OOC Chat [Dawn of Divinity]

Do you wish for the First Aeon to end? Celestial and Galactic creations will no longer be possible.

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[QUOTE="Seeker of the End]Hmm, do I have to create sound before I make music? Or can I create music directly?

You can create music directly, but it will be an unknown concept that no one will be able to hear, since Sound doesn't exist :) .
Percy said:
@Nova: Do I really need to re-make the God Sign-up Thread more explicit? :o :O
Regarding ACTs: Everything is up to date !!!!

@Unbridled Originality: Aye, you cannot ACT directly against the powers of another God. Indirectly yes, like new Laws, or new Concepts that attack their Creations, but not against their powers or domains directly.

@Belial: I am sorry to Wrath you but I had to. You made one tiny mistake, which unfortunately I must punish =[. Don't worry, others have been punished recently as well, for not paying attention when trying to do Secret ACTs. This week was full of Wraths.

But your mistake is this: in your ACT you said that you revoke your gift of Life on that Planet. Which is Ok. However your ACT sentence says you revoke Life, not Your Life, but Life, which includes the Life directly created by Slithering earlier on, which breaks the rules.

I will revoke my Wrath and allow the modification of that ACT sentence if 3 other Gods agree with it.
its all fine. I thought that it was all within my right having been the one who created life I figured it was there for my right to take it away. It wasnt restricting his power, because life was my power and under normal circumstance every one else simply "borrows" power you created but it is only you who control it.

Either way I made a post in the halls of divinity as Allazo trying to dispute it and understand what had happened to him.
You were not the first to create life. Slithering AND Sarasti both seeded their planets with life before you spread life throughout the cosmos. By declaring that you revoked life on Slithering forever, you destroyed the ACT of another god, AND limited what they could do.
hadnt actually noticed it... <<>> Ill pay more attention in the future..

Well percy, was life just destroyed on allazo or did Ao make it so i couldnt even create it again.
@Belial: Life was only destroyed on Allazo, new life can be made. Also for the First Aeon there are no domains, you are all Gods of Everything. In the Second Aeon you get domains, and 2 Gods can have overlapping domains. You basically pick 3 domains to serve as your portfolio, so its possible more then 1 God to have Life in his portfolio.
Gotch i thought we were sort of making our domains here as we were created them here. Thats probably where my confusions been coming from.
Is it wrong that I want surnames to be one of the Domains of Narlon Tarlens? Because once he notices other things getting names he's totally going to create them and be strangely proud of that fact.
What the hell is the point of a moon that doesn't orbit a planet? It's just a planetoid then. Besides, Celestis is meant to be shared by everyone anyway (I think). Besides, I was only doing something to 'fix' someone else's act. It'd be out of character of me to notice that the others may get jealous. Hell, later I;m going to crash an asteroid into my planet for reasons, and accidentally wipe out the life thats currently on it.
I think the whole "sharing Celestis" thing went out the window fairly quickly. And Luna was orbiting all the planets, or at least that's the impression I got.

Apart from that, doesn't that technically count as affecting another god's Hero?
I got the impression that it was just orbiting Helios, like all the other planets. Besides, I'm not sure how exactly champions work, but I don't think that you'd be punished for doing something that coincidentally affects another god's hero. Otherwise, we'll never be able to get mortals to do anything to each other, especially if they're all on different worlds.

Although if Seeker wants Luna how it was, just stick a request on the ic forum and I'll revoke that. Assuming that I don't get wrathed. (Won't even care. Finding out the limits on this sort of thing will be nice)
It was on the furthest edge of the system. It orbited the system in such a way that her light illuminated the parts of the other planets that Helios could not. Sort of like another, less bright, sun.
Oh, that makes sense and is cool. I will revoke it, just give me in character reason to do so. Because as I play Narlon Tarlens more, the more absentminded and inconsiderate he gets
Wait, Nocturne is Luna? I thought Nocturne was simply within Luna. Also, I think that I need to wait a day to revoke my act.
Okay... This is awkward, my awesome post of godly wrathy goodness glitched out on me. Now the atmosphere and emotions I put in it are ruined. T_T

Edit: I intended for Oracion and Luna to act as both the physical representations of as well as the "spirits" of Luna and Helios. Basically I gave the sun and the moon sentience in the forms of heroes.
um shep unless your naming your planet celestis that planet doesnt exist any more, its been split into planets for all generally named after the god who resides over it.
[QUOTE="Helix Nebula]

It then flew to Helios, which it studied for a moment, before using the remains of grand-Celestis, to recreate the normal-sized planet, by Helios' warming light. It then looked at all the shattered fragments that remained and hemmed,


ACT: By shattering "Super-Celestis", Lividus returned Celestis to it's original size and forged into creation seven new planets, to orbit Helios, each named after one of it's brothers and as a collective, 'the system of Ao'. The remaining fragments of "Super-Celestis", Lividus used to forge even more planets, which it sent into the Void to orbit the billions and billions of distant stars.

He quite clearly said that Celestis had been returned to it's normal size, and the other planets had been added
So regarding Luna, before I start resolving the ACT that aren't resolved ye. The following line states that Luna is just another normal planet. Since the God who acted wasn't specific in his flavor part of the ACT about what he wanted the moon to do.

The moon Luna is created, without being attached to any planet, it Orbits Helios like all other planets of the System of Ao.
So I turned it into a moon when I bound it to a planet? At this point I'm honestly worried about being punished for interfering with his hero, since I assumed Nocturne just lived in the moon, but Seeker gave the impression that she was the moon.
Ok, all ACTs are done except Freeman's which I do not understand.

Freeman, this is your chance to either get or avoid the Wrath of Ao. Post here everything after ACT: , but better grammar, because the way I make sense of it is that you are forcing every Life creation of the Gods to act differently.

Or better yet, in accordance with your ACT what will happen in this situation:

I am Sulvan, God of Death. I create the Undead, however in my ACT I make them so that they will spread roses and cultivate plants to feed the tamed animal life used by let's say Kaus's Humans.

What happens to my Undead in this situation because of your Affinity ACT?

@Everyone else. When do you guys feel like the First Aeon should end? Remember, that once it ends, no more creating Elements, Planets, Moons, Suns, etc... no more Cosmic creation on a grand scale.
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