One Thousand Birds

That's a nice analogy for the ooc. xD

It's okay Flubs, I slept off my GoT feelings.

We good now. c*


For those of you who were interested in FR, today's the day to register!

Feel free to refer me if you wish, but there's only a benefit from doing so if one of us buys gems with actual money (can't remember which way it goes haa).

Anyway, my username is the same there as it is here, so definitely shoot me a friend request.
Well Kitsune, I would be projecting theories to you on things you probably already know, so... lolol.

The episode last night left off with Joffrey's death and the guards were about to take Tyrion in.

iSwear I can't watch a single episode without having to worry that Tyrion is going to die. LOL
xD oh the things I could tell you. Well you should tell me your theories anyways, I can be all mystic and stuff and give you all kinds of non answers 
Oh, also give me your FR username- so i can put you down as my refferrer
It changes the color of the eyes of whatever dragon you breed.

Like, Arcane is pink.

Also, with the forums, there are private discussions for your flight, and they each have their own certain personality... kinda'.
Lol I don't know yet :D I don't know where to go to look :'D 
ooooh I like the twisty spiral ones. And skydancers :D

man- they're all so pretty!!
On the sidebar, they have the encyclopedia... but then again, that isn't finished.

You can just look at my lair, because I have at least one of everything. LOL
Spiral male skydancer female~ I love that circuit tertiary :D  
Oooooh snappers are so chubby~


I'm going to have so much fun with this website :D
Oh okay, wasn't sure if you would like the circuit. xD

No problem ~

They were really cheap.

The spiral also has a pretty dang good tertiary color. owo
Everyone used to hate gembond, now everyone has it. lol

They'll be adults when they're six days old. c:

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