OOC Chat

@Quark Yeah, quirks can help differentiate the individual. Example: Gon likes to fish, and Kite likes to fish, but they have different nen.

When dealing with a bland personality, I usually start with vices/virtues. Add one or two vices, then add one or two virtues. That should help add color to a bland personality. If you want to have the character change according to how they interact with others, you'd probably make them not stubborn, or somewhat naïve for that to work. It can also work without that, but that depends on your relationship with the character. Example: Killua becomes more open/compassionate by being friends with Gon.
@Sinister ClownI wouldn't mind death as a concept, if the character profiles didn't need so much detail/information. I usually prefer to have my characters live and progress.

Meh, I guess it really depends on who you ask about there being 'so' much detail & information required for a CS. Personally I stick to detailed threads most of the time and prefer making longer CS's so I don't take it as much of a chore and always make characters with the thought in mind that one day I might have them killed off the Rp.

I think death in Rp's (If done right) can make Rp's a whole lot more interesting instead of the 100% certainty your character is going to survive everything and with HxH I think it would be sort appropriate as well. I mean the author of HxH often writes the manga as if he's ready to kill off the main protagonists at any moment, hell I'm even considering making a few characters for the soul purpose of being used for other's to develop their characters and to build them up to a point where they can die. There is just a certain sense of fulfillment out of those kinds of character's - especially making the cliche cold badass who ends up abandoning all of his beliefs at the very end to protect those he considers family and dying a blazing fire of glory. 
@Sinister Clown I'm all about detailed threads, but having to make a new character profile every time my character dies gets tedious for me. I can only remember so many characters at a time.

Death does make RP interesting, but I see it as just a consequence. I'd rather my character face other consequences than death, such as losing a battle, losing a limb, etc. The author does kill a ton of characters in the anime (I've not read the magna), but I've not seen the author kill the main characters (Gon, Killua, Leorio, Kurapika. I'm around Ep. 75 on the anime). I can do multi-characters, but typically they're NPCs/side-characters for me, if I need to progress a plot/my main character. I'm not saying, I'll never make my characters die. I'm just saying, I rarely introduce death early for my characters.
@Sinister Clown I'm all about detailed threads, but having to make a new character profile every time my character dies gets tedious for me. I can only remember so many characters at a time.

Death does make RP interesting, but I see it as just a consequence. I'd rather my character face other consequences than death, such as losing a battle, losing a limb, etc. The author does kill a ton of characters in the anime (I've not read the magna), but I've not seen the author kill the main characters (Gon, Killua, Leorio, Kurapika. I'm around Ep. 75 on the anime). I can do multi-characters, but typically they're NPCs/side-characters for me, if I need to progress a plot/my main character. I'm not saying, I'll never make my characters die. I'm just saying, I rarely introduce death early for my characters.

Oh I do get what you mean and a lot of people generally don't like killing their characters what so ever and I agree, there wouldn't be much point in making a 'main character' only to die early in the Rp and I wasn't really talking about early deaths, because at times deaths in Rp can be a little too much for that reason - there aren't many people who like to recreate characters a lot but like I said in my last post; If it is done right it most certainly spices things up and makes you feel like you actually hold some power in the Rp knowing that your choices may effect what happens to that character or even someone elses character. Also I just want to make it clear I'm not going againt you, I'm just stating my personal preference on the topic because I understand everyone has their reasons for stuff like that and character deaths can be a really touchy thing in detailed RP's where people generally try a lot harder to make their CS as good as possible.

As for that little thing about not having killed off the main main characters of the series, to me that mostly has to do with lack of character development to build up towards that death scene. I don't know if you've ever noticed in movies or anime but whenever they kill off a character - they generally try their best to make you feel like you can either relate to them or become hooked on them as characters. 

An example of what I mean could be Kite, just try imagine his death scene before showing anything about him. Like say the first time Gon & Killua met him and they got into the fight which get's Kite killed in the end happened before showing off Kite's skills, hatsu or flashbacks? Throughout that whole thing, his character was generally just hooking people in just so they could make his death scene all that more effective. 

So to me, Death in rp's is a touchy thing but if you do it right it makes the whole RP that much better. Either way deaths or not I'm still down for a HxH rp, it's one of the biggest fandoms I've always wanted to do but it's always been so underrated compared to other anime. I'd even be willing to say it probably is the most underrated anime series out there. (Maybe next to Magi.)
@Sullivanity I checked your character template. I've just a question, do you have a sample/example, we can look upon as a specific reference? It'd help us to know what type of images you prefer (3-d, 2-d, anime, etc), and whether there's a particular name we must utilize in the sheets. Example: Are all characters using a Japanese naming style like the anime?

An example sheet can now be found in the Character Template topic. Bear in mind, Sunny is a full-fledged hunter, so his stats an general badassery are gonna be above your characters
@Quark Yeah, quirks can help differentiate the individual. Example: Gon likes to fish, and Kite likes to fish, but they have different nen.

When dealing with a bland personality, I usually start with vices/virtues. Add one or two vices, then add one or two virtues. That should help add color to a bland personality. If you want to have the character change according to how they interact with others, you'd probably make them not stubborn, or somewhat naïve for that to work. It can also work without that, but that depends on your relationship with the character. Example: Killua becomes more open/compassionate by being friends with Gon.

Good point. I'll keep that in mind, thanks! ^_^

I'm thinking that my character of adding a few hobbies or so then flesh out a little more of her. 

I think vices are a little easier for me compared to thinking up virtues. 
An example sheet can now be found in the Character Template topic. Bear in mind, Sunny is a full-fledged hunter, so his stats an general badassery are gonna be above your characters

Just want to say thanks for putting the effort to making the RP easier for everyone, with the good organization and everything! 

Not every GM I've known around here does that so really appreciate it!
I have most of my Character done, I just need tp find a good photo since I totally suck at drawing, and it is not an option xD

I think if you have the right Nen, death even stays cool, like that Pitou flying after the arm, will being stronger than death itself.

For my nen, I think I will choose conjurer path, "kinda" like Kurapika but with my own rules, vows and effects, and no chains of course. But until we reach the nen part Im pretty sure of the kind of guy I want to make. Just... maybe I should play girl? Dont know xD
Just so you guys know, death will always be a possibility, but it won't be somthing we actively work toward. If you want to retire a character or just leave the roleplay, PM me and we can get him or her killed off asap.
I have most of my Character done, I just need tp find a good photo since I totally suck at drawing, and it is not an option xD

I think if you have the right Nen, death even stays cool, like that Pitou flying after the arm, will being stronger than death itself.

For my nen, I think I will choose conjurer path, "kinda" like Kurapika but with my own rules, vows and effects, and no chains of course. But until we reach the nen part Im pretty sure of the kind of guy I want to make. Just... maybe I should play girl? Dont know xD

If you need a good photo, I suggest Yu Yu Hakusho. It's another manga/anime written by Togashi, so it has a similiar art style. It's where I got Sunny's appearance.
@Sinister Clown I was just providing my opinion on the matter. Therefore, I wasn't at all assuming you were going against me.

@Sullivanity Thanks for the example. It should help me establish my character profile.

@Quark For coming up with virtues, sometimes you can use the vice to generate the virtue. Vice = Slow in Combat, Virtue = Since she/he's slow in combat, she/he has bolstered their defense. I'm glad to provide some help with your character.
I know Yu Yu Hakusho, I used to see it when I was a kid, around the time when mankind discovered fire xD

My fav was the black haired guy of the third eye, and I totally hated red haired prick with the energy sword and giant baby xD

I like to use Anime Characters Database web to find photos from animes I dont know. That way, their story or way to be doesnt get in the way I want to play it
I know Yu Yu Hakusho, I used to see it when I was a kid, around the time when mankind discovered fire xD

My fav was the black haired guy of the third eye, and I totally hated red haired prick with the energy sword and giant baby xD

I like to use Anime Characters Database web to find photos from animes I dont know. That way, their story or way to be doesnt get in the way I want to play it

Where do you search your images generally?
Here. You just add some details tyou want it to have, like male or female, eye color, hair length, hair color, age, if its a main character, secondary, filler... You just need to put the details you want, if you dont care about something, you leave it blank.

Then it will show you thousands of anime and manga characters xD
Yep, it has been a gold mine since I found it. You can also use it to find that character you liked so much in an amv or an anime mix, and since it tells you the anime or manga name too... xD
OH wow! Thanks so much. @MasterOfPuppets

I tend to use zerochan if I don't draw my own. It has a lot of fanart, and one general searches by filter tags. The database you have looks more convenient though. 
Done with my Character for today. Tomorrow I will use the pc to give it some format and make it more easy to read
Hey, just so you guys know, I made it so more skill points are available. For those of you who have already done CSs, feel free to redo your states

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