One Thousand Birds

Will you have anything other than Mirrors, Flubs? LOL

Also, are you a fan of any of the tertiary genes from what you may or may not have seen of them?

Circuit, gembond, underbelly, crackle...

Aww, I like that one, Kitsune. c: 
I always just use the name generator. LOL

Be proud Pine I posted so fast. lol

I have to leave now, so bai! I'll most likely see you all again tomorrow~




Any of these, Flubs?
The third looks so purdy. That would be incredibly kind of you piney pine pine if you have it to moi.
Well, I've been giving everyone else two, so... cx

I'm sending that one to you, but are you interested in one of the other two?

Or shall I keep looking ~?
I actually got mine for 15k a couple of days ago. o:

Prices may have gone up though.

If you insist, Flubs ~
Plus shooting to six dragons in four days seems kinda shady. I am going to try to make myself a personal RP of sorts for mah dragonz if you cath mah drift.
I mean explaining in my RP why the one dragon joined was hard, lt alone my freebie. Omg best idea ever. A RP where you take three of your dragons and they join a collective RP nest here at nation. Bam. Instant copyright infringement and law suit.
Good god O_O I stopped getting updates for the OOC xD Not even going to try and find out how far I am behind

I'll post again as soon as @Ghost responds to it
I have in my eyes started the most judgmental project in OOC yet. I shall be making a list of who would be what position in a late mid evil era society. Inside a castle. And what would each person do if the outside world cut off food and water to us.

Pine: High end peasant: Would trick the less wise into giving her there water before they knew what was happening.

Ghost: Conjurer of cheap tricks: would buy some pigs and materialize water until the end of his days.

Kiro: Duke/duchess: would just pay to leave. Lol so rich.

Leaf: Prince: wouldn't give a crap.

Flubs: Local nut who manages to survive: murdering rampage until his name was cleared in blood.

Stick: Knight: Try to hunt flubs down.

Memories: Desperado: would actually set something right and not wait for a crisis.
Oh Flubs, how you amuse me so. c':

I don't mind being a peasant, so long as I'm the classy sort! ;D
Pine, high end peasant is like enough money to retire in America. Taxes doh.

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