bringing OOC arguments IC>

Because he honestly could, unless Merlin decided love > loyalty, that's totally different from Metagaming btw, we don't actually have a term for that.

Idk why your antagonizing me, I said I didn't care what happened to them.

I mean I wasn't gonna anyways unless I really wanted to scout the horseman, even then I'd send an NPC there not a PC.

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