OOC Chat


Just waiting around, that's all...

Though maybe I'd like to brainstorm on what my fellow Imbuer character will be like. My character doesn't use magic, he needs a magic shotgun and equipment needed to summon magical creatures.

Sure! I had some vague ideas, off hand I was thinking somebody a bit younger, from a more isolated school who is interested in the outside world especially it's technology. So at the same time as Casimir is trying to learn about mages this person is trying to find out about the outside world and they can kind of cross over in that way.

I'm curious to see if you had any ideas at this stage though.
I was thinking that this Imbuer and Casimir would bump into each other when it's apparent that Casimir is a fish out of water so the Imbuer decides to approach him. Casimir read the basics of magic, but he can't remember them all because he isn't familiar with magic; these are alien concepts to him. He doesn't even know New Atlantis and he frequently gets lost. To add insult to injury, when somebody offers him "mana" he forgets that it's the power source that drives magic and he even thinks its slang for drugs. Through this the Imbuer deduces that Casimir is an outsider.

"You... don't belong here. do you?"

"What are you talking about? 'Course I belong here, silly. I was just rustling your jimmies there."

"Is that so? I was thinking of showing you around the place, but since you're so sure of yourself I'll leave you alone."

"W-Wait... You're actually going to help?! S-Stop right there, man. Ahem, the name's Casimir, and don't tell anyone that I'm an outsider. I just need to lay low for a while. And tell me why does everybody give me funny looks when I tell them that mana's a drug? Oh, don't give me that funny look."

I was thinking of making that magi a potential love interest, so the Imbuer character will be female. She will be the first girl that he meets but the potential relationship will not start off romantically. They can start off with a mutual interest in each other's worlds, Casimir is interested in the Imbuer's magical world and the Imbuer is interested in Casimir's modern world. If Casimir and the Imbuer get close, it's a sign that the modern and magical world can coexist.

Of course, I was thinking of another love interest from Casimir's world, Carla Gamlin, the journalist that Casimir works for. Their relationship starts off professionally, and Carla often pulls Casimir towards the modern world and does not really believe in magic, placing her faith instead on technology and society.

The Imbuer signifies Casimir's interest in the magical world. Carla Gamlin signifies Casimir's ties to his modern world.

The Imbuer's personality in question will be stoic and patient, a bold contrast to Casimir's childishness and impulsiveness. She will be there to cool down his temper when he gets aggressive, and he in turn will tell her to fight for what she believes in. It'll be a song of ice and fire. The Imbuer girl will be ice and Casimir will be fire.

The way the nature of their business in New Atlantis is different too. 

The Imbuer is interested in Casimir because she holds the belief that technology and magic could work together and could do something never seen before in human history. But the problem is that she's stuck in New Atlantis and she fears that she will never be able to find what she wants. Her dreams can't go anywhere because she's basically trapped in a giant cage. That's until she met Casimir.

Casimir is only interested in the Imbuer so he could complete his job and report back to his superior, Carla Gamlin. If he were honest to himself, he would say that he does not have dreams of his own and he just wants to live his life. He's carefree and he can travel all over the world with no constraints since he's an ordinary person that's not looked down on by society. That might change when he meets the Imbuer.

I've even found the perfect theme song for this:
that sounds cute  :D  Do you want to steer both characters yourself or are you interested in finding someone to play her? It sounds like you have a pretty good idea of her character already.

By the way i ngneral you guys will have the ability to create NPC's pretty freely, it's only main characters that I don't want people to be making too, too many of.
To be honest, I find it troublesome to establish dialogue. I just have a hard time coming up with puns, comebacks, and other verbal stuff that keeps arguments new and refreshing. It's better if someone else plays the Imbuer character. Plus, I never played a romance RP before, so I don't know how to steer two characters together without it sounding a bit lame. Gonna need some assistance here.

Hmm, so I'll make the Imbuer character along with her school?
First off see if anybody else here wants to play her. If they do it's probably better to leave some stuff open so they can feel a bit more connected to the character. 

If nobody does then I'll play her, we might collab a bit on the school and stuff but you can decide how you want it. 


@VoxMultis @A Mysterious Figure @OverconfidentMagi

Is anybody interested in playing a support focused weapon maker possibly with a romantic plot linked to @Heisenberg 's character? Either as their main character or as a less important NPC. It's fine if not I expect most people to be more interested in their own stuff but the opportunity is there if you want it. 

This is also a good opportunity to not that I love plotting out this stuff so if other people have characters or side plots for their own characters that they would like to see happen I'm totally happy to support that as well.
I had an idea for a weapon maker that used guns, but I think I can remake him (for example into a her) easy enough. Let me work on the CS for a bit.
Fucking done, the site for some reason wiped everything out when I went to edit the COMPLETED CS and it deleted everything. Just done.
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Okay, everything is rewritten. Not quite the same, a lot of little details lost. Subtle hints and clever wordings that I couldn't remember how they went the first time. 

As far as gun stuff goes, these are the three basic types of magic bullets she can make easily:

  • Viper - The basic anti-magic bullet. It pierces through most basic kinds of magical barriers and shielding.
  • Hound - The best bullet for hitting a target, it chases its target until it hits something.
  • Meteor - Have every shot be like you're shooting a shotgun. The bullet splits apart after its fired then continues on its path in a cluster.
Thanks Magi! And by the way is that Saber from Fate Stay Night?

Maybe I can pitch in too but making another NPC character of my own. That and I'll eventually scrounge up a school to use. The problem is that the internet is so slow because the service sucks, but I can do it eventually.

By the way, Magi, be sure to save your profiles in microsoft word before editing it because sometimes RPnation does have errors that make other people using the site unable to access it.
First off see if anybody else here wants to play her. If they do it's probably better to leave some stuff open so they can feel a bit more connected to the character. 

If nobody does then I'll play her, we might collab a bit on the school and stuff but you can decide how you want it. 


@VoxMultis @A Mysterious Figure @OverconfidentMagi

Is anybody interested in playing a support focused weapon maker possibly with a romantic plot linked to @Heisenberg 's character? Either as their main character or as a less important NPC. It's fine if not I expect most people to be more interested in their own stuff but the opportunity is there if you want it. 

This is also a good opportunity to not that I love plotting out this stuff so if other people have characters or side plots for their own characters that they would like to see happen I'm totally happy to support that as well.

I wouldn't mind playing her, if you'd like me to.
Hmm, I was thinking of a more melancholic character, though you've done good work. Instead of one love interest, there shall be several conflicting love interests at the same time! I was thinking of introducing a woman called Faye.

Casimir can be described as an anti-nihilist. He believes that bad things are going to happen, but that should not be an excuse to be good to people. Serena can be described as a pure idealist while Faye would be a complete cynic. Casimir is the middleman between idealism and cynicism, so Serena and Faye would essentially be his polar opposites in different directions. One is happier while the other is melancholic.

Serena has a strong and adventurous personality; she is a girl who has a "hot" personality. She is a strong idealist that challenges Casimir's cynicism, and he will often be enchanted with that woman. It seems like she has the strength of a thousand souls dwelling within her, and that she can pick herself up in situations where men would normally be broken into little bits and pieces. From her viewpoint, he sees the limitless potential of magic for the modern world, and that even in these dark times there is still hope for coexistence between humans and magi.

People just need to see that the magi are just like them in every respect. 

Then there's Faye Wycliffe the Alterer who has a "cold" personality. She is a pessimist that conflicts with Casimir's optimism, she is a recluse that avoids social contact but that all changes when Casimir arrives. She is always busy perfecting her magic and she is not interested in the world outside but she is so focused on her own little world. That little world of hers gradually becomes bigger and bigger until she realizes what she's been missing all along.

If Serena enchants Casimir, Faye disillusions him. She is quick to point out the flaws within Casimir's plans, mercilessly ripping him apart until only the facts remain. Despite her cold attitude, she does care about Casimir's well-being, and that's why she expends so much effort caring for him in the first place.

Casimir: "I'm quite the adventure, aren't I?"

Faye: "Shut up."

To Casimir, Faye is this shut-in that has given up on the world without even trying to give it a chance. To Faye, Casimir is a braggart and loser that is only good at taking beatings and getting into trouble. Gradually, they begin to explore each other's worlds and see what they truly are. Casimir not only explores the magical world, he sees it through Faye's perspective too. The same goes for Faye, she explores the modern world through Casimir's eyes.

*Casimir grabs a vase*

Casimir: "What's this? Can you tell me-"

Faye: "Don't touch that! It's a family memento that has-"

*Accidentally breaks vase*

Faye: "Inside of it lies a demon that came from the pits of hell..."

Casimir: "Dear lord..."

Faye: "Fool, what have you done? You have just unleashed a creature from the fires of hell upon us mere mortals."

Casimir: "Look at the size of that thing. What the hell was your family thinking when that put that thing in a vase?! And why is it breakable?!"

Faye: "Stop gawking and run, fool!"
Draft 1.0 gave her scarf Bail Out! So many well thought-out, well explained systems in WT.

I'll figure out how to stuff Snow into a bullet for Heisen's character eventually.

Man why aren't their any world trigger RPs on this site? 

I wouldn't mind playing her, if you'd like me to.

Seems like Overconfidentmagi beat you to it though by the looks of this

mm, I was thinking of a more melancholic character, though you've done good work. Instead of one love interest, there shall be several conflicting love interests at the same time! I was thinking of introducing a woman called Faye.

Casimir can be described as an anti-nihilist. He believes that bad things are going to happen, but that should not be an excuse to be good to people. Serena can be described as a pure idealist while Faye would be a complete cynic. Casimir is the middleman between idealism and cynicism, so Serena and Faye would essentially be his polar opposites in different directions. One is happier while the other is melancholic.

Serena has a strong and adventurous personality; she is a girl who has a "hot" personality. She is a strong idealist that challenges Casimir's cynicism, and he will often be enchanted with that woman. It seems like she has the strength of a thousand souls dwelling within her, and that she can pick herself up in situations where men would normally be broken into little bits and pieces. From her viewpoint, he sees the limitless potential of magic for the modern world, and that even in these dark times there is still hope for coexistence between humans and magi.

People just need to see that the magi are just like them in every respect. 

Then there's Faye Wycliffe the Alterer who has a "cold" personality. She is a pessimist that conflicts with Casimir's optimism, she is a recluse that avoids social contact but that all changes when Casimir arrives. She is always busy perfecting her magic and she is not interested in the world outside but she is so focused on her own little world. That little world of hers gradually becomes bigger and bigger until she realizes what she's been missing all along.

There's another slot open? Man will New Atlantis' ten ports be able to handle all this shipping?

 By the way @A Mysterious Figure have you a main character in mind for yourself?
If I didn't know from painful experience that I am totally incapable of running two RPs at once I'd for real make one right now.

Same, I would if I wasn't already busy with my own RP. Maybe in the future I'll try to get one going.
Well, I've started an RP called Gods and Emperors, but it's currently on hiatus. I decided to do some serious reading on history and gaining some experience in roleplays first before confronting that monster of an RP first. That way I won't stress myself and I'll fix in some gaps that I have in time.

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