OOC Chat [Dawn of Divinity]

Do you wish for the First Aeon to end? Celestial and Galactic creations will no longer be possible.

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  • No

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So, a coup? Sounds interesting. Anyways.... I started the Second Aeon so you people won't get bored with my tardiness. I still have to write the end of the First Aeon when inspiration will hit me, and a proper start for the Second Aeon, but I am out of creation juice.

To avoid such no-activity periods, anyone interested to learn how to Ao and be my co-Ao?
Seeker, you get Wriath and Sarasti.

Shep, you get Xyros and Kaus.

I will get Allazo, Auryn, Narlon and Lividus.

And if one of you wishes, you could try your hand at writing the resume for the First Aeon :) .

Take in mind I will check your Ao-ing to be sure it is neutral.
So to all of ye Gods out there. I wish for ye to send me a PM with 3 domains for your Portfolio. After you pick them, you shall post them in your character thread !
Wait for the rest of the Gods to send me their Domains. :) From now on when you ACT you must make sure your ACTs are in relation to your Domains.
I take it we wait for confirmation of our Domains before adding them or ACTing?
Is it too late to start a new charachter- maybe a new god-type entity that is coming into existence with the onset of this new Aeon? I've read the rules and such- waiting on whether or not it is allowed, before trying to make a submisison.
@Grey: Yes, wait confirmation then post them in your God character thread.

@Seph: You are welcomed to join. Read the rules, post you god in the sign-up and start playing :P .
Red Shadow Claws: I was checking the ACTS of the First Age, and noticed something.

Your act regarding magic was redundant, as Kuas set up magic to work along the lines of the Six Laws, and Ao approved it.

Rule the Third: No magic shall permanently alter the metaphysical laws of creation. A powerful user of Earth magic might reverse gravity for a time, but it will always revert to its original state.

Rule the Fifth: Magic can neither truly create nor truly destroy, though the impacts of its use may be creative or destructive. It may only change and manipulate things that already exist. For example, should a user of fire be in an environment without flame, and have no body heat from which to draw power, they will not be able to use their element.
I'm assuming that I should apply some spell checking to the actions, as I am unsure how bird people can stand on lags...
What he said. I dunno, I get super anxious about people who don't take the time to spell check their RP posts, partially because it makes it harder for me to read them, thanks to my dyslexia, and partially because I HAVE dyslexia and make the effort to make my posts as spelling error-free as I can.
So, expanding on my previous post, my enthusiasm for this game is starting to wane. It feels like a good subset of the players seem to outright ignore what others have said and done in their acts, and another good subset don't really seem as though they care enough to even proofread what they've written before posting. I don't want to be "that guy," but I feel like the dynamic is really hostile, haphazard, and, to be perfectly honest, lazy.

I'm going to call this my notice of intent. I'll follow along for the next week or so (though I'm not gonna come out of stasis, as I only have internet very sporadically), but if things keep going the way they have been going, I think I'm going to drop out.
Yeah, I have to agree. The game hasn't turned out anything like I expected what with everyone buggering off to their own planets and getting testy if your acts don't coincide with their carefully thought out but poorly communicated plans. Add to that slow action on behalf of Ao and generally missing people...

I may pull out. I'll give it a week or so, and I'll keep up with co-Aoing Xyros and Kuas regardless
I just faded out due to real-life issues, so I'm just dropping out because I'm behind and need to focus on work. Sorry, all.

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