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Fandom One Punch Man: The Noob Squad



1. Its relaxed but at least several sentences and decent grammar(use the spell checker please).

2. Be nice(self explanatory I think)

3. Site Rules(Maybe this should be #1 but oh well)

4. Your character is a noob( a hero that just started), he/she might think they are a badass but will have trouble with anyone tougher than a henchmen.

5. Have fun with it(Ya know cause its One Punch Man)

Character Creation Sheet:



Age:(Over 16 at least)


Appearance: (Picture or detailed description)

Superpower:(Explain it, you can have two powers if they are closely related. A superpower isn't necessarily needed)

Equipment:(Extra gear if your hero needs it or doesn't have a superpower, such as guns)

Origins/Background:(make sure to include how they got their power, doesn't have to be serious or logical, eating too much crab could turn you into crabman)

Personality:(Make it interesting, motivation for wanting to be a hero and such)

Extra Info/Spot:(For anything that doesn't fit above)
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Name: Jack Russell

Alias/Nickname: Jaxs

Age: 17

Gender: Male




Superpower: Super Bite, Heightened Senses, Speed

Equipment: Dog Flute (he blows it and a harmonious sound plays that only he and dogs can hear, the dogs that hear it come to his aid. Oddly enough it only seems to attract Chihuahuas), Bone-rang (a bone that is shaped like a boomerang once through its a twenty-five percent chance of it returning), Gotcha Collar (a collar he wears but when he uses it the collar works as net though it tends to fail sometimes)

Origins/Background: Jack loved dogs, he was obsessed with them. He would buy anything that had to do with dogs from stuffed plushes to underwear. His parents think that his obsession came from the fact he wasn't allowed to own a furry friend but no one really knows the cause. The morning after Halloween Jack woke up only to find that his dog costume fused with his body and he could no longer take the costume off. He panicked at first but soon realized that one of his wish came true (sort of). He now is a half human dog creature...thing.

Personality: Jack is a fun loving guy that hates seeing people commit crimes. He loves making people smile and doing what he can to protect them which is why he became a hero. He believes in truth and justice and the occasional game of fetch.

Extra Info/Spot: Since the suit and him are now one he can make the eyes blink, wag the tail, and move the ears
Name: Thane Stark

Alias: The Living Machine(or just Machine)

Age: 22

Gender: Male


Cyborg concept normally covered by artificial skin,


Superpower: Cyborg body but his chest, head and internal organs are all organic. He can absorb nearby machines and reuse them while they still keep their basic shape. IE; he can get shoulder mounted toaster blasters.

Equipment: Himself

Background: Thane was a promising scientist studying at Harvard. His work led him to a project that dealt with complex microbots. One day a fire broke out in a lab. Thane was trapped in the room with no way out. He was badly burnt and just when he was about to die the microbots broke free of their containment cell and merger with him. They saved his life and have kept him alive ever since. Wishing to do something good with his life and with his new found powers he moved to Tokyo to become a superhero.

Personality: Thane is a more or less serious guy. He hates loud no stop talkers and loves silence. He is a bit hot headed and is quick to take the bait of an insult. He may come off as an ass but deep down he just wants to help people.

Extra: The microbots fused with him are actually a form of AI that are dormant most of the time but will sometimes talk to him.
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HawkBlood said:
@Creepypasta Hound - Sorry I was slow making this, do you want to start this in the next day or so if no one else joins and then more people can always join if they want?
It's okay but I'm glad it's up and going, I think we should go ahead and post and maybe along the way someone else will join.
Name: Mark Walden

Age: 19

Alias: Metal Sinner.

Gender: Male


Superpower: Can bend metal, not only to defend himself, He also uses it to create weaponry.

Equipment: Metal jaw.

Background: Mark was just like any other kid, lived happily, had lot's of friends etc etc. On one day he and his clasmates went on a trip to a metal shaping lab. But something went terrible wrong. They went onto a lift, like one of those skilifts. The lift broke on Mark's side, making him fall into a pit of liquid. Known as T-X Metal gel. His body changed. There was still metal in it the liqued. It merged with his skeleton and gave him incredible powers, despite he was in a coma for ten years...

He now roams Tokyo in search for a purpose to use his metal bending tricks.

Personality: Mark is quite a cool guy, he loves helping people. He made seem scary due his mask at first but he insists in making you smile. Don't get on his bad side tho because you might get hit by a metal pipe.




The Lone Rider


Set to the approximate age of 20


Voice Module is in a Male format




Being a near complete robot gives Rider more than a few perks.

He is very durable, even after being near destroyed his body can be rebuilt and rebooted.

He is very strong, able to pick up several tons.

Not only is he quick but he has very fast reflexes, he has yet to lose in a pistol duel.

Though he rarely uses his fists he does know how to fight, and is also known to beat the shit out of perps with the butt of his rifle


Two Laser Revolvers


Laser Rifle



The original lone rider was a simple man, he rode a horse into battle, guns blazing and always coming out with a couple scratches. The Lone Rider was a well known hero until he was put into a coma by a monster, and thought to have been killed in the line of duty. After coming out of this coma he came to the horrid realization that he was unable to move or feel from the waist down. After being put on the retired list of heroes and getting a fat check every month the Lone Rider fell into a void of frustration, depression, and suicidal tendencies. After discovering that becoming cyborg was a very real and popular thing he began experimenting but to no avail, he wasn't meant to get into the saddle again. Then another possibility came to mind, get another person to take on the mantle of the Lone Rider, but once again to no avail. Again he went to robotics, this time he had a completely different plan. Over the course of six months the Lone Rider built 43-A-P.R.O.F.H., with the assistance of the Hero Association. Lone Rider uploaded all of his skills and memories needed for fighting into the shell but neglected to give his personal memories. What they had created was a killing machine with out morals and thankfully under the guidance of the original Lone Rider he became more than a machine. On his first appearance the Lone Rider rode in with his companions to rescue several class C heroes. After the fight he disappeared leaving the iconic calling card, a black horseshoe, of the original Lone Rider, which has sparked a lot of controversy in news media, because they think the Lone Rider is dead.


Towards law breakers Rider is a very cold and concealed person but towards friendlier people he tends to loosen up, though he rarely likes talking to people, it isn't in his programming. Living up to the standards of his creator are his main goals.

Extra Info/Spot

His brave steed, Viro


Viro contracted Equine influenza and couldn't break the fever, so his owner abandoned him.​
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Name: Ember Gambino


Gender: Female


Superpower: Fire manipulation and self-healing. She is able to generate fire from her body; she has it under control, but the angrier she gets the more likely a fire will start. Her self-healing is to avoid being burned by her own fire; it also helps in whatever attacks she receives from her opponents.

Equipment: Clothing made out of special material so that she can use her power whenever.


Ember has always been fascinated with fire. Her family lived on a farm, and the winters were always harsh, so her father would make a fire in the fireplace every evening. Ember loved to watch the flames flicker and dance, she had tiny burn marks from when she tried to touch the fire. One night while her parents were asleep, Ember tried to make a fire on her own. She was only 7 at the time, and didn't know what she was doing. Something went horribly wrong, and the house was sent into flames. She had tried to wake up her parents, but the fire was too fast; she didn't run out of the house, no, she stayed until it was on the ground. She didn't find out about her fire-power until one night in the orphanage when she was provoked by another kid. Her anger raised, and her flames shot out. After that incident, she ran away, afraid of what was happening.


She's quite the introvert, mainly because she's afraid to hurt someone innocent again. She's learned to control her fire through controlling her emotions and impulses. Her parents' death was very traumatic for her and although she doesn't want to hurt anyone, she does want to use her power for good; fighting bad guys is worth it if she can save just one person.


Although her background is serious and terrible, she's got a good sense of humor and likes to be a sarcastic asshole.
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@jole875 Hey side note, your going to have to limit yourself to just using one pet, maybe the other pets could show up later in the rp but just start with one for now.

The Crusader

Tyler Ingram


The Basics
Hero Identity:

The Crusader.

True Identity:

Tyler Ingram.


A (refuses to go into S class).




June 5th.


London, United Kingdom.





Physical Information

180cm / 5’11”.


75kg / 165lbs.

Eye Color:


Hair Color:


Blood Type:


About Him

Tyler has dual personalities, one calm and kind and the other sadistic, that he refers to, respectively, as his “light” and “dark” sides.

Tyler’s “light” side is reserved for the people that he doesn’t see as his enemy. This personality is forefront, meaning that he won’t back down from an argument and will tell the people directly how he feels about them and their actions. He is carefree, but mischievous, and has no problems with tricking people out of their money (and even clothes) using games, if it will end in profit. Though he likes to feign some pride, he is not above accepting what he can as long as it doesn’t involve too much humiliation.

Tyler’s “dark” side, though, is heavily influenced by his bloodlust. While his “dark” side is prevalent, his speech and mannerisms become much more refined; he dresses well and carries himself in a more dignified manner. He is still a bit laid back for a “noble”, however, and has his moments when he is not as dignified. At times he uses his refined behavior as a means to tease his enemies. While in his “dark” side, Tyler also becomes much more sadistic.

Keeping his dual personalities from bleeding into one another, seems to be difficult to Tyler. He himself has confirmed having his “light” and his “dark” side present in his conscious mind at the same time ‘is what makes life so interesting’.


He had been trapped inside of a scientist’s house who experimented on him as Tyler had nothing to lose as he was left in an orphanage when he was the age of five. His parents could not handle a child like him since he was not normal. He had been born with a dual personality and did not really know better as to why he was so different until he learned about it at the age of ten. He did not mind the way he was but others seemed to be having more complicated feelings about it, not being able to accept him because of those differences.

So when he was around the age of thirteen a scientist took him in, yet was not adopted. He was taken in as an experiment. His memory was vague about those years he had been in there but one thing he knew: it was a terrible time.

At the age of eighteen, he finally managed to escape after several attempts. The words that the scientists screamed after him lingered inside of his mind. “You will never be able to live a normal life again!” It was a time of anxiety as he knew fully well that that was the truth. His abilities were completely messed up and he did not know if he were to ever fully accept that side of him until he encountered the Hero Association. Applying there as to see if he would fit in, and by his surprise he was accepted. Now he had been working there for about seventeen years.

The Power

He is “a man that even in death cannot die”. He possesses one of the best regeneration capabilities in the entire Hero Association. He is able to regenerate any part of his body no matter how severe the injury is. He needs 15 minutes to recover a cut off arm completely. However, Tyler is also not truly immortal because of his regeneration, as he will die if he is reduced to minced meat.

Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant:

Tyler prefers unarmed combat, which is why he is mostly seen in a fight without anything such as guns or swords. He thinks they’re bothersome to deal with.


Forearm Guards – Tyler’s metal bracelets are durable enough to resist a knife slash from a Tiger level monster with only a nick.

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My application

Name: Michael Siahaan

Alias/Nickname: 9-Fold Cutter

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Appearance: (Minus the guns. Michael never got his gun license)


Superpower: Matter Excitement. Can excite materials to a higher energy state (essentially just pouring energy into it). Currently very small scale, and works best on metals. Associated immunity to any heat generated by his ability, and increased resistance to other sources of heat.

Equipment: 9 Exotic Cutting Implements: 2 Karambits,


a Tanto


, a Kukri,


Razor-Wire Garrote,


2 Katars,


a Chakram,


a Tomahawk.


Clothing consists of black jeans, goggles and trench coat. Underneath he has with various holsters on top of to hold his myriad of cutting implements. Each of his knives have been customized so that they can undergo rapid heating without losing integrity. He also carries around a phone with downloaded PDF’s of the local laws of whatever city he may be in.

Origins/Background: Michael’s life was a fairly boring one. His parents had lots of money, but he had nothing to do with it, as he didn’t find any amusement in lavishly spending money on parties, cars, and other things associated with the wealthy. Consequently he spent a lot of time reading and watching shows. One day early in Michael’s adolescence though, after watching a marathon of action movies Michael decided he wanted to become a superhero. Most importantly though, he wanted to look cool about it, so he decided that he’d use the coolest looking weapons he could find. After years of training in each of the respective styles associated with his weaponry choices, he decided that he was ready to take action against what he perceived as corruption within society. He adheres strictly to a moral code, but a moral code of his own making. He allows only the absolute truth, regardless of what the circumstances may be or the rationale behind the lie, Michael will punish those that betray the trust of others. There’ve also been many recorded incidents of Michael savagely breaking a teenager’s toes to as punishment for jaywalking across a busy street. Some question whether or not his strict adherence to the laws really is worth of being called “hero-like” but he tends to do more good than bad in the long run so there hasn’t been much backlash besides from the families of his “victims.” He’s never dealt with anything more serious than a mugging before though, so he’s very inexperienced in any major crime, and has spent a lot of his time stabbing and beating shoplifters, jaywalkers, and loiterers. On one of his relaxation days though, an amazing accident occurred involving a stove. While Michael was making his favorite meal of lasagna, he tripped and caught himself by putting his hand on the stove. The burning sensation on his right hand that resulted from pressing his flesh onto the hot stove refused to go away even days following. This caused him to take a hiatus in his crime fighting career, but little did he know that he’d actually received an amazing gift. After watching a particularly upsetting episode of his favorite TV show, he noticed that the spoon he’d been eating his cereal with had melted and was now dripping into the bowl. Curious, he tried recreating this with other objects, and found that with practice he could not only melt solids, but then boil liquids, and with metals even briefly create plasma. He then sought out ways to use this ability to enhance his crime fighting career. After more time practicing he decided to get back into his true passion and officially registered as a hero.

Personality: Extremely passionate about enforcing the law, although he does give himself some leeway when it comes to “punishing” said law-breakers. He’s got quite a warped view on what’s considered proportional punishment. He’s also very concerned with looking cool while he does things, so is self-conscious in a way. Not used to working or even talking to others, so is quite awkward. Lying will set him off extremely quickly though, regardless of your relationship to him. Also is fiercely defensive about science and illiterate people cause him mental distress simply by being in proximity.

Extra Info/Spot: His entire perception on the world is derived from books and TV shows, so there’s on obvious disconnect between his perceptions and reality. As evidenced by his fashion sense.
Name: Mel T1 (Test 1)

Alias/Nickname: Hopper

Age: 20 (Her mind though and looks are set to 12)

Gender: Female

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Mel.jpg.1377628fe579c41fc4b9ed34980abc5b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115947" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Mel.jpg.1377628fe579c41fc4b9ed34980abc5b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


? Super speed and agility.

? Jumping skills that can reach up to 20 meters.

? Super hearing (Well she has large ears!)


Origins/Background: Mel was regularly an Albino rabbit, she had human cells planted in her body when she was an embryo in a test tube. She was meant to be Dr.Genus pet before this unusual discovery. They took her time further in a test tube with scans that were meant to be fully complete after 30 years but she typically never grew after a child size and it seem to have been 20 years before Satiama and Genos wreck the entire place.

It all began when the rubble fallen on the glass that was her test tube, activating her to awake and flee. She suddenly seem to be fascinated to learn more of human culture so she follow into the city. Minutes later she gotten lost but she found her way with her giant ears, she soon witness the grocery shop, she learn a little about the human.. they wear clothes so she stolen some clothes... yes! first she was butt naked.. but there was not much to see since she was all fur.

Suddenly an old wise woman came to her rescue, she automatically understood her situation and bail her of out of trouble and decided to help her learn the ropes around the city before any hero's got involve to interrogate her, She turn out to be like a grandmother, raising her like her own and when ever she needed a place to stay she could go right there.

Personality: She a very chirpy human bunny and can get extremely excitable. She can get along with other and talks very much despite her getting into bad scenarios but will go quiet and run when there a villain on her tail.

Extra Info/Spot:

  • She uses cuteness as an advantage.
  • She likes to draw pictures of Superheroes.
  • Still has the habit of stealing! especially food!



  • Mel.jpg
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Kevin Sullivan

You can't trust anything these days, man. Media? Government? Grandmothers? Nothing, man, nobody.

Basic Info

Alias: "Schizo"; "Paranoia Guy"

Gender: Male

Age: 32


Dark-skinned, head shaved nearly bald, Kevin is a rather large guy. He's hefty in the "ate too many Twinkies and Whoppers " kinda way, not exactly fat, but round and rather out of shape. He wears street clothes with lots of pockets, mostly lining the inside of his jacket. Always wears a tinfoil hat and keeps various extras and alternates always at hand for specific occasions, including a tinfoil top hat for formal wear, a tinfoil ball cap for sporting events, and a simple colander with felt pipe-cleaner strings attached to protect from having his brain invaded. Walks with a shuffle, doesn't lift his feet too far off of the ground for fear of generating static electricity, and wears steel-toed, rubber-soled shoes to keep underground signals from penetrating through his feet.


Alieopsychosis: Generates hallucinations of being abducted by aliens.
Strange things appear around Kevin, shadowy tendrils with mouths full of sharp teeth reach out of alleyways and from under the bed, passing strangers reveal faces that are a slimy grey with large green eyes, unintelligible voices echo in his mind, that blip in the sky is definitely in the shape of a rounded saucer. He can't explain them, and no one believes him. That is, until they experience Them for them themselves. Kevin has no control over when or where it happens, or even knows why. All he understands is that every corner he turns, there is something unpleasant looking for him. And it's always hungry. And Kevin is on the menu.


  • Tinfoil Hat: Various headcovers crafted from simple aluminum foil, which Kevin stocks up on in bulk. Pieces vary from simple multi-ply sheets folder together and draped over his head to detailed fedoras and caps.
  • Pocket Penlight with Laser Pointer: The cheap two-button flashlight on a keychain you can find at almost any checkout counter. Kevin uses it to pinpoint whatever alien menace is threatening him at the moment, since he read that laser light can damage extraterrestrials, though it hasn't seemed to work yet. Has dozens around his house, buys one every time he goes shopping.
  • Wallet: Completely RF-proof, microwave-proof, and machine-washable. He never keeps credit cards anyway, since he's convinced the aliens can track him further through electromagnetic frequencies, and he prefers to pay for everything in cash. Also filled with little scraps of paper that he writes notes on, mostly alien sightings or ideas for protective measures.
  • Protective "Weapons": When paranoid that anyone can be a threat, one arms oneself as inconspicuously as possible. Pocket-sized cans of pepper spray, a collapsible steel self-defense baton, a rechargeable hand taser, these are normal weaponry for the average citizen, and Kevin is certainly not average.
  • Utility Jacket: Originally advertised as a jacket with 30-some pockets on the inside for storing electronics, such as phones and tablets. Kevin uses it to store his equipment, including multiple extra sheets of tin foil, a handful of pocket lights, packages of bubble gum, and a box of cigarettes.


Paranoid is not a strong enough word to describe Kevin's state of mind. The man is a nervous train-wreck waiting to happen. His constant behavior is jittery and uneasy, always on the verge of a mental breakdown, he is startled at the slightest sudden movement and he has the look of a deranged civilian all over. It's a miracle he hasn't been picked up by the local authorities and put into a psychiatric institution, but he is harmless enough that most people write him off as the town crazy guy and nothing more. But there is more, and Kevin is always looking over his shoulder, often talking to himself or to Beatrice, his pet pigeon.


+ Feeling safe.

+ People believing he's not crazy

+ Chocolate Swirl ice cream.


- Feeling like something is watching him.

- Being told that he's seeing things.

- Martha Stewart (She's gotta be an alien).


Temporarily WIP, To Be Completed Shortly




Kevin's beloved pet pigeon, she keeps him company everywhere he goes. She sits on his shoulder most of the time, cooing and fluffing herself, and is the only one that Kevin feels really understands him.

Definitely not Beatrice
Also Not Beatrice

  • Beatrice did not have her mind permanently taken over by an alien overlord who found the most unintelligent lifeform available to transfer their interstellar hivemind consciousness into.

  • Beatrice is not seeking to take over the world by tormenting civilians and trying to manipulate their brains with hallucinogenic telepathy and mind control.

  • Beatrice never displays tendencies of alien proportions: i.e. face splitting, tentacles and teeth, glowing green eyes, or using telepathy to move objects and pilot a flying saucer.

  • Beatrice does not send hallucinogenic illusions into the brains of people who try to attack her human host, e.g. Kevin. These hallucinogenic visions do not send spectators into an insanity panic or act as real if the victim believes they exist, i.e. "Real Illusions".

  • Beatrice can not open portals into the cosmic rifts to summon and/or banish eldritch abominations such as ravenous tentacle monsters, haunting shadow creatures, or hivemind-controlled alien drones.

  • Beatrice does not fly around the city at night while Kevin is asleep and eat people. Usually.

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Name: Elizabeth Mars

Alias/Nickname: Bunee Mars

Age: 24

Gender: Female


20160411 172152

20160411 172204

20160411 172238

Superpower: Elizabeth doesn't specifically have a superpower, but she uses her notebooks/sticky notes/ paper in general to create living matter and gear. Drawing the items does nothing until she signs it in blood. However, the items she can create depend on the blood she uses. People with a stronger will allow her to create larger and stronger items. Very few people have enough will to create something as big as a house, so Elizabeth has to think outside the box to succeed in creating matter. Among the things she creates, the most common are weapons like swords/guns, wings, bombs (All kinds, but mostly smoke bombs), boxing gloves, and little pet-like creatures that she often plays with. Finally, to destroy these creations, she can either rip the paper or use and eraser to erase the item itself.

(One more thing is that creating people IS possible, but she cannot create people that don't exist, she needs the blood of the person she is recreating, they are somewhat less powerful or skilled than the original person, and they can only exist in reality for so long.


20160411 172632

Elizabeth carries both a normal pencil and a set of pens that resemble syringes carrying the blood she uses for her fighting. Her utility belt has many sticky note pads filled with pre-made drawings for quick usage. While I didn't remember to draw this last piece of equipment, she lastly has a bag containing a sketchbook, a first-aid kit, colouring tools, and other emergency supplies.

Origins/Background: Elizabeth has always been ecstatic and hyper, creative, and curious. She's also morbidly obsessed with human and/or animal biology. This got her easily into medicine, but quickly got her fired as well. Though thanks to her girlfriend (Melissa; next character profile) and her creativeness, she managed to get into the hero business with both a new career in medicine, and a chance at crime fighting.

Personality: Elizabeth is often hyper and can't distinguish emotions very well. She loves examining people due to her morbid curiosity and does things that might be considered creepy/illegal but does make up for it. She never likes to listen to reason, and likes to take jokes too far.

Extra Info/Spot: Though she is good with medicine and drawing, she did not create the technology she uses to fight. That was Melissa.

ALSO: By a new career in medicine, I mean she works in helping injured/sick heroes, as well as hosting a constant blood drive. The office would be located in the main hero's association building for convenience.


Name: Melissa Stream

Alias/Nickname: Etherealia

Age: 25

Gender: Female


20160411 172255

20160411 172301

Superpower: Melissa has telepathy and different kinds of vision (X-ray, black light, night vision, etc). It helps help with reading her opponents, playing with technology, and helping Elizabeth with her work.

(AKA: She has fast reaction time)

Equipment: She often fights with Elizabeth, giving her equipment to help her fight, other than that, it's mostly herself and what little compact weapons she has in her jacket.

Origins/Background: Though she was born with telepathy, as a teen, Melissa was obsessed with body modification, technology, and tinkering with everything she can get her hands on. She eventually took the body modification so far as transplanting her eyes, giving her the special modes of vision she possesses. Though she eventually stopped wearing piercings and even stopped wearing makeup. This change was around the time she met Elizabeth and started dating her, Liz somewhat changed her opinions on physical appearance.

Personality: Melissa is calm and collected, though she has a special sense of harshness to others, even if she doesn't realize it. She offers advice to people about problems she shouldn't stick her nose in, but this habit helps her keep Elizabeth in check. She comes across as scary and intelligent, her pride allowing her to make simple mistakes. Though usually, she seems more like a guardian to Liz than a girlfriend.

Extra Info/Spot: Melissa is Liz's partner and nurse. She is always around her, and defends her.

(NOTE: When especially pissed off, Melissa can show slight telekinetic ability.

When focused or determined enough, Melissa can show mind altering/ mind controlling abilities.

Both instances are VERY rare.)


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