One Thousand Birds

That's why if I make a character with attitude I make them also have a nice side but only to their friends. lol
guh what am I supposed to do with u jakunen

/rolls around
oh this is kind of random do u plan on having any enemies in the rp or nah I was just wondering

Like major villainy peeps
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There there...Shelly's here.... 
Responded to Makoto's yell...x3 Not sure if I did too I was on a roll coming up with ideas...x3

Let me know if I should change it.
Maybe I'll make that other character sometime but I've no clue how shed fit into rp

I don't think that we need any characters for anything rn do we
Well, to be fair, I actually have no plans atm. 8D

If anyone's interested, though, we might be able to implement some nukenins.

Okay, so here's how the past half hour basically went.

I heard a sort of tinkling noise, sighed, and knew that my dad had just broken something.

So I went to go clean up the pieces of the ceiling lamp... thing with him, then decided to cram all my chores in at once, including emptying the dishwasher and putting away groceries.

Consequently, I left my laptop open, so... it needs a break. xD

I DO have my reply in mind, however, so I'll be getting back to it asap.
x3 lol

Figured I'd make Ryoichi step up since he's the calm one lol 
Alright Pine!
Hmmm maybe I'll make a missing nin then.

Most of them are wanted just for leaving the village even if they aren't criminals but then I wouldn't have a whole lot to do with the character so maybe they will be villainy.

I gotta think up goals and motivation for her to do villainy things that arent just random though, and she was a character created for a diff universe and was a luck demon in that universe, so I want to think of a way for her jutsu to revolve around luck or something. I can't really figure out how though...

My moms calling me upstairs now tho so gotta go

Yeah Kiro I think Pine had a response to it? Not sure. Can't wait to see it x3

Kay Ghost!
Missing Nin? Hm o-o sounds like a perfect chance for a mission! Maybe the missing Nin could some how....Interfere with the Kumogakure ninja? ;3
I may not be the most skilled rp'er <,< But I am good when it comes to some how involving everyone x3 
Like @Ghost 's character. Put him with Night on a squad, Night is kind and enjoys helping people. Could help him become more sociable. Things like that
x3 lol That's good! 
Possibly give Ryoichi a hothead or two? He could work on calming them? lol
Alright! If the missing mins gonna interfere I should start work on her soon as possible


Maybe the person they're escorting is rich or maybe has a bounty on their head?

My missing nin could be in need of some money, or need a favor from some NPC that wants the person being escorted dead

The hardest part though is like I said, I want to somehow incorporate her luck powers from her original universe that I made her for into jutsu and I have literally no ideas on that yet
Yeah any help would be much appreciated
[QUOTE="Kiro Akira]I may not be the most skilled rp'er <,< But I am good when it comes to some how involving everyone x3 
Like @Ghost 's character. Put him with Night on a squad, Night is kind and enjoys helping people. Could help him become more sociable. Things like that

Kiro you are now my secretary.





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