OOC chat

Shucks, can I get a recap on what has happened and where everyone is?

So, I guess Yone had a fight with his sibling, The Headless Horseman is off with the other two horsemen. Grey, Merlin and Vivian are all in the hall outside Merlin's room.
@Crysalisis can my character learn or gain some new magic from his time in the dream? Even if the power doesn't last, it's just for him killing/ imprisoning the horsemen would it be okay?
No, I'm even thinking about revoking Tidnas' new character from this RP. Nothing to kill or imprison the Horseman. @Forehead
You evolve your character, like learn new spells via training like Grey, but nothing that kills the Horsemen. @Forehead
Either way, I can allow evolution but nothing to immediately and impossibly contain the horseman. @Forehead
No. but like I was thinking his mana would increase abnormally due to his last adventure.
No. but like I was thinking his mana would increase abnormally due to his last adventure.

What adventure? It's only been like...  2 days that has passed. And for one of those days, Merlin was out cold.
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Just asking, what would happen after the three month time skip? Are the horsemen gonna be there? 
Just asking, what would happen after the three month time skip? Are the horsemen gonna be there? 

Absolute silence. And of course they will be, it's not like they just up and vanished.
Thomas just like to take his sweet ass time regenerating his powers

Raising three corpses, fighting once, making a shade to fight for him really takes it outta him. He may have tons of power, but its only limited.
@Forehead Bro, you gotta be more subtle. "Hey let me just kiss her twice, maybe she'll want to be my gilfriend." Kissing her out of nowhere is like saying, "I'll force myself upon her and make her love me."
It seems to be working just fine.

Like I feel like I did it just so Merlin had to work for it, I don;t even feel like Grey had a chance in hell to be perfectly honest. Like damn, Grey died for Vivian, Merlin got stabbed in the back just because he was careless.
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