OOC Chat [Dawn of Divinity]

Do you wish for the First Aeon to end? Celestial and Galactic creations will no longer be possible.

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Oh, sorry. I got confused since your post said you were putting in multiple formulas on (as in all of them) the laws of physics, etc. Must have read that wrong.
Unbridled Originality, you created your god at 01:47 AM today. You get one ACT everyday at 12:00 AM EET/GMT+3, up until you have 3 ACTs stored. When it's midnight in EET, it'll be 16:00/04:00 PM for you in Chicago. Since it was an honest mistake, I don't know how wrathful Ao will be! :eek:
Since there was already one god somewhat similar to what I intended to play, and overnight there appeared two additional ones even more closely related, the Wolf has decided against playing in this particular RP this time. I do not wish to come up with secondary ideas I would enjoy playing less than my original one, and it's gotten dangerously crowded here for my comfort anyway - which also narrows down the possibilities further. Perhaps next time :D

Though it's tempting to behold in awe at the wrath of Ao punishing impudent gods :o
All ACTs have been updated! And we have our first Wrathed Act.

As for the previous conversation I need to make this clear: Creating something and the basic processes and laws regarding it is one thing, creating two separate things is another. You create a planet and its basic behavior or planetary characteristics, that's one ACT that is at the limit, you create a Planet and then you go on to create its Moons that's 2 ACTs.

Wolf Rawrrr you could still join in, try your hand at it and see. Things change between Aeons.
[QUOTE="Unbridled Originality]Not entirely sure what that means? Things will be reset when they end?

Yes, you made Time a circle, so instead of Time advancing, every time the circle ends things return to their original status. Basically its an infinite loop, that's what's going on now in the Void. Everything is stuck in an infinite repeating loop.

I'm fixing it thought with the Laws of Time as Sulvan. It should restore the Laws of Mechanics back. As for Reincarnation, I think that it might be too early for it. Right now your Reincarnation refers to Stars and Planets, you should think of creating Life and Souls first.
[QUOTE="Unbridled Originality]Okay, cool.
Sorry for party rockin', everyone.

Its ok, this is how you learn the game, by experimenting. Also, right now I am not going to fix Reincarnation as Ao, just the Laws of Mechanics. I suggest you be the one to create the Life Energy (Souls) for future Life, and after that create Reincarnation, otherwise right now your Reincarnation refers to Stars and Planets, and there are no rules to it.

When you will re-create Reincarnation, in its definition, as part of your Act, you can include how Reincarnation works as well.
Someone else'll have to rework time. I now have to waste an entire ACT, fixing Celestis. :P
[QUOTE="Helix Nebula]Someone else'll have to rework time. I now have to spend an entire ACT, fixing Celestis. :P

Done, Time fixed, Laws of Classical Mechanics in place.
[QUOTE="Helix Nebula]Does that undo Freeman making the planet the size of a Galaxy? :eek:

That's before Time was modified, so no. If there would've been more acts between the modification of Time and the Laws, then those would've been directly affected.
Percy said:
That's before Time was modified, so no. If there would've been more acts between the modification of Time and the Laws, then those would've been directly affected.
That's fine. I already know how to fix Celestis in a, everybody-wins sorta way. ;)
I was, but I'm doing it for character reasons. I won't save them all the time.

But this will be a learning experience.

Has it been enough time for three acts yet?
I'm not actually sure. It's been enough time that I have two acts used with one unused, so I think you might have burned one off if your character got approved before the end of the first day.
It's only just three days, I think? This weekend has been weird for me. I'll be making my ACTs in the next hour, anyway.
Uh, Belial, you can't pre-empt someone's act that has taken place a day before.

On top of that, and I really mean no offense by this, your post is kind of a confusing mess, though to give due credit where credit is due, no, you didn't spell "sowed" wrong.

Allazo looked on at the Celestis and decided that it was to empty and berin' date=' even with the [b']godstrying[/b] to manipulate it and scattered it to the void...Then decided things just werent right, they needed something, something grand to fully kickstart the event... but what... And after some time deciding on his action made a curiose move. Before Lividus could shatter Celestis Allazo ripped open his own wrist and sowed his own blood into the earth, soil, waters, and even the very existance of the planet, so that even if the planet was scattered threw out existance it would still carry the mark of divinity, his mark, on it and possibly spawn something entertaining.


gods trying






existence mk.2

It kind of feels like you didn't proofread your post at all.
Im using a library computer right now and so dont have access to a proper spell checker and my spelling to begin with is terible....

Now lets see if my act go’s either the way of oblivion and nothing happens, or it go’s down the rout of bordering domino effect and Ao gets pissy with me :P
So is mine, owing to dyslexia, which is why after I type something, I go back over it very carefully. Google Drive, just off the top of my head, has a built-in spell-checker no matter which browser you are using.

My point is that your post felt really rushed and jumbled, lacking, among other things, the format that was put forth by the GM and handily provided in BBCode.

Adding to that, you neglected to put in a sentence saying what you were actually DOING with your act, so...
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um according to his format you simply need to post what you are doing in your color. Witch I did..

As for the format thing, I don’t think every one wants to see a large picture of a dog every other day or so. it was the only reason id didn’t do that, beyond that I’m pretty sure I followed the format correctly... Minus my grammatical errors.

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