One Thousand Birds

Who was the other person...

And why was you screaming about us not being on at the same time...? Infinity is lost.
Other person is Yuki's friend. And I yell because we need to be together at same time. We are two nails in cookie jar xD
But...but...the nails...but the nails would ruin the cookies....!

*cries* N-not the cookies...!

Have you ever heard of Torchwood?
*sniffs* Infinity cares bout you too...but she wants her cookies to not be broken by nails...

Infinity loves this part of the first episode of Torchwood...

"Come back infinity... Come back my love... So we can cherish this cookie cake together..."
*Infinity is interested but has fallen asleep*


*jerks awake*

Looks down. Holds out cookie cake. "I loved you... But apparently you don't feel the same!" *runs off crying, leaving the cake with infinity*
*blinks confused as ever holding cake*


*starts munching on half the cake*
*wanders back over to Yuki holding out half of cake*


(Want chicken...I'm gonna go get some...)
It is~

(Uhh...I dunno. I'm following your lead, I'm trying to figure out stuff for the rp I want to make, and try not to fall asleep)

(Like you to~ I enjoy talking and hanging out with people like you. I have a lot of fun and it makes me happy! ^.^)

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