One Thousand Birds

Sounds like adventure!

I can't decide if I want to go to this party or not hmhm.

I don't know who will be there, but one of my long time friends has been hosting it and I've been meaning to hang out with him at some point anyway, and it revolves around Magic (card game that I've never played like am I supposed to bring my own deck??).

SO I equally have the chance of having fun and a good time or completely freaking out and not knowing what to do with my own life. :'D
Pine. Go. Go to the nearest target or card shop, and ask for a DRAGONS MAZE preconstructed deck. Inside of which ever you choose will be a basic instruction manual. If you choose one that is THEROS, BORN OF THE GODS or JORNEY INTO NYX your screwed.
See, that's a lot of money to me. lol

Especially since I'm saving up money for CDs and Pokemon. ;w;
THOSE ARE SIDE LINE THINGS FOR NOW! If you have to you can borrow a deck from someone and ask how to play.
Haha, I'm more terrified for the social aspect of it all.

This is the same dilemma I have with every party.

ESPECIALLY since said friend is close friends with that guy that tried to dance with me at banquet and I got cold feet and simultaneously didn't want to hurt his feelings but couldn't tolerate how awkward it all was (and I've been meaning to apologize but I have my anxiety issues that have made me chicken out every time whilst we avoid all eye contact) so he might be there.

Then I would ask my friend but he's just not that sort of person that you go whining to and I could end up annoying him very quickly. xD

my life



IT'S ALEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was a book and they made it into a TV show on ABC Family but after season 1 it was cancelled. ON A HUGE CLIFF HANGER! LIKE WTF?! Then I was reading a fanfic and the author said he found rumors of a movie, and the last chapter of the story is actually an authors note telling you how to find the script for the movie that was never made.

THEY PAIRED HER AND ALEK TOGETHER! YES! I kinda dislike Brian...x3 
The whole idea really is. There's an ancient race called the Mai, and they have a Unitder and it's this 16 year old girl Chloe King. She has nine lives and the Mai are trying to protect her and a bunch of stuff. The book was good, but they paired her with Brian. Meh...
Like Teen Titans and that last 'to be continued' episode?? haha

And pine trees you really just seem like a introvert. You enjoy social interaction but you over analyze. This is a whole bunch of people who are just like you! Hell its like any fencing club... Pine. You. Can. Do. It.

Just imagine a little OG chipmunk on your shoulder. That's me. *Imma gangsta Imma straight up G. I didn't choose the thug life the thug life chose me*. I will be there to cheer you on. Magic is one giant soup of mistakes. Just enjoy yourself and do what is right.
It is =3

I'm thinking of buying the whole season off iTunes since it's only like 20 bucks. 10 episodes all priced 2.99 for 19.99 if you buy them all at once.
Haha yes, I'm introverted five out of seven days of the week. ;w;

okay maybe if i'm one of the first people to show up it won't be so awkward haha

Knowing me I'll get lost trying to find his house though.

this happens like every time i try to find someone's house

i was one time twenty minutes late to a party because of this

Thank you for being my mascot for the day, Flubs. xD

don't do it infinities pirate for life

I do have a steam, but I never use it. :'DD

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