OOC Chat


Alarmed and Strangerous
This is for any discussion broadly related to this particular RP, short off topic discussions are fine but anything that seems like it's going to run over a page or so should be moved to the general chat.
Hey! Nice to see you. I've had a few errands and stuff to do today but I should be getting some more stuff up later on.
Hey everybody I'm going to tag you all because I'd love to hear where everybody's sort of at. How do people feel about the lore or rules I've been putting down? Has anybody's interest waned or their schedule changed? Do people have an idea of where they want to go in terms of their characters? No pressure or anything, just touching base.

@Heisenberg @A Mysterious Figure @The One Llama to Rule All @VoxMultis

To whet your appetite a little here's what I've settled on in terms of the IC.

We will be starting in Berlin Ward, like all wards it follows a standardised design but it does have a distinctly European flavour thanks to a slight majority from that continent. English is the most spoken language, followed by German than French but there are demographics from all over the world. I'll be expanding on the flavor and pertinent information in the lead up to kicking things off but in the mean time have a map.

berline ward.png

Like all of New Atlantis' wards Berlin is beset with crime and gangs but we are particularly concerned with one gang and one gangster in particular

Axel Thuder.png

Axel Thuder. A.K.A ThuderAxe, A.K.A Kidd Lightning. A manifester originally hailing from the Ancient Order of Stormbringers. Thuder is on bad terms with the master of the Stormbringers, heading a small faction clamouring for more overt action on some local issues, namely the production and use of certain controlled substances. Thuder took his supporters and formed the Thunder Wolves, a small gang ostensibly committed to asserting control over its local area to rid it of drugs but has so far met with limited success, mainly due to their low numbers. 

You haven't been in Berlin Ward for very long but a source you trust has already informed you that the Thunder Wolves are recruiting heavily and, thanks to desperation, willing to consider almost anyone. It's not exactly a lfashy gig, signing on with some two bit operation to fight local punks but if you play your cards right it might be a ticket to something bigger....

AAaaand that's all folks, sorry for inflicting my cheesy art on you and hopping to hear from you all!
Hey had a busy week but i'll be taking a look at stuff today and tomorrow and should have a character ready by monday!
I'm just waiting for an example character sheet, or for someone's character sheet to get approved.
cool, I'd like to get an example sheet up at some point today or tomorrow, I realise the sheet is a bit open ended/ 
I'm still interested, but yeah, I'm waiting for an example first, as I don't want to mess it up by starting to quickly.
Just waiting on an example, for now just sitting on a half-complete character and school sheet. That and I just cant think up a good name for the school of magic he follows.
Okay an example lesser school is up, I debated about using these guys because in some ways they are not a typical order in terms of their attitudes so that's something to keep in mind when filling out your own lesser schools. If you aren;t sure another example school that's more typical will be coming up. I'm actually pulling an overnight shift tonight so I can't really do as much as I would like to. 

Just waiting on an example, for now just sitting on a half-complete character and school sheet. That and I just cant think up a good name for the school of magic he follows.

What sort of school is it? Brainstorming always helps.


Nice idea Alty. It's like a Cops & Robbers, Lord of the Rings, crime thriller. 

Thanks man I'll send you an invite you if you want. Embarrassingly though the title is misspelled. It's meant to say "Rumble in the Streets of New Altantis"
What sort of school is it? Brainstorming always helps.

Demons. The summoning, enslaving, and controlling of demons directly or to use their powers. The school is marked by a disturbing disregard for moral practices, towards both demons and members.

The current master and symbol:


Colloquially referred to as "old man demon" and the "damned dead demon" respectively, though sometimes used interchangeably. 

The school has its origins with the church, founded to study the nature of demons to better destroy them, but at some point during the time of the Inquisitions its purpose changed from simply summoning demons into the world to destroy them into enslaving those same demons to use them as weapons against the enemies of the church. The sect was later cut off from the church and all of its practitioners declared heretics themselves when the use of unholy demonic magic was no longer necessary for the church's cause. At least that's the grand story old man demon preaches. As much as it looks like he could have been alive during that time in history, very few actually believe the school is anywhere near that old. Every current follower of the school was taught by old man demon himself, so most consider him the school's founder, claim he hasn't outright denied. Even if he is, that doesn't necessarily contradict his telling of things since no one's been able to find out how old the ancient fossil really is.

Becoming a student of the school mean accepting the possibility that something you summon could very well turn on you and kill you. Old man demon does oversee most instances of students practicing summonings for the first time in case the student "fucks it up" he will use his power to destroy the thing before it kills the student too bad, but even still students of the school have died to things they've called into the world. That's just a risk that comes with enslaving powers greater than oneself. Sometimes the demon doesn't take to servitude very well. While summoning is the main focus of the school, it also teaches many kinds of other magic that draws on or replicates powers of demons.
Demons. The summoning, enslaving, and controlling of demons directly or to use their powers. The school is marked by a disturbing disregard for moral practices, towards both demons and members.

The current master and symbol:


Colloquially referred to as "old man demon" and the "damned dead demon" respectively, though sometimes used interchangeably. 

The school has its origins with the church, founded to study the nature of demons to better destroy them, but at some point during the time of the Inquisitions its purpose changed from simply summoning demons into the world to destroy them into enslaving those same demons to use them as weapons against the enemies of the church. The sect was later cut off from the church and all of its practitioners declared heretics themselves when the use of unholy demonic magic was no longer necessary for the church's cause. At least that's the grand story old man demon preaches. As much as it looks like he could have been alive during that time in history, very few actually believe the school is anywhere near that old. Every current follower of the school was taught by old man demon himself, so most consider him the school's founder, claim he hasn't outright denied. Even if he is, that doesn't necessarily contradict his telling of things since no one's been able to find out how old the ancient fossil really is.

Becoming a student of the school mean accepting the possibility that something you summon could very well turn on you and kill you. Old man demon does oversee most instances of students practicing summonings for the first time in case the student "fucks it up" he will use his power to destroy the thing before it kills the student too bad, but even still students of the school have died to things they've called into the world. That's just a risk that comes with enslaving powers greater than oneself. Sometimes the demon doesn't take to servitude very well. While summoning is the main focus of the school, it also teaches many kinds of other magic that draws on or replicates powers of demons.

Off the top of my head Solomon seems to be a good figure to tie into, as a biblical figure who also supposedly enslaved demons so you could make some kind of reference to him, the order of Solomon or the sons of Solomon or something.
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Good whatever time you find yourselves reading this I thought I'd put together a schedule for the next couple of days so we're all on the same page.

Sometime today you can expect the promised example character sheet to go up as well as a few more bits and bobs related to how magic works.

Tomorrow I have to work pretty well all day and I probably wont have much time to do more than answer questions so hopefully we can focus on people's characters and custom magic.

Friday and the weekend I have to work but not quite as much and I should be able to flesh out Berlin Ward in preperation for the IC.
Off the top of my head Solomon seems to be a good figure to tie into, as a biblical figure who also supposedly enslaved demons so you could make some kind of reference to him, the order of Solomon or the sons of Solomon or something.

I'd been using Solomon for the demons and such, I don't know why I didn't immediately think to base the whole school off that theme.
I'd been using Solomon for the demons and such, I don't know why I didn't immediately think to base the whole school off that theme.

The brain is an odd creature.

Also: I'd like to float the idea of adding a stat block to the CS. The way I normally use stats in rps is for the categories to be fairly broad and more suggestive than have them be precise, iron clad mechanics. They'd be more tools to guide your character and their approaches and theyd also be something to discuss in PVP situations.
Shouldn't Allison be much older if she was a college student before the Nexite Wars? If I'm understanding the timeline right the wars happened over 20 years ago which would make Allison beyond gifted to be in college at such a young age.
You are most likely right. I finished the cs at like 2 am and I was realky tired anyway so I doubt everything lines up properly 

. Ill fix it up tonight 
The gaps look good so far guys! I've chatted to both of you via PM a bit but so far we are looking good, I can't wait to see what else people come up with.

Allison's age has also been changed to 39. This makes her appearance pic a bit suspect but, as we've established previously, increasing the amount of mana in the body allows it to function better, constant, above average levels of mana circulation should theoretically slow down the ageing process. If you would like a figure like the master of your order ot be older than human normally would this would be a way to make that happen, though not the only one
Unfortunately I don't have time to do much else tonight, I'm sleeping at work tonight so I need to be up at seven and it's late already.

Just waiting around, that's all...

Though maybe I'd like to brainstorm on what my fellow Imbuer character will be like. My character doesn't use magic, he needs a magic shotgun and equipment needed to summon magical creatures.

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