One Thousand Birds

Alright people Flubs music mania is back! Anyone have a old spice parody of a song they want? Anything from ancient Latin to macklemore!
No... I already tried Noah.. That song makes no sense in either old spice or normal form
oh... I like that song. It's my favorite. The lyrics are kind of vague yes, but it's a beautiful song no doubt.

I understand things!

OHMYGOD I feel so awkward! I feel like I'm intruding on my dog when he's doing something! IT'S CREEPY! >.<
Infinity has no clue what Flubs does. So she puts dots to contribute to her online-ness....

Though she thinks her wifi will be cut out soon
Yeah I keep meaning to get that fixed...x3

SO if I stop posting then wifi cut out.
To the tune of Selfie

When Jason was at the table

I kept on seeing him use her his old spice while he was in the bathroom

Do you think he was just doing that to make me kiss it?

Because he was totally texting me all night last night

and I don't know if it's a smelling call or not

So... like what do you think?

Did you think that old spice was good?

How did that stuff even get in here?

Do you smell it?

It's so sexy and that case is so cool

Who uses speed stick?

It's not even summer, why does the DJ keep on playing "Summertime Sadness"?

After I put on my old spice you wanna go bowling?

I really need to

But first,


[beat drops]

Can you guys help me pick a flavor?

I don't know if I should go with Ocean breeze or Swagger

I wanna smell good

What should my region be?

I want it to be cool

How about Right under the arm next to the only hair I missed last night?

I only got two canisters on my shop

Do you think I should go again?


[beat drops]

Wait, pause, Rebecca just smelled my armpit

What a creep

Is that girl sleeping over there?

Yeah, the one next to guy with some speed stick

That's so ratchet

That girl is such a fake girl

She definitely bought all her ReTweets

Who uses speed stick?

OK, let's go use some spice

Oh no, ugh I feel like I'm gonna throw up

Oh wait, nevermind I'm fine

Let's go shop

There's no old spice at this table

Do you know anyone else here?

Oh my god, Rebecca just texted me

Should I use my old spice?

I guess I chose some old spice

Old spice [on repeat]

And Noah I can not.... Although a simply tempo alignment could do... 
Look my friend I was getting payed in excess of 800 US dollars to write that song and then let alone preform it. If you have a spare thousand dollars fork I over for a master piece. Or proper motivation like pine using my rule plane for a CONFIDENTIAL AND IS NOT TOO LEAVE OUR MOUTHS YOU HEAR THAT INFINTY THIS IS BETWEEN ME YOU AND PINE

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