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Fandom One Piece the New Era

I have created the Admiral if PBtenchi accepts him. unless you want to make your own admiral for this, I can save mine for a later arc.

Well if no one else wants to take on the character I gladly will! I love playing an antagonist role anyways, but yeah I was thinking about making a Marine character either way since this Rp seems a little bare on Marines at the moment.
I edited it, but you know by the time you get to the time skip everything is going to be about haki.
Morgol is a master of haki and stuff, but that's because he's the strongest of the three. He's akainu
Don't worry, I got rid of the Haki thing. It wasn't important to his character. He has two important things about him, one is that he ironically looks like a pirate captain despite not liking pirates and he has the chop chop fruit.
Yes I'm breaking the rule.... Good thing I'm dropping out. Sorry guys, but I just don't care for this.... I think things may have been rushed a bit... Like the warlord against warlord fight, the really high bounties and the alliance.... So yeah
Nah, It's understandable. this whole thing was fun, but we have to understand that It already wore off. I don't know how many Pages it could go, but this was a huge thing, you gotta admit. Now we can bid it farewell in a Good manner and go on our separate paths.
I'm just sad that I came in so late. I wish I could have contributed to the heyday of this roleplay.
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Well, I got one idea... its an original rp based of the rpnation character off and my vast knowledge of battle mangas.

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