OOC Chat [Dawn of Divinity]

Do you wish for the First Aeon to end? Celestial and Galactic creations will no longer be possible.

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  • No

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You know, I hate to bring up something that could have very bad consequences. But which planet exactly have Allazo and Slithering been performing acts on? Because no one ever actually made a planet called Allazo, and you seem to have claimed some other planet to call that. (For reference the planets are Celestis, Sulvan, Xyros, Sarasti, Narlon, Wriath, Auryn and Kuas. No planet named Allazo, Slithering or Lividus. I assume Helix intended to use Celestis primarily)

Also, what order are the planets in? I assume that it's something like:


With Celestis slotting in somewhere
When hdls post to split celestis into 7 planets came around Ao took the act and gave one planet to every god in creation. I came in on the 22 and slithering came in on the 24th, at the Ao finalization of the act, so as there were 10 gods in creation im assuming there are at least 10 planets. Im positive there are more because celestis was MASSIVE. and shattered down to normal size.
Oh gods, how long have I been gone? I had houseguests and a bunch of other stuff going on and completely forgot to post.

EDIT: Long enough that I am out of this, according to the rules.

Ah, well, it was fun while it lasted. See you guys in another game.
About Planets: There is a planet for each God, even those who joined after the Act that created the Planets. The System of Ao functions on a certain wording from that Act. About their order, no idea, since evidently no one bothered to Act an order for them.

@Grey: You are not out of this. You are still in. Yeah, because of the nature of RPdom I have decided to ignore that rule. Those rules have been formed over years of play by different Ao's for a site that had a certain mechanic in for GM-ing and a much larger and volatile community. The rules are very different from when I played the game over 6 years ago. So Since RPdom has a more close-knit community, that certain rule I will modify and take out later.

So Grey, return to be a GOD. A new age will start soon.

About the Second Aeon: The Second Aeon will the be Aeon of Awakening. It is the Aeon when Primitive Life is formed and can be created. Basically you make your Primitive Races, the equivalent of our Neanderthal Humans. It is the Aeon where you form them and prepare them for the future. You can still modify landscape and laws, but you cannot create new laws, planets or galactic stuff.

@Direhuman: Convince me not to Wrath your Act. You cannot create a safe-zone from other Gods. From what I understand from your Act this line: to safeguard the planet against the works of the divine other than Slithering , breaks the rules. No God can create anything that can forbid another God to interfere. That is the point of politics. Convince the other Gods not to interfere in the RP channel :tongue:

About the Poll: The First Aeon will end when 5 votes (excluding mine, I just voted so I don't get the vote option anymore) will be gathered. For those reading the OOC and part of the Game, only players who are Gods in the game can vote.
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Where was it? Without someone defining that, all the planets would have been moving pretty much randomly around Helios. Or thats how everything else has played out
I mayed mention of where the planet was when I posted the first time that i was manipulating it. It was basically close enough to the sun to feal its warmth but not so close that it would be scorched by its heat...

Also Its kind of a role play thing. Ive got no problem out of character things happen. But its a god kind of striving for balance and you kicked his planet all the way to the back of the list.
True. I did miss the bit where you said it was close to Helios, but ont the bright side you're about that distance from Luna, which is essentially a silver sun now
I wanted to put them in an order, and alphabetical seemed stupid. So I placed them in order of when we made the character threads (and Dire went last because he hasn't done that). My next act will be to create an asteroid belt, so I needed to know where to put it
Well what ever you do Put my planet back! *Shakes fist* bah Ill probably end up moving it myself next time i get an action.
Did anyone add magic to the world? Because that seems like a Cosmic Act to me, and if it's not there for creatures to harness it'll have to come from us to be used by our clerics...
Sorry about that

Edit: Will anyone's plans be ruined by the addition of rings to Celestis and Infernus, or the addition of an asteroid belt between Sarasti and Narlon/Tarlens?
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i still need to kick my planet back into its proper orbit

are all the basic ground work foundational laws in place.
There is a chance that moving where your planet is will get wrathed. Not sure though (maybe use an act of knowledge?). Beyond that... we have gravity, time, life, death, weather. Maybe seasons?
[QUOTE="Unbridled Originality]I was actually planning to add magic once I had three acts saved up, which I do. Everyone cool with a Vancian, rules-based system?

D&D pls go

That said, they're your Acts.

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