OOC Chat

While you big boys are busy with your life stuff I'll be out busy shipping some ladies to my good old Casimir!

"I don't need your help, Heisenberg, I'm already a sex god."

So... does that mean I won't make Faye Wycliffe for ya?

"Ah, so you mean that shut-in. Don't let me stop you, pal. Do it, by all means, just do it.

Uh huh.... so you did need my help after all.

"Anything to fulfill your sexual fantasies, pal."



Careful with your words, Casimir, I'm the puppeteer that pulls the strings.

"Says the-" *Casimir's lips are shut tight, he desperately tries to pull his mouth open with his hands.*

Ahem, that's all for now. It's time to make Faye Wycliffe's profile.
Meh, I've had an epiphany of sorts. I realized that setting up characters as love interests without any certainty that this would work out is generally a bad idea. It could work out, but it just doesn't feel right if you get what I mean. Let's just let the plot flow without me derailing it. That's one problem of mine, I get too excited and everything gets out of hand.

Real love and real happiness takes time and effort to establish, and I can't let the idea of it get so over my head that I miss the entire point. Though I'm glad that I actually thought of introducing a character that would counteract Casimir's personality, merely setting up a relationship for the sake of setting it up is no good. I've got to set my priorities, man.

I'll still create Faye Wycliffe, but this time I'll try to give her true freedom as a character and not just another random gal to add to Casimir's collection. The next time this thing happens I would like somebody to point this out to me, because when I usually do this I let my emotions get the better of me and I don't know what I am doing.

Faye does not necessarily have to participate in the main cast, but she can be the magi that Casimir frequently visits... Eh, I'll try to figure something out. Guys, wish me luck! It really takes me time to think this through. If I rush it in any way there's a  chance that I've overlooked something. Constructive criticism will really help me and guide my steps. I'm always looking for ways to improve my writing and enjoying the work I've done. Mistakes are sometimes regrettable but they can help you grow.
Meh, I've had an epiphany of sorts. I realized that setting up characters as love interests without any certainty that this would work out is generally a bad idea. It could work out, but it just doesn't feel right if you get what I mean. Let's just let the plot flow without me derailing it. That's one problem of mine, I get too excited and everything gets out of hand.

Real love and real happiness takes time and effort to establish, and I can't let the idea of it get so over my head that I miss the entire point. Though I'm glad that I actually thought of introducing a character that would counteract Casimir's personality, merely setting up a relationship for the sake of setting it up is no good. I've got to set my priorities, man.

I'll still create Faye Wycliffe, but this time I'll try to give her true freedom as a character and not just another random gal to add to Casimir's collection. The next time this thing happens I would like somebody to point this out to me, because when I usually do this I let my emotions get the better of me and I don't know what I am doing.

Faye does not necessarily have to participate in the main cast, but she can be the magi that Casimir frequently visits... Eh, I'll try to figure something out. Guys, wish me luck! It really takes me time to think this through. If I rush it in any way there's a  chance that I've overlooked something. Constructive criticism will really help me and guide my steps. I'm always looking for ways to improve my writing and enjoying the work I've done. Mistakes are sometimes regrettable but they can help you grow.

Yeah I've been there, it's super fun planning stuff out but it can be better to let things develop naturally, that's one of the main advantages of group RPing! You might find that interacting with other players accomplishes something similar or even better to what you were hoping to get. Don't feel like you're going to derail things by contributing though, since the plot is going to be tailored according to what you guys wanna do there's no grand vision to interfere with exactly. 

So how is everyone doing? In particular how are our new members finding things? I haven't been very active the last couple of days due to work and tiredness so I apologise, unfortunately I have to work again tonight but I will be available to bounce ideas off of or answer questions.

@Heisenberg @OverconfidentMagi @A Mysterious Figure @VoxMultis @Moolock @gogojojo331 @Fenris
Yeah I've been there, it's super fun planning stuff out but it can be better to let things develop naturally, that's one of the main advantages of group RPing! You might find that interacting with other players accomplishes something similar or even better to what you were hoping to get. Don't feel like you're going to derail things by contributing though, since the plot is going to be tailored according to what you guys wanna do there's no grand vision to interfere with exactly. 

So how is everyone doing? In particular how are our new members finding things? I haven't been very active the last couple of days due to work and tiredness so I apologise, unfortunately I have to work again tonight but I will be available to bounce ideas off of or answer questions.

@Heisenberg @OverconfidentMagi @A Mysterious Figure @VoxMultis @Moolock @gogojojo331 @Fenris


Currently, I'm trying to read this book on improving my writing and I'm also planning to introduce two new characters into the roleplay. Those two characters come from two different lesser schools so I'm going to have to create those schools later on. If the roleplay starts before I finish then I'll make them come in later in the roleplay.


Well, that's... a rather short salutation.
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Currently, I'm trying to read this book on improving my writing and I'm also planning to introduce two new characters into the roleplay. Those two characters come from two different lesser schools so I'm going to have to create those schools later on. If the roleplay starts before I finish then I'll make them come in later in the roleplay.

Busy! There'll definitely be lots of opportunities to introduce them down the track so there's no rush.

You guys seem to really like making npcs so I've been thinking down the track everyone's characters might be able to have their own posses, small groups npcs they can order around or have as backup.

Whats the point of being in a gang if you cant throw around your weight right?
Hello all, I haven't really checked in today despite being on the site a lot, I've just been pretty out of it today so I'm gonna have to catch up tomorrow, apologies if the owners of in pending characters and stuff have been waiting on bated breath, 
Hey everyone.

I have been either super busy, sick, exhausted or some combination of all three for the last week or so so I haven't really checked in lately, I'm having a look at some outstanding stuff now.
Okay so! I have a free weekend coming up, beyond that the rest of my week is not totally jam packed so expect an IC to be up within the next seven days at the outside. I think I've put that off for long enough, it'll be good to finally kick things off.
@AtlannianSpy I'll be finishing up the lesser school for AJ before introducing her to the RP, that way there'll be a sturdier foundation for her. That alright?
I might be offline for a while depending on how badly a hurricane wants to fuck my shit up, but I'll respond in whatever capacity I am able. If that means as usual or not at all is TBD.

Edit: Well, looks like it'l be business as usual. It missed. Completely.
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I can play Casimir, but I can't make Faye yet. I've got slow internet and my motivation has gone downhill a bit there. Even though I've been lately feeling sick and depressed recently, I'm still excited to play Casimir since I consider him to be one of my greatest characters so far. I personally don't mind waiting a long time since I've got a lot on my plate, but I may only post 2-3 times a week.

And if you want, I can still ask questions so we can flesh out some of the story concepts.
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.....heeeeeeey guys.

So first of all an apology is in order. I ummm. I guess I bit off more than I could chew, got burned out and stopped using the site for a while out of avoidance, its an old, bad habit. 

I'm not going to run any RPs for a while, probably a long while until I'm in a better space. I also wanna move my creative energy into something... I dunno less purely recreational. I'm, sorry for roping you guys into something that never got off the ground and I'm sorry for not doing the adult thing and just admitting what was going on. If anyone wants to do something with... all this then they can.

Lastly thanks for your time and enthusiasm, probably we could have have done something really cool under better circumstances. I dunno.







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