OOC Chat [Dawn of Divinity]

Do you wish for the First Aeon to end? Celestial and Galactic creations will no longer be possible.

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Well okay since your the god of Death, you create Zombies, those Zombies would have an affinity of life to allows them to plant roses.

Okay maybe reinforcing in to on to all life was a bit far, but then again I do have three acts to burn, so burn them all in one big one I saw. They way I worded it so that I don't effect any other gods, but also to give life a trait of some sort, a affinity to the Gods Magic that they use, but life would see that magic, in a distorted of ways. In which a life-from can be something more then what the God it self gave it.

So if your a God of Death, and you want to create a creature that revolves around death, but poops flowers were it walks,then you need to give the creature an affinity of life. Perhaps making this optional or allowing the gods to slap an affinity as they wish to life, rather then it being random this would be something minor and no deserve the Wrath of Ao, but honeslty this was supposed to be a second to the God's can give to their life-forms out of their Portfolio. So that if a God of Death, want a Zombie or something else undead to be able to spread life, chaos, order, anything that has already been created they can.
So, would I be able to revoke my binding of Luna, so Seeker can do what he wants with it (since that's different to how you saw it) as an act in the morning? Or will that just cause strife because I can't take it back?
I believe that it is my fault. I actually was a little vague about the details. I believe that Luna is actually more of a silver sun than a moon, it would be a lot more fitting since a single moon is not enough to light up all of the planets.
Percy said:
Ok, all ACTs are done except Freeman's which I do not understand.
@Everyone else. When do you guys feel like the First Aeon should end? Remember, that once it ends, no more creating Elements, Planets, Moons, Suns, etc... no more Cosmic creation on a grand scale.
Id like to personally have another week and a half maybe 2, though i might suggest till the end of august.
Honestly, I can see the ability to create change on a cosmic scale going on maybe a week longer before we completely bind ourselves into a corner and figuratively rip out each others throats.
Sorry, I went to copy the signature in my halls post but it registered it as an edit even though I haven't changed anything. Please don't kill me! *hides*
[QUOTE="Seeker of the End]Sorry, I went to copy the signature in my halls post but it registered it as an edit even though I haven't changed anything. Please don't kill me! *hides*

Ohh crap.... RUN!!!!!
[QUOTE="Seeker of the End]Okay... How did Luna lose her light? I'm a bit confused.

Because he assumed Luna was merely a planetoid and thus had no significant light that she produced. Then the addition of Nocturne caused her to radiate darkness.
I'd like to point out that I created nothing and fundamentally altered nothing in my act, merely categorized what was already there.

And I'm not sure why you think luck is this magic, untouchable thing, when the rules explicitly state that all of creation is open to all gods, and that no one can create "hands off" areas. Unless you have a secret guardian that is affected by naming luck an aspect of Fire, then I'm not limiting anyone, nor am I toying with anyone's heroes.

Also, are plants considered complex life for the purposes of this Aeon?
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Percy said:
@Nova: Do I really need to re-make the God Sign-up Thread more explicit? :o :O
Regarding ACTs: Everything is up to date !!!!

@Unbridled Originality: Aye, you cannot ACT directly against the powers of another God. Indirectly yes, like new Laws, or new Concepts that attack their Creations, but not against their powers or domains directly.

@Belial: I am sorry to Wrath you but I had to. You made one tiny mistake, which unfortunately I must punish =[. Don't worry, others have been punished recently as well, for not paying attention when trying to do Secret ACTs. This week was full of Wraths.

But your mistake is this: in your ACT you said that you revoke your gift of Life on that Planet. Which is Ok. However your ACT sentence says you revoke Life, not Your Life, but Life, which includes the Life directly created by Slithering earlier on, which breaks the rules.

I will revoke my Wrath and allow the modification of that ACT sentence if 3 other Gods agree with it.
Sorry I literally have no clue how to play this game
Ah, hell, my first ACT since being gone and I fuck up the formatting. Percy, when you edit my post to add the effects, can you fix those tags and make it italics?
yea my key bored farted and i didnt want to get in trouble for editing it so ill let the mod tell me otherwise.

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