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Fandom One Piece


One Thousand Club
Keep in mind that this roleplay has nothing to do with the show. This is a totally a different era so characters like Crocodile and Arlong have not been defeated yet..
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Sun grinned and took another bite of the giant custard filled donut he stole from the market on the dock. He wasn't even really sure where he was, he just really needed a snack. Hopefully, the crew would still be at the docks along with the ship. He happily jogged all the way back to the docks, finishing what was left of his sugary snack.


He looked upwards, not seeing any of the crew members on deck. Maybe he took too long and they had fallen asleep?

"Azale! You still up there?" He yelled as he quickly climbed up the side of the ship, ignoring the rope ladder that he had set up earlier.

[if anyone is wondering, I am at a small island mainly used for markets and trades.]
Azale looked over from the opposite side of the ship where he'd been watching the horizon, "Yea, What is it?" He asked, turning around.
Zero was in big trouble if he got spotted after all pirates aren't very nice to stowaways and that's what Zero was doing stowing away on a pirate ship for all he knew the pirate could be someone with a grudge against him from his navy days or some rookie pirate that's never heard of the Thousand movements Zero, the ex-vice admiral turned pirate but still it wasn't his style to ask if he could have a ride on the ship Oh no no no he would just sneak on and see where it would go after all destiny been nice to Zero so far so maybe this pirate ship would take him to some nice spar island where the navy's not allowed but as it was that would be very unlikely no its more like this ship would take him into a storm.

(Yes this is your ship i'm stowing away on @Endymion )
Sun chewed on the inside on his mouth before replying. "I'm bored and I'm pretty sure the Navy is tailing us. Sheele told me so" he said as he pointed to a girl with dark brown hair looking through a telescope. He scratched his head and leaped over the railing. "Should we stick around or go?"

"Mmm...I don't know actually... it'd be wise to go..." Azale started, pausing. After a moment his fist turned into fire and he stared at it, "but oh so fun to stay... what does Sheele think?"
Sheele turned her head in annoyance. "We should go, but I don't think that's going to happen if Sun doesn't get off his lazy ass. The Navy is about an hour away from us. If we leave now, we might just make it. There would be no sense in trying to fight them now- most of our crew is in Loguetown and who knows how much ships the marines have with them." She walked to the back of the ship and pulled on the lever that made the anchor rise and she headed for the wheel.
Zero smirked the ship seemed to be getting ready to set sail or at least the anchor was being raised as the ship began to rock side to side meaning it was no longer being help to the bottom of the see. Zero just had the easy part to do now stay hidden from what he managed to hear above it seems the navy is after this ship they very thing he meant by a storm was the navy turns out his guess was right this ship will drive him right into a storm still beggars can't be choosers so he was going to take what he already had.
"Well that's that then. The lady knows best." Azale said with a shrug, walking to the prow.
Sun scratched his head and shrugged. He climbed up onto the top of the ship so he could examine their surroundings. If he squinted really hard, he could see the figure of two massive Navy ships. "Sheele, get the ship moving! We have to reach Loguetown by tomorrow at the earliest!" The ship rocked forward and began to sail.
"Yea Sheele. Get us moving." Azale said with a grin. "Whatcha see Sun?" He asked, looking up.
Atom said:
"Yea Sheele. Get us moving." Azale said with a grin. "Whatcha see Sun?" He asked, looking up.
Sun frowned. "Just the ships. Two massive ships. I'd say.. 300 men at most."
"Hmmm... that's simple then. I'll buy us some time." Azale said with a shrug, heading to the aft of the ship, "Give me approximate distance and height above the water of the sails if you can." Azale shouted, juggling a fireball.


cloud was wondering around the lsland(which ever one), sipping on a tall class of homemade lemonade a nice woman offered him. If it was one thing he like..it was lemonade! home made lemonade at that."Oh my gosh,im sooo bored." the shark fishman muttered and huffed. He over heard people talk about a young man and his pirate. The black wings or whatever they called their selves. To him, thet didn't seem so bad at all..but he had no idea."Whats so good about them?" he muttered. The question was good,because they weren't good at all
Suzume was sitting behind a few barrels of something other in one of the ships that Sun had spotted. She'd overheard a couple of crew members mentioning they were stopping off at an island soon, but she hadn't been able to make it above the deck or anywhere else she could see out of. She adjusted her position against the barrel. It was definitely not the most comfortable place to sit, but she had to make do. After all, she'd heard that some pirates with high bounties were around in the area.
ambrosia said:
Suzume was sitting behind a few barrels of something other in one of the ships that Sun had spotted. She'd overheard a couple of crew members mentioning they were stopping off at an island soon, but she hadn't been able to make it above the deck or anywhere else she could see out of. She adjusted her position against the barrel. It was definitely not the most comfortable place to sit, but she had to make do. After all, she'd heard that some pirates with high bounties were around in the area.
Sun laughed and clapped as the fireball blasted one of the ships right out of the water. "Bullseye!" He leaped onto the deck sitting on a few barrels, preparing to take a nap.

(Yep @ambrosia @Atom)
Zero smirked as he heard that they were heading to Loguetown what could be better thee very place he needed to go was Loguetown and that's where they were heading it seems that god hasn't forsaken him yet. However it seems not everything was fine and dandy as this ship was under attack by the navy as could be heard by the explosion nearby still as it was he hadn't be caught by either the pirates whose ship he stowed away on nor the Navy whose looking for a rouge ex-vice admiral.

Sol had arrived
in Loguetown his ship arrived not to long ago, and got out of his small ship. The waves splashed against the docks, and smell in the air was lovely, outside of the stink coming from nearby ships, it was a good feeling, he'd never been in Loguetown before. Sol didn't know what to do first, it was his first time in the place this big in a long time, should he got get some food? Almost forgetting, he got his stuff out of the boat, along with a purple sack, and took a cookie from it, and ate it. He decided to go at the tavern, that way he could watch the docks for his crew members that were surely coming, alongside possibly have some fun of his own, and that's what he did. It took a while but he found the bar, and inside were numerous tables, drunken men, men gambling though if they were drunk he couldn't tell, and a bartender.

Going up to the bartender he tried to get a drink, but was given juice instead, because of his young appearance, he didn't really like that, but not much he could do really about it. So, just like a sensible person, knowing he couldn't get into a fight right now, he took the juice and sat at a nearby window, watching out of it, looking at the ocean, and waiting to see any hints of his crew. All in the meantime taking small sips of the juice, trying not to provoke a drunken man, or gambler.​
Suzume stiffened at the loud explosion. Obviously, something was going on outside, and sitting behind a barrel probably wouldn't help her much. She gathered her jacket around her shoulders and got to her feet quietly. Voices were yelling outside of the storage room, and she could only guess what they were yelling about. In the chaos, Suzume managed to get to the deck, and saw that the sister to the ship she was on had been hit–badly.

The blonde ducked past one of the crew and sprinted to the rail of the side of the ship. Blue eyes glanced around. She couldn't save these men, and knew hardly anything about them. They appeared only to have strength in their numbers, though she hadn't seen their captain yet. Suzume bit her lip, her hands gripped tightly around the railing. The orange of the flames was reflected in the ocean. To her right, she saw a canon being loaded. "Fight fire with fire," she muttered.
Sun climbed up the top of the ship and sat down, crossed leg. He laughed out loud, watching the second ship sink to the ocean floor. "Good job, Azalea." Without waiting for a reply, he hopped back down onto the main deck.
Sona was below deck cleaning her guns. She wasn't one to care about the rocking of the ship, but with the loud boom of the cannon she sighed. She reassembled her guns in under 5 seconds and holstered them. She made her way up the stairs and to the deck. Opening the door she stepped out her hat covering her face. "Oye, que esta pasando? Who are we firing at now?" She looked at her captain placing one hand on her hip.

Sun laughed carelessly. "I don't know what you just said but we were being followed by two Navy ships. Azale took care of it though." He paused to look at Sona with a grin. "I'm bored, you want to spar or something?" The ship stopped rocking and began to smoothly sail again. The sky was losing it's clouds, making it a nice clear blue.

@Shangri La
Suzume gasped as she saw the fireball heading towards her ship, and quickly dove off the railing into the ocean. The pull of the sinking ship nearly dragged her under, but she managed to cling onto a piece of (not burning) wreckage. There were splinters where the wood had been torn away from the rest of the ship, but it was better than nothing. Suzume allowed herself to catch her breath gazing at the somewhat distant island, before diving away from the wreckage and underwater. She was headed towards the ships where the fireballs had come from, but there really wasn't another choice.
She crossed her arms and sighed. She was no fan of the navy, hell she loves to beat them down. However there may be some implications with sinking two ships like that. "No, capitan. Do yo think it's wise to sink down two Navy ships without making sure who was on it. What if there were friends on there?" She shook her head "I trust your judgement, capitan. Pero tengo que mirar los damages, si los hay." She smiled and walked over to the side of the boat and looked for any damages. She noticed something in the distance and watched as it came into view.

(@ambrosia do you want me to spot you?)
Sun mumbled something about dead people and boredom before stuffing a caramel apple in his mouth.

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