One Thousand Birds

well, i like being a neko, cause now i can do this... *jumps on Pine's head and curls into a ball*
I'm a zombie and I'm already sitting curled on Infinities's head. D:

poor infinities i hope we don't weigh too much together
*reaches up and scratches Pine behind the ear*

*Yukki jumps on*

No...Just no....Last one on needs to get off. Otherwise I'll balance Pine and top my head. I already have a headache. x3

And a dog sleeping on my foot
Okay that's better. Come here neko, I'll pet you, just not if you're on my head.

I ignore the dog on my feet plenty.

*continues to scratch Pine behind the ear*
//Jumps in and sees zombie kitty, a Neko, and Infinities watching Robin Hood

Umm.....Should I just....Um... //munches on cookie in silence
You should just sit back and watch the show. They're running through the Castle at Nottingham after rescuing Jack/Saffia
My bad, Pine. >.< So how on earth did you die in the first place? o_o Kiro killed you...Right?

Oooooo. Sounds like fun.

//Grabs popcorn jumbo bucket and plops on couch, dazed by the movie, but still ready for Pine's response

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