One Thousand Birds

Okay, thanks ~

But... I don't see any broken images. o:

I double checked the age and it's actually thirteen when he would have proposed.

I know it's young, but I think that arranged marriages kinda' disregard age. owo

I can still change that, though, if you want.
The image at the top. That ones broken O.o  
Kamei's not a friend? >( Well fine! I see how it is @~@

<===== Runs away to Emo Corner
It's not broken for me. :S

Might be the website I took it from.

I need to make it way smaller anyway. ewe

Yeah, I'm going to shrink the image and upload it myself. xP

I know you were. lol

i was messing with

gosh read my mind better
I know right Kiro? His fiancé isn't even mentioned in relationships! x3

Yeah I have broken image too.

Oh and the age is fine Pine.

I made a rhyme. =3

Happens every time people tell me something is fine. xD

Is the image working now?
I'm going to look over Ren's profile first before I mess with the relationships.

I might just have to dump them both in acquaintances because of how he feels about Ren aaaaaaaand because my characters aren't allowed to have friends I don't know how he and Kamei would get along yet. owo
Yup image works now 
x3 lol Poor Ren. She thinks he's nice lol
Later tonight I might make a Jutsu list. That or tomorrow...
Well Ren is friendly and will most likely just act like a friend around Satoru. Just like Kamei. Heck, she'll most likely just ignore the whole fiancé thing unless Satoru brings it up
He just has mixed feelings. cx

I haven't read her personality yet, but I'm assuming she's nice.

That would qualify her as a friend, but he also feels a little resentful that she has it so easy, from his point of view.

BUT he also knows that isn't her fault, and has also convinced himself (in somewhat of a humility sort of way) that he can't possibly actually love her because of why he proposed.



and lolol no don't pity tetsune he's a jerk
Doing it because it's a good idea! That and if I don't I'll completely forget everything I was thinking for them power wise or something like that 
lol Yeah, but she more or less kinda wants a harder life. She knows she has it easy and that's why she wants to make herself known with her own power. =3

I shall pity Tetsune!
Yeah, she's really awesome ~

It's just something that he can't help but be bitter about, kinda' like his father. xP

Tetty Bear: e______e /hates pity
Woo~ Glad I did good! She's like my favorite character I've made EVER! :D

Makes sense =3 Hope he doesn't act bitter around her because of it, unles he's just in a really bad mood at the time. That she could understand.

Would she know about his past?

That's too bad.


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