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Fandom One Piece

Kiki glanced over at Max, giggling as he climbed into her shoulder. "What in the world is Jakob doing?" She asked, bringing up her hand and petting his head gently. "I don't want a fight on this ship! We just bought it, and I don't want damage done to it!"
Jakob turned to the group. "He'll do exactly as I say." He told them. The demon watched the three. Jakob said one word and the demon was back in it's realm.

Max smiled at Kiki, sighing at Jakob. "You won't believe how many times he's been chased through the city by guards for this stuff..."
Kiki chuckled and continued to pet him. "AI, you know what, can you be my parrot?" She asked, scratching under his chin. "You fit so well on my shoulder, and we'd make a great duo!"
Max shrugged. "I'm bound to Jakob but I think he wouldn't mind me staying with you for a bit, right Jakob?" He asked.

Jakob nodded. "Just treat him well."
Kiki's eyes lit up and she gasped in surprise. She was a complete pirate now! Hell, she was even better. Parrots are cool, but Dragons beat them by a landslide. "Thank you so much! I promise to treat him so well!"

Tristan J. Taylor

Tristan rose an eyebrow and with that grit his teeth together while a long grin crept up his face "Oh? If you really insist.." cracking his index finger and other's by placing his thumb over and putting pressure onto it he took a few steps closer towards Jakob before viewing the tall demon which seemed to just come out of no where 'He summoned that thing? I doubt the kid is actually a warlock..Maybe he's a devil fruit user?' he pondered to himself at the sight of the thing. Raising both of his hands up as if he were ready to get the fight started "Can I ask you something before we start..Although that thing might be strong, what happens if I just go for you?" his expression seeming to go sadistic for a few moments, silence filled the area at least that's what it felt like to Tristan at the time while he waited to hear Jakob's answer.

Jakob smirked, turning back around. "He'll send you to the depths of hell and end your life..." He watched him carefully.

Max smiled at Kiki. "Let's hope the ship isn't sunk before we get out of port..."

Tristan J. Taylor

Tristan seemed to just stare at Jakob as he spoke, not really making much of a comment he figured it to be a bluff more than anything. It didn't seem to really effect his mood at all if anything it made Tristan want to do this even more. "Okay..If that's the case, looks like tall guy over here is going down first." unwrapping the tan cloth that seemed to be connected to the back of his pants by a thin strapped belt. Revealing two completely silver and slightly curved shaped short blades, taking one each hand and quickly slicing it out in front of him. It seemed to be more of a show off move than anything actually offensive. Motioning his eyes over towards the creature which had been summoned, quickly analyzing what he could before checking if Jakob was ready "So, do you still want to go through with this?" some what hoping his answer would be yes.

At that moment, a guard spotted Jakob and about 10 guards came chasing down the port. Jakob cursed under his breath, sent the demon back to hell and watched the guards carefully. "We have to get moving!" He told the others.

Tristan J. Taylor

Tristan looked back to see the ten guards running towards them. Looking back to Jakob with a confused expression and back to the demon looking creature that he had suddenly popped back in his 'pocket'. At least that how it looked on Tristan's point of view. "You have that thing on your side and scared by a group of guards?" he shook his head, sliding his short blades back in place and quickly wrapping it back up in the tanned cloth. Letting out a sigh he turned around "I think I can handle this one.." leaping off the ship in front of the group of guards. He stood in their way with a proud persona about him "Hey hey, what's the problem here guys?" after a while of chit chat, it soon became clear that they wanted Jakob (I can't assume why so I'll explain it that way) looking back he rose an eyebrow "Him? Noooo that's not the kid you're looking for..The kid is at the inn hiding I saw the brat earlier I swear. That kid's my brother we're just travelling." he seemed to try talk it out with the guards first.

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Jakob nodded to the guards. The guards weren't too convicted. The others went to search the inn while one stayed and started boarding the ship. "If he really is your brother, I guess you wouldn't mind if I search him." Max his in Kiki's hood, knowing if they saw him they would know it was the person they were looking for.

"Can you feel the sense of adventure or you would find a taste of wealth?"

Hanami goes to shopping as she strolls with her cane. The wind is blowing her hair and her mini-cape lightly. She thinks to herself to drown her mouth with rice wine. Somewhat her breath smelled like rice wine is if Hanami drank them back at her ship. Then large of guards, likely about 10 of them were chasing a convict. Whatever bothers her, Hanami forcibly decided to go check on the guards. Walking towards the guards, Hanami taps the guard's arm and asked questionally. "What's the ruckus here, guards?" She stumbles upon Taylor in conversation with the guards. What did she miss out? "Hey Taylor, the heck your doing here?" said with a smirk.

@Sinister Clown

Tristan J. Taylor

While Tristan thought things were going well, he almost convinced most of the guards to leave. Originally they planned on leaving one on the ship to assure something. Tristan smirked at the idea, he was more than confident he could deal with one guard and by the times the other guards would have come back from the Inn they should have been gone. However this whole plan was avoided when someone stumbled into the scene, At first Tristan didn't pay much attention to the woman until hearing his last name being called out, his eyes widening in shock and for a moment stopping in his tracks as he motioned his bright aqua eyes towards the woman slowly before coming to a steady halt once meeting her eyes with his.

"I really hate when people call me by my last name y'know?" in all honesty, at the time Tristan couldn't recognize who it was, although this could have been due to being tipsy and her image was mostly blocked by the guards she was shoving out of the way.

@Miriana The Lazy

(I'm not sure if your Hanami already knows Tristan from personal experience or from marine headquaters. Could you let me know? And if it's from personal experience could you give me a short description of what could have happened?)

"Can you feel the sense of adventure or you would find a taste of wealth?"

Shoving thought the guards, Hanami seen a familiar face she known before. It was likely Taylor, she doesn't bother to say his last name at the moment. "Taylor, are you deaf or something?" She said with a glare. Hanami was lost, didn't even know when did the guards chased a troublesome pirate. Yet, she approaches Tristian and smiled conceitedly with her "easy life."

@Sinister Clown

Toshi would walk quietly through an alley-way as he twirled a dagger in his hand making a slight whistle as it cut through the air but stopped as toshi slipped it away in his pocket before peering out the alley way,turning,and heading down the docks,his silver eyes drilled into the sailors that he passed by scanning over them trying to make out if they held anything valuable that he could sell for a decent amount of money.He would shake his head pitifully coming to a stop as he realized that all he had stolen so far was a dagger,a small bag of coins,and a fake watch"This wont do at all i couldn't even feed myself with this"he threw the watch aside hooking the bag of coins to his belt and slipping the dagger into his shirt before continuing his walk along the docks looking for something to do whether it was bothering a couple soldiers or starting a simple chat with a bystander all he wanted was something to do. Toshi would stop once more as he saw a couple soldiers walk past letting out a slight chuckle as he watched them pass by bumping into the second as he said"oops my bad"toshi would use the bump to snatch the mans pistol slipping it in his other hand held behind his back glaring as the second soldier who spun around reaching for his blade but was stopped by his partner who put a hand on his shoulder and said in a annoyed voice"we dont have the time for this we need to get to the rally point before the others realize we're missin"the soldier would nod in response and slip his blade away before turning around and going into a slight trot followed by his partner who faded away as they left toshi's sight.Toshi would eye the pistol taking it from behind his back and aiming it at a bottle that rolled about the deck aimless looking for his owner and whos search was stopped as toshi pulled the trigger watching as the bottle shattered into pieces that flew about causing a nearby sailor to jump in fright which made toshi smile brightly as he slipped the pistol in his empty holster and continued down the docks slipping his hands behind his back as he looked up at the sky his smile brightening.
Ace watched the comtion from the shadows, ' i wonder what their deal is she's clearly one of the maries and he's a pirate, i'll have to watch just a little long to see how this plays out'.

Tristan J. Taylor

Once hearing her voice for a second time, there was no mistaken it. He knew this person in some way however he couldn't place his finger on it yet, that was until coming in sight of the woman as she made her way to the front and faced him. Looking back at her self confident smile, Tristan gave one back however his seemed to be a little more cocky about how things were going to end, he knew exactly who this person was now. She was one of the Marine Admirals, although he wasn't sure why someone as important as her would be at an island like this. That didn't matter, what mattered was here and now. "I heard you the first time..Long time no see Miss. Tsukiko" tilting his head slightly to the side he glared at her for a few moments "Don't tell me you're going to start bothering me about the kid too are you?" Tristan seemed to assume this considering the other guards from earlier, it made him curious of what the kid could have done but little did Tristan know, this Marine probably wanted something to do with Tristan, not Jakob. (At least that's the way it's looking)

@Miriana The Lazy

@Anyone else around the docks
Toshi would stop walking as a group of guards came in sight that seemed to draw in toshi's attention causing him to continue walking and pick up his pace as he grew eager to get a close look but stopped again when he was 7 feet from the group and reached for his pistol and slowly raising it in the air firing it several times before loading it and closing his eyes half-way before stumbling over to the group of soldiers doing his best impression of a drunk as he leaned on ones shoulder and faked a small hiccup before reaching out and grabbing one of the guards toshi's expression changing as he slammed his elbow into the guards nose hitting a pressure point and knocking him unconscious before attempting to throw a punch at another guard who dodged it and slammed his fist into the side of toshi's face making a small cut that seemed to infuriate toshi as toshi would then leap forward and dig his left fist into the mans gut making him drop before sending a swift kick to his head knocking him unconscious before toshi started on another guard grabbing his arm and twisting it before toshi turned his head just in time to see the guards comrade thrust his blade aiming for toshi's chest so toshi would shift his body allowing the blade to hit the side of his hip before toshi grabbed the blade still holding the other guard and pulled the blade dragging one of the guards toward the other before hurling the guard who arm he held at his comrade making them slam into each other. Toshi would turn his attention to the remaining guards who by now had turned around and pulled out there blades and pointed them at the ground as toshi said"ok so theres about six of ye left and i bet i can knock u out in hmmm......aha i got it i bet i can knock ye out in 30 seconds"at this comment the guards chuckled but stopped as one of them stepped forward by the others soon after they all seemed to rush at toshi leaving the man and woman standing by each other as toshi grabbed ones arm slamming the palm of his free hand into the guards armpit before toshi would slam his knee into the guards chest and throw him aside taking out his pistol and backhanding another guard with the but of his gun instantly knocking the man down before slipping his pistol away and looking up as the final four guards ran at him toshi would reach into his shirt taking out four throwing knives and flick his wrist hitting a pressure point in each of there bodies making them fall to the ground before toshi finished the job running up to the first and landing a swift kick to his head before tackling the second struggling to land a punch since the guard would keep moving to dodge his attack until toshi pulled out a dagger and slammed it into the collar of the mans jacket pinning him to the wood so he couldn't move before slamming his fist into the guards face multiple times until the guard fainted but b the time toshi got up the last to guards retreated leaving the lad standing there with no clue what to do next before toshi glanced at the two figures his silver eyes drilled into the woman noticing she was an admiral before he took out another dagger and twirled it in hand (hope u dont mind if i drop in :P )

@Sinister Clown @MiraculousMayhem @anyone else on the docks
Joumon | Holy Land Mariejois | World Government Headquarters | Commander-in-Chief's Office

It was a special day, for it was a day where the owner of the office in question was actually there and doing his job. The office was designed to be relaxing and comfortable, the back wall of the room being a clear window view into the depths of an expansive and diverse aquarium, with the walls to each side coloured mazarin blue and lined with Navy memorabilia, paintings of past great marines and the likes. The centrepiece of the room was the desk, a marble thing which was honestly a bit more deserving of "altar" than desk as a name, and a large blue-cushoined chair behind it - far too big for the rooms current owner, who sat cross legged upon it, pondering at the three open files before him with his fingers lightly combing over his curved beard.

Joumon let out an aged hum in consideration of the individual profiles before him, the three current marine admirals. He moved his free hand out to pull the furthest to the right closer, wrinkles around his eyes intensifying as he scrutinized it.

Adm. Sinju Saraka. Age Thirty-Seven. Wielder of the Ope Ope abilities, arguably one of the most powerful devil fruits. Good performance record - as expected. Alcoholic. Psych profile... different; seems to suffer from a form of mal-dis-associative personality disorder... elitist. The hair on Joumon's upper lip tussled with the pursing of his lips. Sinju was in consideration, but not before some sort of discussion. He pressed the file back with the rest, and then reached for the leftmost, pulling it forward.

Adm. Velle P. Donquixote, scion of a World Noble family. Age Twenty-Nine, too young. Hone Hone abilities, useful individually but its true forte comes from defensive and offensive structures. Sketchy performance record, highest casualty rate out of the three admirals, odd and sadistic tendencies and labels them as necessary. Joumon shook his head slowly in a mix of disappointment and amusement, this was what child soldiers and cross-over with CP9 did to a marine. This one was not in consideration, no matter how much pressure any World Nobles put on him - the Gorosei would support him on this much. Intervention possibly required about that attitude and methodology. He pushed Velle's file back and went for the last of the three:

Adm. Hanami Tsukiko. Age Twenty-Nine, also too young. Ningyō Ningyō abilities, essencially a booster to the physical capabilities of the user, a very much "skill based" devil fruit power. Good record, if inclined toward frontier expeditions more than anything else. Good personality, a bit absent minded but nothing harmful. Tentative consideration, her age made it difficult to really push the responsibility of any promotion upon her, but given a few years it was not out of the question. A potential protege, perhaps? Joumon huffed, a slight smile inclining on his face as he pushed her file back with the rest.

Commander-in-Chief, while a "lazy" job, did not come without it stresses. Ultimately, it was to him to decide who became recognized as the most powerful people within the marines, an act which would shape the future direction of the organization dependent on who went where. He had to be careful with appointments, or else he could very well topple the infrastructure with a bad choice. He hummed once more, continuing to pat his beard in thought. His first action...

The old marine reached out for a den-den mushi at the end of marble desk, defined by a silver head of hair covering one eye and an admiral jacket over its shell, and began a call to the other end...

Lily wakes up slightly and she looks at Zain, she was glad she agreed to join his crew, or ctew to be, whatever you want to call it. She was happy she agreed on going with him, she looks at him and observes him while wondering when they were were getting to land again.


Tristan J. Taylor

In the midst of things, it seemed that another appeared from seemingly no where. One by one he slowly took down the guards and once he finished set his eyes on the Admiral, from his reckless movements Tristan believed he would be either some assassin or even a mercenary. It wouldn't be hard to believe considering a lot of 'scum' had personal issues with the world government. Motioning his eyes over to the other guy, he let out a slight sigh..Whoever the guy was he just ruined the whole situation for Tristan. He felt he could talk himself out of this one but after all the guards being taken down Tristan found it hard to believe the Admiral would be happy in the slightest. Gritting his teeth "Oi, stranger what the hell are you doing?" he asked the new comer with an annoyed look in his eyes.


@Miriana The Lazy

"Can you feel the sense of adventure or you would find a taste of wealth?"

Hanami holds her cane handle firmly when the assassin stares down her eyes. She pulls out her wooden sheath to reveal her steel blade. "You wouldn't fight a lady, would you?" She steps back and then goes into her Bartitsu stance. "Tristan, care to dance with me?" She smiled with excitement. This guy seems to threaten to take her down, but he doesn't know the fact that he won't stand a chance. She's an admiral after all, the assassin would be digging his own grave if he wants to fight against an admiral.

@Sinister Clown @ToshimaSuzuki

Tristan J. Taylor

Tristan eyed down Hanami for a moment, despite her rather 'inviting' speech to help her take out the assassin. Letting off a small smirk as he snickered to himself "I think first you should tell me what you want with me.." raising his head up slightly he looked back over to the other man who looked to be aiming at the Admiral "Also, word of advice..Don't fight her." he said with a slight shrug, he had nothing against the guy so he decided to tell him. He knew of this Admiral and what she could do, she was the eater of the Puppet puppet fruit. "She's a devil fruit user..A very maneuverable one and from what you shown...You won't be able to keep up." this was also some what true for Tristan's case as well. The remarkable agility of the devil fruit was what made it known, at least that's how Tristan came about to hear of it. Tristan knew that there was no way he could keep up with movements like that and although he felt he could try make things even by using his devil fruit. He was always cautious about using it.


@Miriana The Lazy
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As he heard the man ,toshima flicked his dagger and slipped it away his gaze still fixed on the woman but his nerves had calmed and he stood there his silver eyes drilling into the woman before he turned around and started to loot the unconscious guards taking ammo and a sword which he hooked to his belt before he continued,taking change from the body's and slipping it in his bag before turning around and looking at the two and askin"wat was that all about"he flicked his wrist acknowledging the guards before taking several steps towards them until he was only s foot away from the group

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